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aarch64 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
absolute - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
AbstractGenericIpHost - Class in dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi
AbstractGenericIpHost(IConfigurationPropertyStoreService, IDynamicStatusStoreService, ICredentialsService, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
AbstractGherkinManager - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
AbstractGherkinManager() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractGherkinManager
AbstractManager - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
An abstract manager which attempts to provide all the boilerplate code necessary to write a Manager in Galasa.
AbstractManager() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
access - Variable in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccess
Action - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
activate(BundleContext) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
activate(BundleContext) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GherkinTestRunner
activate(BundleContext) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
add(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList
Put an XML element in the element list
addArguments(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
addArguments(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
addArguments(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
addArguments(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
addArguments(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
addArguments(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
addCommandSwitches(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
addCommentsBefore(Element, String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add one or more XML comment before the supplied XML element
addCommonHeader(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Add a header that will be used on all http requests
addCompoundElement(String, Map<String, String>, IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add a compound XML element to the Liberty server.xml Document object
addCompoundElementToParent(Element, String, Map<String, String>, IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add a compound XML element as a child to supplied XML element in the Liberty server.xml Document object
addDependentManager(List<IManager>, List<IManager>, GalasaTest, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
Helper method to find managers that implement an interface and tell them they are required
addElement(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add a simple XML element to the Liberty server.xml Document object
addElementToParent(Element, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add a simple XML element as a child to supplied XML element in the Liberty server.xml Document object
addEncodedExtensions(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
addEncodedExtensions(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
addEncodedExtensions(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
addEncodedExtensions(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
addExtensions(File...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
addExtensions(File...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
addExtensions(List<File>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
addExtensions(List<File>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
addFeature(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Convenience method to add a feature to the Liberty server server.xml
addImage(TerminalImage) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
Add a new image to the terminal
addJcl(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi.IZosBatchJobOutputSpi
Add JCL to the job output
addMember(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Add a new member to this grouping profile
addMember(String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Add a new member to this grouping profile
addOkResponseCode(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Add a response code for the execute to ignore and treat as OK
addPreference(String, Boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
addPreference(String, Integer) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
addPreference(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
addResultArchiveStoreService(IResultArchiveStoreService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
Add a new Result Archive Store Service to the framework, eventually we will have the ability to have multiples RASs running
addSpoolFile(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi.IZosBatchJobOutputSpi
Add a spool file to the job output
addStatement(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
addTextContextElement(Element, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add a text context XML element as a child to supplied XML element in the Liberty server.xml Document object
After - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
After - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
AfterClass - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
AfterClass - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
aid(AttentionIdentification) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
ALL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption
allMethodsRegistered() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
allocateCicsClassSet() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Allocate a full CICS Security Class Set on the run image.
allocateUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Allocate a new userid on the run image.
allocateWebPage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage
allocateWebPage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage
allocateWebPage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL
allocateWebPage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL
allocateWebPage(String, IChromeOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Chrome Options
allocateWebPage(String, IChromeOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Chrome Options
allocateWebPage(String, IEdgeOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Edge Options
allocateWebPage(String, IEdgeOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Edge Options
allocateWebPage(String, IFirefoxOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Firefox Options
allocateWebPage(String, IFirefoxOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Firefox Options
allocateWebPage(String, IInternetExplorerOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Internet Explorer Options
allocateWebPage(String, IInternetExplorerOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Internet Explorer Options
allocateWebPage(String, IOperaOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Opera Options
allocateWebPage(String, IOperaOptions) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Allocate a new WebPage for a provided URL with Opera Options
allowAllAccess() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Creates a generic '*' profile with a UACC of ALTER on all CICS security classes so that security can be switched on and everyone will have access.
allowAllAccess() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosCicsClassSet
Create a generic '*' profile with uacc of ALTER in all the member classes
allowAllAccess(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Creates a generic '*' profile with a UACC of ALTER on all CICS security classes so that security can be switched on and everyone will have access.
ALTER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.Action
ALTER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
alternateColumns() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Terminal
alternateRows() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Terminal
alterSit(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
This method allows a SIT parameter to be altered, but only if the provisioning tool allows it.
alterUacc(RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Amend the UACC of this profile
alterUacc(RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Amend the UACC of this profile
AND - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
android - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
AnnotatedField - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Represents annotated fields that the AbstractManager finds on behalf of Managers
AnnotatedField(Field, List<Annotation>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AnnotatedField
annotation() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.GenerateAnnotatedField
AnsiEscapeSequences - Class in dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi
AnsiEscapeSequences() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AnsiEscapeSequences
any - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.linux.OperatingSystem
ANYAVAIALBLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
anyReasonTestClassShouldBeIgnored() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
anyReasonTestClassShouldBeIgnored() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Should the test class be run at all? Used to set the Test Class to Ignored.
anyReasonTestClassShouldBeIgnored() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
anyReasonTestMethodShouldBeIgnored(GalasaMethod) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
anyReasonTestMethodShouldBeIgnored(GalasaMethod) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Should the Test Method be run at all? Used to set the Test Method to Ignored.
anyReasonTestMethodShouldBeIgnored(GalasaMethod) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
Api - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
append(LogEvent) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
appendCertficateById(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IKeyStore
Allows a certificate to be retrieved from the the certificate store based on its ID tag and added to this keystore.
appendChar(char) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
appendDer(String, InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IKeyStore
Allows a Base64 encoded DER cert to be appended to the Keystore
appendPem(String, InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IKeyStore
Allows a PEM cert file to be appended to the Keystore
appendPemAsString(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IKeyStore
Allows a Base64 encoded PEM cert to be appended to the Keystore
appendProfileValue(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Append a value to a JVM server option or JVM system property in the JVM profile of the format key=value in the JVM profile.
appendTestCatalog(JsonObject, JsonObject, Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ITestCatalogBuilder
appendTestCatalogForSharedEnvironment(JsonObject, Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ITestCatalogBuilder
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_JSON - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_X_TAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
APPLICATION_XML - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssAdd
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDelete
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDeletePrefix
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceAdd
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceDelete
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceDeletePrefix
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceSwap
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceUpdate
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssSwap
applyPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssUpdate
applyPrefix(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDssAction
applyPrefix(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDssResourceAction
applyProperties(InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
This method gets called before start of a session providing necessary properties to the JMeter session
applyProperties(InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
This method gets called before start of a session providing necessary properties to the JMeter session The properties hashmap adds upon the propStream input with personalised properties
archive() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.db2.Db2Schema
archive() - Element in annotation interface
areYouProvisionalDependentOn(IManager) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
areYouProvisionalDependentOn(IManager) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Is this Manager dependent on the other Manager.
arm32 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
arm64 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
Artifact - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Artifact(Path, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.Artifact
ArtifactManager - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.artifact
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
ArtifactManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.artifact
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
asMap() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
asMap() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
asMap() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
asMap() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
asMap() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
ASSEMBLER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
Assembler program with .asminvalid input: '<'\code> file extension
AttentionIdentification - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
AUTHENTICATION - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
AuthStoreException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
AuthStoreException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.AuthStoreException
AuthStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.AuthStoreException
AuthStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.AuthStoreException
AuthStoreException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.AuthStoreException
AuthStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.AuthStoreException
autoConnect() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Terminal
Allow user to choose if the terminal autoconnects in provision start stage
AXIS2 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType


backSpace() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
backSpace() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
backSpace() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
backTab() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
backTab() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
backTab() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
base64(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.Credentials
BaseCicsImpl - Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
BaseCicsImpl(ICicstsManagerSpi, String, IZosImage, String, MasType) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
Before - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
Before - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
BeforeClass - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
BeforeClass - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
No data conversion is performed
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType
No data conversion is performed
BINARY - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
BLINK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
browser() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.selenium.SeleniumManager
browser() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.selenium.WebDriver
Browser - Enum Class in dev.galasa.selenium
Specifies the supported browser types for Local and remote versions
BufferCarrageReturn - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
BufferCarrageReturn() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferCarrageReturn
BufferChar - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
BufferChar(char) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferChar
BufferEndOfMedium - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
BufferEndOfMedium() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferEndOfMedium
BufferFormFeed - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
BufferFormFeed() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferFormFeed
BufferGraphicsEscape - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
BufferGraphicsEscape(byte) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferGraphicsEscape
BufferNewLine - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
BufferNewLine() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferNewLine
BufferStartOfField - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
Create a Start of Field position, represents to SF order
BufferStartOfField(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
Create the start of a field
BufferStartOfField(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, AttributeExtendedHighlighting, AttributeForegroundColour, AttributeBackgroundColour) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
build() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Build the complete JVM server including the profile zOS UNIX file and the CICS resource definition.
build() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Build the JVM profile on the zOS UNIX file system
build() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Build the complete JVM server including the profile zOS UNIX file and the CICS resource definition.
build() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Build the client
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Builds the the Liberty server on the zOS UNIX file system from any objects that have been created such as the server.xml
BUILD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase
BUILD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SharedEnvironmentRunType
BUILDING - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
buildInstallResourceDefinition() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Build and install the CICS BUNDLE resource definition
buildInstallResourceDefinition() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Build and install the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition
buildProfile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Build the JVM server profile zOS UNIX file only
buildResourceDefinition() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Build the CICS BUNDLE resource definition only
buildResourceDefinition() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Build the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition only
buildUniquePathName(Path, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Build a unique results archive artifact name
bundle - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
BundleManagement - Class in dev.galasa.framework
BundleManagement() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.BundleManagement
BundleResources - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.artifact
Obtain a IBundleResources object for this test class
byteResponse(CloseableHttpResponse) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a byte array content type from an HttpResponse.
byteResponse(CloseableHttpResponse, boolean) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a byte array content type from an HttpResponse.


C - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
C program with .c file extension
calculateFields() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
calculateRasRunId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
cancel() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Cancel the batch job
cancelled(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
capabilities() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.linux.LinuxImage
Capabilities required of this Linux Image, if any.
capabilities() - Element in annotation interface
Capabilities required of this Windows Image, if any.
capabilities() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosImage
Capabilities required of this zOS Image, if any.
ceci() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
ceci() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
CeciException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CeciException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciException
CeciException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciException
CeciException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciException
CeciException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciException
CeciException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciException
CeciManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CeciManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciManagerException
CeciManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciManagerException
CeciManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciManagerException
CeciManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciManagerException
CeciManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CeciManagerException
ceda() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
ceda() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
CedaException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CedaException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaException
CedaException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaException
CedaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaException
CedaException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaException
CedaException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaException
CedaManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CedaManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaManagerException
CedaManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaManagerException
CedaManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaManagerException
CedaManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaManagerException
CedaManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CedaManagerException
cemt() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
cemt() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
CemtException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CemtException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtException
CemtException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtException
CemtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtException
CemtException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtException
CemtException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtException
CemtManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CemtManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtManagerException
CemtManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtManagerException
CemtManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtManagerException
CemtManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtManagerException
CemtManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CemtManagerException
CERTAUTH - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateType
Equivalent Certificate type of CERTAUTH
CertificateStoreException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
CertificateStoreException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.CertificateStoreException
CertificateStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.CertificateStoreException
CertificateStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.CertificateStoreException
CertificateStoreException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.CertificateStoreException
CertificateStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.CertificateStoreException
CHARACTER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
checkAbended(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Throws an exception if the CECI response has not abended with the supplied code
checkAccess(Path, AccessMode...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
checkNormal() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Throws an exception if the CECI response is not "NORMAL"
checkNotAbended() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Throws an exception if the CECI response is an abend
checkParameterEquals(String, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsHashMap
checkpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Checkpoint this IJvmserverLog
checkpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Sets the checkpoint to the end of the current log
checkpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Checkpoint this IZosLibertyServerLog
checkpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Checkpoint the current know log files
CheckpointException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.textscan
CheckpointException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.CheckpointException
CheckpointException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.CheckpointException
CheckpointException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.CheckpointException
CheckpointException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.CheckpointException
CheckpointException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.CheckpointException
checkpointLogs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Save a checkpoint of the current state of the JVM server logs
checkpointLogs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Convenience method to checkpoint the known Liberty server logs, i.e.
CHROME - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
cics() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
Is a CICS program and requires the CICS translator.
CICS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType
CicsBundleResourceException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
CicsBundleResourceException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsBundleResourceException
CicsBundleResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsBundleResourceException
CicsBundleResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsBundleResourceException
CicsBundleResourceException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsBundleResourceException
CicsBundleResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsBundleResourceException
CicsJvmprofileResourceException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
CicsJvmprofileResourceException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmprofileResourceException
CicsJvmprofileResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmprofileResourceException
CicsJvmprofileResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmprofileResourceException
CicsJvmprofileResourceException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmprofileResourceException
CicsJvmprofileResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmprofileResourceException
CicsJvmserverResourceException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
CicsJvmserverResourceException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmserverResourceException
CicsJvmserverResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmserverResourceException
CicsJvmserverResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmserverResourceException
CicsJvmserverResourceException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmserverResourceException
CicsJvmserverResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsJvmserverResourceException
cicsProvisionBuild() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioner
cicsProvisionDiscard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioner
cicsProvisionGenerate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioner
cicsProvisionStart() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioner
cicsProvisionStop() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioner
cicsRegion - Variable in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
CicsRegion - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
Represents a CICS TS region that has been provisioned for the test
cicsResource() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Provides a CICS resource instance that can then be used to create a specific CICS resource
cicsResource() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
CicsResourceManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
CicsResourceManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceManagerException
CicsResourceManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceManagerException
CicsResourceManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceManagerException
CicsResourceManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceManagerException
CicsResourceManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceManagerException
CicsResourceStatus - Enum Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
cicsTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.cicsts.CicsRegion
The tag of the CICS region this variable is to be populated with
cicsTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.cicsts.CicsTerminal
The tag of the CICS region terminal is to be associated with
cicsTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.sdv.SdvUser
The tag of the CICS region the User is to be associated with.
CicsTerminal - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
A zOS 3270 Terminal for use with a CICS TS Region that has access to the default CICS screens
CicsTerminalImpl - Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
CicsTerminalImpl(ICicstsManagerSpi, IFramework, ICicsRegionProvisioned, boolean, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
CicsTerminalImpl(ICicstsManagerSpi, IFramework, ICicsRegionProvisioned, boolean, ITextScannerManagerSpi, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
CicsTerminalImpl(ICicstsManagerSpi, IFramework, ICicsRegionProvisioned, IIpHost, boolean, ITextScannerManagerSpi, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
CicsTerminalImpl(ICicstsManagerSpi, IFramework, ICicsRegionProvisioned, String, int, boolean, boolean, ITextScannerManagerSpi, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
CicstsHashMap - Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CICS TS wrapper class to HashMap to provide additional functionality for use with CECI, CEMT and CEDA
CicstsHashMap() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsHashMap
cicstsManager - Variable in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
cicstsManager - Variable in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
CicstsManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
CicstsManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsManagerException
CicstsManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsManagerException
CicstsManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsManagerException
CicstsManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsManagerException
CicstsManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsManagerException
CicstsManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
cicstsRegionStarted(ICicsRegion) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
classname() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosPreDefinedProfile
The name of the class of the predefine profile.
CLASSPATH - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
clear() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
clear() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
clear() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList
Clear the XML element list
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
clearCommonHeaders() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Remove all headers for this http request
clearElement(By) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a By Object
clearElement(By, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a By Object
clearElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Class Name
clearElementByClassName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Class Name
clearElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Css Selector
clearElementByCssSelector(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Css Selector
clearElementById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by an ID
clearElementById(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by an ID
clearElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Link Text
clearElementByLinkText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Link Text
clearElementByName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Name
clearElementByName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Name
clearElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Partial Link Text
clearElementByPartialLinkText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Partial Link Text
clearElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Tag Name
clearElementByTagName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by a Tag Name
clearElementByXpath(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by an XPath Expression
clearElementByXpath(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clears the Element specified by an XPath Expression
clearFieldModified() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
clearHeaders() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Clear the existing HTTP Headers ready for the next zOSMF request
clearHeaders() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Clear the existing HTTP Headers ready for the next RSE API request
clearJvmLogs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Delete the JVM server logs
clearLogs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Clear the contents of the Liberty servers logs directory
clearQueue() - Method in interface
Clears the queue by consuming messages until queue is empty messages consumed are not archived regardless of the '@queue' annotation
clickElement(By) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a By Object
clickElement(By, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a By Object
clickElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Class Name
clickElementByClassName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Class Name
clickElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Css Selector
clickElementByCssSelector(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Css Selector
clickElementById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by an ID
clickElementById(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by an ID
clickElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Link Text
clickElementByLinkText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Link Text
clickElementByName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Name
clickElementByName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Name
clickElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Partial Link Text
clickElementByPartialLinkText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Partial Link Text
clickElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Tag Name
clickElementByTagName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by a Tag Name
clickElementByXpath(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by an XPath Expression
clickElementByXpath(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Clicks the Element specified by an XPath Expression
clone(IZosVSAMDataset) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Allocate the physical VSAM data set on the zOS image using the supplied VSAM data set as a model.
close() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IEventProducer
close() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
close() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
close() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
close the underlying HTTPClient
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Close current Window and quit browser if was only Window open
CloudContainer - Annotation Interface in
Cloud Container The Cloud Container provides the ability to integration test applications across one or more cloud platforms.
CloudContainerEnvProp - Annotation Interface in
Cloud Container - Environment Properties If any environment properties are required to be passed to the container at startup, they can be specified via here.
CloudContainerPort - Annotation Interface in
Cloud Container - Port A Port to be exposed from the Cloud Container.
cloudContainerTag() - Element in annotation interface
The cloudContainerTag is used to identify the Cloud Container to other Managers or Shared Environments.
CloudManagerException - Exception Class in
CloudManagerException() - Constructor for exception class
CloudManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class
CloudManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
CloudManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class
CloudManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
CloudManagerField - Annotation Interface in
Annotation to capture the other cloud related annotations from the test class
CMAS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType
CMCI - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
COBOL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
COBOL program with .cbl file extension
Colour - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
columnsToString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
Commands - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
compareTo(ProductVersion) - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
compareTo(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
compile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Compile and link the zOS Program.
compile() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
Compile this zOS program.
ConfidentialTextException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ConfidentialTextException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfidentialTextException
ConfidentialTextException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfidentialTextException
ConfidentialTextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfidentialTextException
ConfidentialTextException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfidentialTextException
ConfidentialTextException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfidentialTextException
ConfigMap - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
ConfigurationPropertyStoreException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ConfigurationPropertyStoreException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfigurationPropertyStoreException
ConfigurationPropertyStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfigurationPropertyStoreException
ConfigurationPropertyStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfigurationPropertyStoreException
ConfigurationPropertyStoreException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfigurationPropertyStoreException
ConfigurationPropertyStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ConfigurationPropertyStoreException
connect() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
connect() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
connect() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
connect() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
connectAtStartup - Variable in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
connectAtStartup() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.cicsts.CicsTerminal
The CICS TS Manager will automatically connect the terminal to the CICS TS region when ever is starts
connectCertificate(IZosCertificate) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Connect this keyring to a certificate
connectCertificate(IZosCertificate, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Connect this keyring to a certificate
connectCertificate(IZosCertificate, boolean, RACFCertificateType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Connect this keyring to a certificate
connectCertificate(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Connect this keyring to a certificate which outside the control of Galasa
connectCertificate(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Connect this keyring to a certificate which outside the control of Galasa
connectKeyring(IZosKeyring) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Connect this certificate to a RACF keyring
connectKeyring(IZosKeyring, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Connect this certificate to a RACF keyring
connectKeyring(IZosKeyring, boolean, RACFCertificateType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Connect this certificate to a RACF keyring
connectToCicsRegion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsTerminal
connectToCicsRegion() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
connectToGroup(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Connect this userid to a group
Constants - Class in dev.galasa
Constants() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.Constants
containsOption(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns true it the current JVM profile object contains the given option
containsPosition(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
containsText(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
ContentType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.http
ContinueOnTestFailure - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Continue On Test Failure will instruct Galasa that the event of a test method failure, the test will containue to run.
CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
COPY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun
CoreManager - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Fill this field with the Core Manager instance.
CoreManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.core.manager
CoreManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.core.manager.CoreManagerException
CoreManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.core.manager.CoreManagerException
CoreManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.core.manager.CoreManagerException
CoreManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.core.manager.CoreManagerException
CoreManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.core.manager.CoreManagerException
CoreManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
CpsProperties - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps
Utility methods for retrieving properties from the Configuration Property Store.
CpsProperties() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps.CpsProperties
CpuArchitecture - Enum Class in dev.galasa
create() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Allocate the physical data set on the zOS image.
create() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Create the zOS UNIX file or directory
create() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Allocate the physical VSAM data set on the zOS image.
create() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Create a Liberty server using the server create command
create() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Create the security context by logging into the KDC as the client and populating the context from the subject
create(Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Create the zOS UNIX file or directory with the supplied Access Permissions
createArtifactDirectory(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Create an empty dirictory in the results archive on behalf of another manager
createBytesMessage(byte[]) - Method in interface
creates a new JMS Message
createCertificate(IZosUserid, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(IZosUserid, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType, RACFCertificateTrust) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(String, IZosUserid, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(String, IZosUserid, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType, RACFCertificateTrust) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(String, String, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(String, String, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType, RACFCertificateTrust) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(String, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createCertificate(String, String, KeyStore, String, RACFCertificateType, RACFCertificateTrust) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Import a certificate into RACF.
createDirectories(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
createDirectories(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
createDirectory(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
createFile(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
createFile(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
createFileSystem() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
createIdMap(IZosUserid, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new Id Map for a userid.
createIdMap(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new Id Map for a userid.
createKerberosClientPrincipal(IZosKerberosPrincipal, IZosUserid) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a Kerberos client principal.
createKerberosInitiator(IZosKerberosPrincipal, IZosKerberosPrincipal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
createKerberosPrincipal(IZosUserid, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a Kerberos principal, generally to be used as a service principal in IZosSecurity.createKerberosClientPrincipal(IZosKerberosPrincipal, IZosUserid)
createKeyring(IZosUserid, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new Keyring for a userid on the run image.
createKeyring(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new Keyring for a userid on the run image.
createProfile(String, String, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new profile on the run image.
createProfile(String, String, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new profile on the specified image/sysplex.
createProfile(String, String, String, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new profile on the specified image/sysplex.
createProfile(String, String, String, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new profile on the specified image/sysplex.
createProfile(String, String, String, Map<String, String>, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Create a new profile on the specified image/sysplex.
createProfile(String, String, Map<String, String>, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
createRegexFromGlob(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
Convert a glob into a regex
createResource(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeda
createResource(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IKubernetesNamespace
Create a Resource in Kubernetes.
createTextMessage(String) - Method in interface
creates a new JMS Message of type TEXT
creationTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
Credentials - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
Credentials(SecretKeySpec) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.Credentials
CredentialsException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
CredentialsException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsException
CredentialsException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsException
CredentialsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsException
CredentialsException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsException
CredentialsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsException
CredentialsToken - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
CredentialsToken(SecretKeySpec, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsToken
CredentialsUsername - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
CredentialsUsername(SecretKeySpec, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsername
CredentialsUsernamePassword - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
CredentialsUsernamePassword(SecretKeySpec, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsernamePassword
CredentialsUsernameToken - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
CredentialsUsernameToken(SecretKeySpec, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsernameToken
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.IRasSearchCriteria
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaBundle
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaQueuedFrom
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaQueuedTo
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaRequestor
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaResult
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaRunName
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaStatus
criteriaMatched(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaTestName
cursorDown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
cursorDown() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
cursorDown() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
cursorLeft() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
cursorLeft() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
cursorLeft() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
cursorRight() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
cursorRight() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
cursorRight() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
cursorUp() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
cursorUp() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
cursorUp() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
custom(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
CYLINDERS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.SpaceUnit
Allocate data set in cylinders
CYLINDERS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit


DatastreamException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
DatastreamException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.DatastreamException
DatastreamException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.DatastreamException
DatastreamException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.DatastreamException
DatastreamException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.DatastreamException
DatastreamException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.DatastreamException
datastreamUpdate(IDatastreamListener.DatastreamDirection, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.IDatastreamListener
DATATABLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
Db2Instance - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.db2
Db2 Instance
Db2ManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.db2
Db2ManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.db2.Db2ManagerException
Db2ManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.db2.Db2ManagerException
Db2ManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.db2.Db2ManagerException
Db2ManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.db2.Db2ManagerException
Db2ManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.db2.Db2ManagerException
Db2ManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.db2
Annotation to capture the other db2 realted annotations from the test class
Db2Schema - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.db2
Db2 Schema
db2Tag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.db2.Db2Schema
deactivate() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
decode(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.Credentials
decrypt(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.Credentials
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
DEFAULT_BINARY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
defaultString(String, String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
defaultVariation() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestVariation
DEFINE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.Action
defineGroupProfile(ZosCicsClassResource, String, RACFAccessType, List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Create a new Grouping profile within this set
defineGroupProfile(ZosCicsClassResource, String, RACFAccessType, List<String>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Create a new Grouping profile within this set
defineMemberProfile(ZosCicsClassResource, String, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Create a new Member profile within this set
defineMemberProfile(ZosCicsClassResource, String, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Create a new Member profile within this set
defineVariable4BytePacked(ICicsTerminal, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a packed decimal CECI variable (CECI variable type P).
defineVariable8BytePacked(ICicsTerminal, String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a full double word CECI variable (CECI variable type D).
defineVariableBinary(ICicsTerminal, String, char[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a CECI binary variable.
defineVariableDoubleWord(ICicsTerminal, String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a double word CECI variable (CECI variable type FD).
defineVariableFullWord(ICicsTerminal, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a full word CECI variable (CECI variable type F).
defineVariableHalfWord(ICicsTerminal, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a half word CECI variable (CECI variable type H).
defineVariableText(ICicsTerminal, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Define a CECI text variable.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Delete the CICS BUNDLE resource including it's zOS UNIX files and directories.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Delete the JVM profile on the zOS UNIX file system
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Delete the CICS JVMSERVER resource including it's zOS UNIX files and directories.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Delete the IZosUNIXFile if it exists.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Delete the data set on the zOS image.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Delete the zOS UNIX file or directory from the zOS image.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Delete the VSAM data set on the zOS image.
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Delete the Liberty server files and directories
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Delete the IZosUNIXFile if it exists
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Delete the contents of the logs directory
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Delete the certificate from RACF
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosIdMap
Delete this Id Map
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Delete this keyring
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Delete this profile
delete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Delete the userid.
delete(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Delete the CICS JVMSERVER resource including it's zOS UNIX files and directories.
delete(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Delete this profile
delete(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Delete the key
delete(Set<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Delete a set of keys from the server
delete(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
delete(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method deletes a k-v pair from the property store.
delete(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
delete(String, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Issue an HTTP DELETE request to the zOSMF server with no request body
delete(String, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP DELETE request to the RSE API server with no request body
delete(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
delete(Set<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method does the same as the regular delete for a single k-v pair, but for a set of key values.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
DELETE method with no request body
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
DELETE method with no request body
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.Action
deleteAllVariables(ICicsTerminal) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Delete all variables in this CECI session.
deleteBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP DELETE to the provided URL, sending the provided byte and receiving a byte in the response.
deleteCertificate(IZosCertificate) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Delete the certificate.
deleteGroup(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeda
deleteIdMap(IZosIdMap) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Delete the idmap.
deleteJaxb(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP DELETE to the provided URL, receiving a JAXB Object in the response.
deleteJson(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP DELETE to the provided URL, receiving a
invalid @link
in the response.
deleteJson(String, JsonObject) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP DELETE to the provided URL, receiving a
invalid @link
in the response.
deleteKeyring(IZosKeyring) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Delete the keyring.
deletePrefix(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Delete all keys with this prefix
deletePrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method deletes the set of key values with a certain prefix.
deleteProfile(IZosCicsProfile) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Delete a profile.
deleteProfile(IZosCicsProfile, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Delete a profile.
deleteProfile(IZosProfile) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Delete the profile.
deleteProfile(IZosProfile, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Delete the profile.
deleteProperty(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Delete the property from the underlying configuration property store.
deleteProperty(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Removes a string property from the Configuration Property Store within the namespace for this object.
deleteResource(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeda
deleteText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP DELETE to the provided URL, receiving a String in the response.
deleteVariable(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Delete a single CECI variable.
deploy() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Deploy the CICS BUNDLE to the zOS UNIX file system
deployApplication(Class<?>, String, String, IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Deploy an application to the Liberty server.
deployApplicationToDropins(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Deploy an application to the Liberty server dropins directory.
Deployment - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
destroy() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method cleans up the properties in memory, the observers and monitors.
destructivelyEnsureCleanSession() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
dev.galasa - package dev.galasa
Galasa - Testers Programming Interface (TPI)
dev.galasa.api.ras - package dev.galasa.api.ras - package
dev.galasa.api.runs - package dev.galasa.api.runs
dev.galasa.artifact - package dev.galasa.artifact
Artifact Manager
dev.galasa.cicsts - package dev.galasa.cicsts
CICS/TS Manager
dev.galasa.cicsts.ceci.spi - package dev.galasa.cicsts.ceci.spi
zOSMF Batch Manager - Internal SPI
dev.galasa.cicsts.ceda.spi - package dev.galasa.cicsts.ceda.spi
dev.galasa.cicsts.cemt.spi - package dev.galasa.cicsts.cemt.spi
dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource - package dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
dev.galasa.cicsts.resource.spi - package dev.galasa.cicsts.resource.spi
dev.galasa.cicsts.spi - package dev.galasa.cicsts.spi - package - package
dev.galasa.common - package dev.galasa.common
dev.galasa.core.manager - package dev.galasa.core.manager
Galasa Core Manager
dev.galasa.db2 - package dev.galasa.db2
dev.galasa.db2.spi - package dev.galasa.db2.spi
dev.galasa.docker - package dev.galasa.docker
Docker Manager
dev.galasa.docker.spi - package dev.galasa.docker.spi
dev.galasa.framework - package dev.galasa.framework
Galasa Framework - Framework setup routines
dev.galasa.framework.spi - package dev.galasa.framework.spi
Galasa Framework - SPI
dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps
dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds - package
dev.galasa.framework.spi.language - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.language
dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Galasa Framework - FileSystem classes for creating new Result Archive Stores
dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure
Galasa Framework - SPI - Pojos to represent the structure of the Test Class
dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils - package dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
dev.galasa.http - package dev.galasa.http
HTTP Client Manager
dev.galasa.http.spi - package dev.galasa.http.spi
dev.galasa.ipnetwork - package dev.galasa.ipnetwork
IP Network Manager
dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi - package dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi - package - package - package - package - package - package
dev.galasa.jmeter - package dev.galasa.jmeter
JMeter Manager
dev.galasa.kubernetes - package dev.galasa.kubernetes
Kubernetes Manager
dev.galasa.kubernetes.spi - package dev.galasa.kubernetes.spi
dev.galasa.liberty - package dev.galasa.liberty
dev.galasa.liberty.spi - package dev.galasa.liberty.spi
dev.galasa.linux - package dev.galasa.linux
Linux Manager
dev.galasa.linux.spi - package dev.galasa.linux.spi - package
Message Queueing Manager
dev.galasa.openstack.manager - package dev.galasa.openstack.manager
Open Stack Manager
dev.galasa.sdv - package dev.galasa.sdv
dev.galasa.selenium - package dev.galasa.selenium
Selenium Manager
dev.galasa.selenium.spi - package dev.galasa.selenium.spi
dev.galasa.textscan - package dev.galasa.textscan
Galasa Text Scan Manager
dev.galasa.textscan.spi - package dev.galasa.textscan.spi
Galasa Text Scan Manager SPI
dev.galasa.vtp.manager - package dev.galasa.vtp.manager - package - package
dev.galasa.zos - package dev.galasa.zos
z/OS Manager
dev.galasa.zos.spi - package dev.galasa.zos.spi
dev.galasa.zos3270 - package dev.galasa.zos3270
zOS 3270 Terminal Manager - TPI
dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens - package dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens
dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json - package dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json
dev.galasa.zos3270.spi - package dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
Zos3270Terminal Manager
dev.galasa.zosbatch - package dev.galasa.zosbatch
z/OS Batch Manager Batch interface
dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi - package dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi
dev.galasa.zosconsole - package dev.galasa.zosconsole
z/OS Manager Console interface
dev.galasa.zosconsole.spi - package dev.galasa.zosconsole.spi
dev.galasa.zosfile - package dev.galasa.zosfile
z/OS Manager File interface
dev.galasa.zosfile.spi - package dev.galasa.zosfile.spi
dev.galasa.zosliberty - package dev.galasa.zosliberty
dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel - package dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel
dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.spi - package dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.spi
dev.galasa.zosliberty.spi - package dev.galasa.zosliberty.spi
dev.galasa.zosmf - package dev.galasa.zosmf
zOS/MF Manager
dev.galasa.zosmf.spi - package dev.galasa.zosmf.spi
zOSMF Manager - Internal SPI
dev.galasa.zosprogram - package dev.galasa.zosprogram
zOS Program Manager
dev.galasa.zosprogram.spi - package dev.galasa.zosprogram.spi
zOS Program Manager - Internal SPI
dev.galasa.zosrseapi - package dev.galasa.zosrseapi
RSE API Manager
dev.galasa.zosrseapi.spi - package dev.galasa.zosrseapi.spi
RSE API Manager - Internal SPI
dev.galasa.zossecurity - package dev.galasa.zossecurity
Galasa zOS Security Manager
dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes - package dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
dev.galasa.zossecurity.spi - package dev.galasa.zossecurity.spi
dev.galasa.zostsocommand - package dev.galasa.zostsocommand
z/OS Manager TSO interface
dev.galasa.zostsocommand.spi - package dev.galasa.zostsocommand.spi
dev.galasa.zosunixcommand - package dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
z/OS Manager UNIX Command interface
dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.spi - package dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.spi
DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
directoryDeleteNonEmpty() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Recursively delete the zOS UNIX directory and its contents from the zOS image
directoryList() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Returns sorted SortedMap the zOS UNIX files and directories in this zOS UNIX directory
directoryListRecursive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Returns recursive sorted SortedMap the zOS UNIX files and directories in this zOS UNIX directory
disable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Disable the CICS BUNDLE resource
disable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Disable the CICS JVMSERVER resource
disable(IJvmserver.PurgeType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Disable the CICS JVMSERVER resource with a specific IJvmserver.PurgeType
disable(IJvmserver.PurgeType, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Disable the CICS JVMSERVER resource with a specific IJvmserver.PurgeType and specified timeout
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceStatus
disableDiscardDelete() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Disable and discard the CICS BUNDLE resource and delete the resource definition.
disableDiscardDelete(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Disable and discard the CICS JVMSERVER resource and delete the resource definition.
disableDiscardInstall() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Disable and discard the CICS BUNDLE resource and re-install.
disableDiscardInstall(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Disable and discard the CICS BUNDLE resource and re-install.
disableNativeEvents() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
disableWithEscalate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Disable the CICS JVMSERVER resource.
disableWithEscalate(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Disable the CICS JVMSERVER resource.
discard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Discard the CICS BUNDLE resource.
discard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Discard the CICS JVMSERVER resource.
discard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRunResult
discard() - Method in class
discard() - Method in class
discard() - Method in class
discard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.spi.ILinuxProvisionedImage
discard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Cycle through any pages and quit
discard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Cycle through any pages and quit
DISCARD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase
DISCARD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SharedEnvironmentRunType
discardResource(ICicsTerminal, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICemt
Discards a specified resource and throws an exception if the specified search text is not found on the terminal.
disconnect() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
disconnect() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Disconnect the client
disconnect() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
disconnect() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
dispose() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Dispose of the underlying security context, releasing any associated resources.
doAutoConnect() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
DockerContainer - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.docker
Docker Container
DockerContainerConfig - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.docker
Docker Container Configuation
dockerContainerTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerContainer
The dockerContainerTag is used to identify the Docker Container to other Managers or Shared Environments.
DockerEngine - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.docker
dockerEngineTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerContainer
The dockerEngineTag will be used in the future so that a container can be run on a specific Docker Engine type.
dockerEngineTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerEngine
dockerEngineTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerVolume
The dockerEngineTag will be used in the future so that a volume can be allocated on a specific Docker Engine type.
DockerManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.docker
DockerManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerManagerException
DockerManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerManagerException
DockerManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerManagerException
DockerManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerManagerException
DockerManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerManagerException
DockerNotFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.docker
DockerNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerNotFoundException
DockerNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerNotFoundException
DockerNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerNotFoundException
DockerNotFoundException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerNotFoundException
DockerNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerNotFoundException
DockerProvisionException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.docker
DockerProvisionException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerProvisionException
DockerProvisionException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerProvisionException
DockerProvisionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerProvisionException
DockerProvisionException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerProvisionException
DockerProvisionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.docker.DockerProvisionException
DockerVolume - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.docker
Docker Volume
dockerVolumes() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerContainerConfig
Multiple volumes can be mounted within a single configuration
doYouSupportSharedEnvironments() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
doYouSupportSharedEnvironments() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
The framework will check each manager during Shared Environment Build to see if they support shared environments.
driverWait() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Return a WebDriverWait with a default timeout
driverWait(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Return a WebDriverWait with a given timeout
DssAdd - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This DSS action request that a NEW property is added to the DSS.
DssAdd(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssAdd
DssDelete - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This DSS action request that a property is deleted.
DssDelete(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDelete
DssDeletePrefix - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This DSS action request that all properties with this prefix are deleted.
DssDeletePrefix(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDeletePrefix
DssResourceAdd - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
DssResourceAdd(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceAdd
DssResourceDelete - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
DssResourceDelete(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceDelete
DssResourceDeletePrefix - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
DssResourceDeletePrefix(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceDeletePrefix
DssResourceSwap - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
DssResourceSwap(String, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceSwap
DssResourceUpdate - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
DssResourceUpdate(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssResourceUpdate
DssSwap - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This DSS action request that property is swapped with another value.
DssSwap(String, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssSwap
DssUpdate - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This DSS action request that property is updated in the DSS whether it exists or not.
DssUpdate(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssUpdate
DssUtils - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
DssUtils() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.DssUtils
DynamicStatusStoreException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
DynamicStatusStoreException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreException
DynamicStatusStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreException
DynamicStatusStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreException
DynamicStatusStoreException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreException
DynamicStatusStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreException
DynamicStatusStoreMatchException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
DynamicStatusStoreMatchException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreMatchException
DynamicStatusStoreMatchException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreMatchException
DynamicStatusStoreMatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreMatchException
DynamicStatusStoreMatchException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreMatchException
DynamicStatusStoreMatchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DynamicStatusStoreMatchException


EAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
EBA - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
EDGE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
EJB - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
elementScrollTo(ElementScrollBehavior) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
enable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Enable the CICS BUNDLE resource
enable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Enable the CICS JVMSERVER resource
ENABLE_SUPRESSION_FALSE - Static variable in exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceStatus
enableNativeEvents() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
enablePersistentHovering() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
ENDING - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
endOfTestClass(Result, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
endOfTestClass(Result, Throwable) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called when the Test Class has finished
endOfTestClass(Result, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
endOfTestMethod(GalasaMethod, Result, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
endOfTestMethod(GalasaMethod, Result, Throwable) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called when the Test Method has finished
endOfTestMethod(GalasaMethod, Result, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
endOfTestRun() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
endOfTestRun() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
About to shutdown everything
endOfTestRun() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
endsWith(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
endsWith(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
ensZosClient() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosUserid
Set tag of
invalid @link
where user will be created.
enter() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
enter() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
ENTER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
entries() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList
Get a collection of XML elements in the element list
envfail(Throwable) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
Environment - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
An interface through which we can get environment variable values.
environmentProperties() - Element in annotation interface
Defines the environment properties to provided to the container
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
erase() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
ERASE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption
eraseAlternate() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
eraseEof() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
eraseEof() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
eraseEof() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
eraseInput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
eraseInput() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
eraseInput() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
ErrorTextFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
ErrorTextFoundException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.ErrorTextFoundException
Event - Class in
Event(String, String) - Constructor for class
EventsException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
EventsException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.EventsException
EventsException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.EventsException
EventsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.EventsException
EventsException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.EventsException
EventsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.EventsException
exec(int, String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Issue a command to a running container.
exec(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Equivalent to exec(defaultResourceTimeout, commands...);
execute(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
execute(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
executeSql(String, Object...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IDb2Schema
Executes a single statement, with any parameters
executeSqlFile(InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IDb2Schema
Executes a file of statements which are line separated.
executeSqlList(String, Object...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IDb2Schema
Executes a single statement with any parameters which expects multiple records returned.
ExecutionMethod - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
existingVolumeName() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerVolume
By default it is expected that Galasa should provision and control the volume.
exists() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Returns true if the data set exists on the zOS image
exists() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return true if the zOS UNIX exists on the zOS image
exists() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Returns true if the VSAM data set exists on the zOS image
exists(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
exists(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
expireAfterHours() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.SharedEnvironment
How many hours after the Shared Environment was built should the Run be discarded, should only matter if the discard was run properly after all the testing has been completed
exposedPorts() - Element in annotation interface
exposedPorts indicate which ports are to be exposed by the provider.
EXTLINK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
EXTPREF - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
extraBundles(IFramework) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
extraBundles(IFramework) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Gives the ability for the Manager to request additional bundles to be loaded dependent of CPS Properties.
EXTREQ - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType


failed(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
failed(Throwable) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
FailTextFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.textscan
FailTextFoundException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.FailTextFoundException
FailTextFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.FailTextFoundException
FailTextFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.FailTextFoundException
FailTextFoundException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.FailTextFoundException
FailTextFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.FailTextFoundException
Field - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
Field() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
Field(int, BufferStartOfField) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
FieldContents - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens
Pojo to contain the onscreen contents.
FieldContents(Character[]) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.FieldContents
FieldNotFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
FieldNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.FieldNotFoundException
FieldNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.FieldNotFoundException
FieldNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.FieldNotFoundException
FieldNotFoundException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.FieldNotFoundException
FieldNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.FieldNotFoundException
FIFO - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
FILE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
fileChmod(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
Will execute a `chmod XXX filename` where the XXX is the permission string, on a file inside a volume.
fileChown(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
Will execute a `chown USER:GROUP filename` on a file inside the volume.
fileKey() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
Files - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
fileSystem - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
fileSystem - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
FileSystem - Class in dev.galasa.framework
FileSystem() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
fillAnnotatedFields(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
fillAnnotatedFields(Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Fill/refill the annotated fields that belong to this Manager.
fillAnnotatedFields(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
finalize() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
findAnnotatedFields(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
Helper method to obtain a list of annotated fields this manager is interested in.
findElement(By) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a By Object
findElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a Class Name
findElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a Css Selector
findElementById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by an ID
findElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a Link Text
findElementByName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a Name
findElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a Partial Link Text
findElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by a Tag Name
findElementByXpath(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the first WebElement specified by an XPath Expression
findElements(By) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a By Object
findElementsByClassName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a Class Name
findElementsByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a Css Selector
findElementsById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by an ID
findElementsByLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a Link Text
findElementsByName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a Name
findElementsByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a Partial Link Text
findElementsByTagName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by a Tag Name
findElementsByXpath(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns all WebElements specified by an XPath Expression
findProvisionDependentAnnotatedFieldTags(Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
Used to locate the TAG names used in Annotations that indicate a dependency on a Manager.
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
FIREFOX - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
FIXED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
FIXED_BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
flush() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
flushTerminalCache() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
FORCEPURGE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
framework - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
Framework - Class in dev.galasa.framework
Framework() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
FrameworkErrorDetails - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Exceptions types which support it have more detail than just a string message.
FrameworkErrorDetailsBase - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
FrameworkErrorDetailsBase(int, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetailsBase
FrameworkErrorDetailsBase(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetailsBase
FrameworkException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
An exception which also holds a FrameworkErrorCode to provide more fine-grained detail about the problem being raised/thrown, which is programmatically accessible.
FrameworkException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
FrameworkException(FrameworkErrorDetails) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
FrameworkException(FrameworkErrorDetailsBase, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
FrameworkException(FrameworkErrorDetails, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
FrameworkException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
FrameworkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
If the cause is a framework exception, then the error code from the cause is propagated into this exception instance.
FrameworkException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
If the cause is a framework exception, then the error code from the cause is propagated into this exception instance.
FrameworkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
If the cause is a framework exception, then the error code from the cause is propagated into this exception instance.
FrameworkInitialisation - Class in dev.galasa.framework
FrameworkInitialisation(Properties, Properties) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
FrameworkInitialisation(Properties, Properties, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
FrameworkInitialisation(Properties, Properties, boolean, Log) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
FrameworkInitialisation(Properties, Properties, boolean, Log, BundleContext, IFileSystem, Environment) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
FrameworkPropertyFile - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used by Galasa as an out of the box key value store.
FrameworkPropertyFile(URI) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This constructor loads the properties store in the file into memory.
FrameworkPropertyFileException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
FrameworkPropertyFileException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFileException
FrameworkPropertyFileException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFileException
FrameworkPropertyFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFileException
FrameworkPropertyFileException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFileException
FrameworkPropertyFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFileException
FrameworkResourcePoolingService - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This class provides the Resource pooling service to the framework.
FrameworkResourcePoolingService() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
FrameworkResourceUnavailableException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
FrameworkResourceUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourceUnavailableException
FrameworkResourceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourceUnavailableException
FrameworkResourceUnavailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourceUnavailableException
FrameworkResourceUnavailableException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourceUnavailableException
FrameworkResourceUnavailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourceUnavailableException
FrameworkRuns - Class in dev.galasa.framework
FrameworkRuns(IFramework) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
FrameworkVersion - Class in dev.galasa.framework
FrameworkVersion() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkVersion
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Free the certificate.
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Free the CICS class set.
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosIdMap
Free the Id Map.
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKerberosPrincipal
Free the principal.
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Free the keyring.
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Free the profile.
free() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Free the userid.
freeCertificate(IZosCertificate) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Free this certificate.
freeCicsClassSet(IZosCicsClassSet) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Free a CICS Security Class Set.
freeIdMap(IZosIdMap) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Free the id map.
freeKeyring(IZosKeyring) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Free the keyring.
freePrincipal(IZosKerberosPrincipal) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Free a Kerberos Principal created for this test
freeProfile(IZosProfile) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Free the profile.
freeUserid(IZosUserid) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Manually free an allocated userid.
fromExtension(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
fromJson(JsonObject, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
fromJson(JsonReader, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
fromJson(BufferedReader, Class<JsonObject>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
fromJson(InputStreamReader, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
fromMimeTypeString(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
Get the ContentType for a mime type string
fullStop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
fullStop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
fullStop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper


GalasaGson - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
GalasaGson() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
GalasaGsonBuilder - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
GalasaGsonBuilder() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGsonBuilder
GalasaGsonBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGsonBuilder
Creates a Gson builder to transform objects to JSON for use on the API endpoints.
GalasaLanguage - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language
GalasaMethod - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language
GalasaMethod(GherkinMethod) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
GalasaMethod(Method, Method) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
GalasaTest - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language
GalasaTest(GherkinTest) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
GalasaTest(Class<?>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
GenerateAnnotatedField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
generateAnnotatedFields(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
Will call GenerateAnnotatedField methods in the parent class to generate instances for each of the Test Class fields The annotated methods in the parent class must: be public return the interface of the field annotation have 2 parameters of Field and List
generateCicsTerminal(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
generateCloudContainer(String, String, String, ICloudContainerPort[], Properties, String[]) - Method in interface
Generate a new Cloud Container
generateCloudContainer(String, String, String, ICloudContainerPort[], Properties, String[], boolean, int) - Method in interface
Generate a new Cloud Container, normal called by an application Manager during provision generate, but can be called at anytime (exception shutdown)
generateSelfSignedCertificate(String, String, int, int, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Generate a new Self-Signed Certificate with private/public key and return it in a PKCS12 keystore for use in RACF.
generateSelfSignedCertificate(String, String, int, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Generate a new Self-Signed Certificate with private/public key and return it in a PKCS12 keystore for use in RACF.
generateSignedCertificate(String, String, int, int, KeyStore, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Generate a new Self-Signed Certificate with private/public key and return it in a PKCS12 keystore for use in RACF.
generateSignedCertificate(String, String, int, int, KeyStore, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Generate a new Self-Signed Certificate with private/public key and return it in a PKCS12 keystore for use in RACF.
GENERATING - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
GenericMethodWrapper - Class in dev.galasa.framework
GenericMethodWrapper(Method, Class<?>, GenericMethodWrapper.Type) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
GenericMethodWrapper.Type - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework
get(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Retrieves a string property from the Dynamic Status Store
get(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method retrieves the most up to date value from a specified key.
get(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
get(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
get(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Load WebPage with the given URL in current Browser Window
get(String, List<Integer>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the zOSMF server with no request body
get(String, List<Integer>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with no request body
get(HttpEntity) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
GET - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
GET method with no request body
GET - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
GET method with no request body
getAccount() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getActiveManagers() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
getActiveRunNames() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
getActiveRunNames() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
getActiveRuns() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
getActiveRuns() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
getActualFileStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getActualFileSystem() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getAfters() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getAfters() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getAid() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Fetch the AID if outbound
getAllAsStringList() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
getAllExecutables() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
getAllGroupedRuns(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
getAllGroupedRuns(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
getAllProperties() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Retrieves all possible different properties set from a namespace
getAllRuns() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
getAllRuns() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
getAlternateColumns() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getAlternateRows() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getAnnotatedField(Field) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
Retrieve the generated object for an annotated field
getAnnotations() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AnnotatedField
getApiUrl(Api) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
getApiUrl(Api) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getApplid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Retrieve the CICS TS Region applid
getApplid() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getArchiveFilename() - Method in interface
getArchiveFilename() - Method in class
getArchivesDirectory() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
getArtifactPath() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasArtifact
getArtifactPath() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.Artifact
getArtifactRecordIds() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getArtifacts() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
getArtifacts() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
getArtifactsRoot() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRunResult
getAsDocument() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Get the Liberty server.xml object as a Document
getAsString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Get the Liberty server.xml object as a String
getAsZosUNIXFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Get the Liberty server.xml as a IZosUNIXFile
getAttibutesAsString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the attributes of the data set as a String
The format of the String is defined by the implementation
getAttibutesAsString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return the attributes of the data set as a String.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
getAttributeBackgroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getAttributeExtendedHighlighting() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getAttributeForegroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getAttributesAsString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return the attributes of the zOS UNIX file or directory as a String
getAuthStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getAuthStore() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the Auth Store from the framework.
getAuthStoreService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getAuthStoreService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the Auth Store Service which can be used to retrieve users and tokens from the store.
getAuthStoreUri() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IApiServerInitialisation
getBackgroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
getBackgroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getBackgroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getBase64EncodedString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosToken
getBefores() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getBefores() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getBigDecimalValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP GET to the provided URL, sending the provided byte and receiving a byte in the response.
getBinaryOrNull() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
getBlockSize() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return block size of the data set
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getBootstrapConfigurationPropertyStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
getBootstrapConfigurationPropertyStore() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
Retrieves the Configuration Property Store that was set in the bootstrap
getBrowserName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
getBrowserName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
getBrowserName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
getBrowserName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
getBrowserName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
getBuilder() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGsonBuilder
getBuildLevel() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Set Build Level string for logging Return null if not used
getBundle() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getBundle() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getBundleBuild() - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkVersion
getBundleBuild(Bundle) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.ManagerServiceListener
getBundleName() - Method in class
getBundleName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
getBundleName(Bundle) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.ManagerServiceListener
getBundleResources(Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IArtifactManager
Return an IBundleResources object to assist in retrieving artifacts from within a bundles 'resources' directory.
getBundles() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaBundle
getBundleVersion() - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkVersion
getBundleVersion(Bundle) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.ManagerServiceListener
getBytes() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosToken
getBytesValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getC() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
getCapability(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
getCapability(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
getCapability(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
getCapability(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
getCapabilityNames() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
getCapabilityNames() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
getCapabilityNames() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
getCapabilityNames() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
getCeci(ICicsRegion) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICeciProvider
Returns a unique instance of the ICeci per CICS region
getCeciProvider() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getCeda(ICicsRegion) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICedaProvider
Returns a unique instance of the ICemt per CICS region
getCedaProvider() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getCemt(ICicsRegion) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICemtProvider
Returns a unique instance of the ICemt per CICS region
getCemtProvider() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getCertificateStoreService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getCertificateStoreService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the Certificate Store Service which can be used to retrieve keystores of certificates or individual certificates from the store.
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferCarrageReturn
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferChar
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferEndOfMedium
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferFormFeed
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferGraphicsEscape
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferNewLine
getChar() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getChar() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.IBufferHolder
getChars() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.FieldContents
Get the field characters
getCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Return the current checkpoint on this IJvmserverLog
getCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Returns the current position of the checkpoint.
getCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Return the current checkpoint on this IZosLibertyServerLog
getChromeOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Creates a new interface to the Chrome properties that can be set.
getChromeOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Creates a new interface to the Chrome properties that can be set.
getCicsRegion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsTerminal
getCicsRegion() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
getCicsResource(ICicsRegion) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsResourceProvider
Returns a unique instance of the ICicsResource per CICS region
getCicsResourceProvider() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getCicsSuppliedProfile() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
getCicsTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
getCicsTerminals() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getCicstsManager() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getClassName() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getClassName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getClassName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosPreDefinedProfile
Retrieve the class name this profile is defined in
getClassName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Retrieve the class name this profile is defined in
getClassName(String, ZosCicsClassType) - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
getClassNames() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getClassResource() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsProfile
Retrieve the CICS Security Class type
getClassType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsProfile
Retrieve the Member/Grouping setting
getCloudContainerByTag(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve the cloud container by tag
getClusterID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the name of the Cluster this Image belongs to
getCode() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
getCode() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
getCodePage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the code page of this zOS Image.
getCodePage() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getColour(byte) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
getColourAtPosition(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getColumn() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Fetch Start Column
getColumns() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalSize
Fetch the columns
getCommand() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.IZosConsoleCommand
Return the command
getCommandInput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return the last IDCAMS command for this VSAM data set
getCommandOutput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return the last IDCAMS output for this VSAM data set
getCommandShell() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
getCommandShell() - Method in interface
getCommandShell(IIpHost, ICredentials) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.IIpNetworkManagerSpi
getCompileJob() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Return the compile zOS Batch Job
getCond() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getConfidentialTextService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getConfidentialTextService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Provide access to the Confidential Text Service
getConfigurationPropertyService(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getConfigurationPropertyService(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the Configuration Property Store service from the framework.
getConfigurationPropertyStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
Retrieve the active CPS Service
getConnectedGroups() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Returns a list of connected groups for this userid
getConnection() - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IDb2Instance
The Db2 manager provides some basic ease of use methods to submit SQL statements and handle the records returned, but for more complex uses the standard java.sql.Connection can be retrieved.
getConnection() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerExec
getConsoleOutput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Returns the consoleOutput in String format
getContainer(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Gets the data in a CONTAINER with an associated CHANNEL into a CECI variable.
getContainerExposedPort(int) - Method in interface
Retrieve the port number for an exposed port
getContainerExposedPort(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve the port number for an exposed port
getContent() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
getContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the content from the zOSMF request as an object
getContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the content from the RSE API request as an object
getContents() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Fetch the field contents
getContentType() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasArtifact
getContentType() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.Artifact
getContentType() - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreFileAttributeView
getContentType() - Method in class dev.galasa.SetContentType
getCPS() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner
getCPSNamespaces() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Return all namespaces which have properties set
getCreateDate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Get the data set creation date
getCreationTime() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthToken
getCredentials(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.core.manager.ICoreManager
Retrieve Credentials
getCredentials(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.ICredentialsService
getCredentials(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.ICredentialsStore
getCredentials(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns the credentials on the specified image id
getCredentialsService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getCredentialsService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
getCredentialsStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getCredentialsStoreUri() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
getCredentialsStoreUri() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
getCredentialsTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
getCurrentLogName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
The the name of the current log file
getCurrentOutput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerExec
Returns the current/finished output of the command, will always return all the output
getCurrentUrl() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the String representation of the URL f the current WebPage
getCursor() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getCursorColumn() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
getCursorRow() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
getCustom() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
getCustomBuild() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Set Custom Build string for logging Return null if not used
getDatabaseName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IDb2Instance
Requests from the database to return the database name.
getDataClass() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the data class of the data set
getDatasetOrganization() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the organization (IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization) of the data set
getDatasetType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Get the IZosDataset.DSType for the data set
getDatastreamListeners() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getDataType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the data type (IZosDataset.DatasetDataType) for store and retrieve of the data set content
getDataType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return the data type (IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType) for store and retrieve of the zOS UNIX file content
getDataType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return the data type (IZosDataset.DatasetDataType) for store and retrieve of the data set content
getDateValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getDdname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the DD name associated with this zOS batch job spool file
getDefaultCredentials() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
getDefaultCredentials() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getDefaultCredentials() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
Retrieve the default credentials for the Image.
getDefaultCredentials() - Method in interface
Retrieve the default credentials for the Image.
getDefaultCredentials() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Retrieve the default credentials for the zOS Image.
getDefaultHostname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the default host name for this Image
getDefaultKerberosDomainController() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Get the default KDC for an image
getDefaultKerberosRealm() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Get the default Kerberos realm for an image
getDefaultKeystore() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStoreService
Returns the default keystore.
getDefaultKeyStoreWithExtraCertificates(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStoreService
Generate a Keystore populated with the list of certificates from the certificate store using thier property ID
getDefaultResultNames() - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.ResultNames
getDefaultResultNames() - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
getDefaultSize() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
Fetch the default size
getDefaultVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getDefineCommand() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return the IDCAMS define command for this VSAM data set
getDeleteCommand() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Get the IDCAMS delete command for this VSAM cluster
getDescription() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthToken
getDirectoryBlocks() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return directory blocks of the partitioned data set
getDirectoryPath() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return the full directory path for the zOS UNIX file or directory
getDirectoryServices() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
getDistributedID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosIdMap
Retieve the Distributed ID of this Id Map
getDockerImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Fetch the Resource Object representing the Docker Image of this container.
getDockerImageName() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
The image names for the supported driver types from the offical Selenium docker repo.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getDriverName() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
The capability name for each driver type is returned
getDropinsDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the Liberty server dropins directory
getDynamicResource(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreService
Retrieve interface to control a dynamic resource represented in the framework area.
getDynamicRun() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreService
Retrieve an interface to update the Run status with manager related information.
getDynamicStatusStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
Retrieve the active DSS Service
getDynamicStatusStoreService(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getDynamicStatusStoreService(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the Dynamic Status Store service from the framework.
getDynamicStatusStoreUri() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
getDynamicStatusStoreUri() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
getEdgeOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Creates a new interface to the Edge properties that can be set.
getEdgeOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Creates a new interface to the Edge properties that can be set.
getEIB(ICicsTerminal) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve the content of the current EXEC Interface Block (EIB)
getEIBAID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBAID field in the EIB.
getEIBATT() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBATT field in the EIB.
getEIBCALEN() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBCALEN field in the EIB.
getEIBCOMPL() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBCOMPL field in the EIB.
getEIBCONF() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBCONF field in the EIB.
getEIBCPOSN() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBCPOSN field in the EIB.
getEIBDATE() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBDATE field in the EIB.
getEIBDS(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBDS field in the EIB.
getEIBEOC() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBEOC field in the EIB.
getEIBERR() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBERR field in the EIB.
getEIBERRCD() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBERRCD field in the EIB.
getEIBFMH() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the field in the EIB.
getEIBFN() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBFN field in the EIB.
getEIBFREE() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBFREE field in the EIB.
getEIBNODAT() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBNODAT field in the EIB.
getEIBRCODE() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBRCODE field in the EIB.
getEIBRECV() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBRECV field in the EIB.
getEIBREQID(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBREQID field in the EIB.
getEIBRESP() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Returns the value of the Exec Interface Block field EIBRESP
getEIBRESP() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBRESP field in the EIB.
getEIBRESP2() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Returns the value of the Exec Interface Block field EIBRESP2
getEIBRESP2() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBRESP2 field in the EIB.
getEIBRLDBK() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBRLDBK field in the EIB.
getEIBRSRCE(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBRSRCE field in the EIB.
getEIBSIG() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBSIG field in the EIB.
getEIBSYNC() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBSYNC field in the EIB.
getEIBSYNRB() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBSYNRB field in the EIB.
getEIBTASKN() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBTASKN field in the EIB.
getEIBTIME() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBTIME field in the EIB.
getEIBTRMID(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBTRMID field in the EIB.
getEIBTRNID(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns the value of the EIBTRNID field in the EIB.
getElements(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Get an list of XML elements from the Liberty server.xml Document object.
getElementsById(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Get an list of XML elements from the Liberty server.xml Document object.
getEndTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getEndTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getEndTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getEndTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getEndTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getEngineHostname(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.spi.IDockerManagerSpi
getEngineTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
getenv(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.Environment
Gets the value of a given environment variable.
getenv(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SystemEnvironment
getEnvs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainerConfig
Returns the list of specified Keys and Values for the envs desired to be set
getErrorCode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetails
getErrorCode() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetailsBase
getErrorCode() - Method in exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
getErrorDetails() - Method in exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
getErrorId() - Method in exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.ErrorTextFoundException
getEventsService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getEventsService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
getException() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getException() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getExecutables() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
getExitCode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Retireves the exit code from the container
getExitCode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerExec
The exitcode of the command, or -1 if the command has not completed
getExitCode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Returns the exit code of the the shutdown of the JMeterProcess
getExperimentalOption(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
getExperimentalOption(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
getExpirationDate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Get the data set expiration date
getExposedPorts() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Returns a map of all the exposed ports of the container and the real host ports they have been mapped to.
getExposedPorts() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainerConfig
Retruns a list of exposed ports
getExtents() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Get the number of extents of the data set
getField() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AnnotatedField
getField() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Get the Galasa test field associated with this zOS Program
getFieldAt(int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getFieldCharsWithNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getFieldEbcdic(Charset) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferCarrageReturn
getFieldEbcdic(Charset) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferChar
getFieldEbcdic(Charset) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferEndOfMedium
getFieldEbcdic(Charset) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferFormFeed
getFieldEbcdic(Charset) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferGraphicsEscape
getFieldEbcdic(Charset) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferNewLine
getFields() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Fetch the fields
getFieldWithNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getFieldWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getFile(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Download a file from a specified location to a specified destination on local host.
getFile(String, ContentType...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Download a file from a specified location to a specified destination on local host.
getFileAttributeView(Path, Class<V>, LinkOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getFileExtension() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
getFileName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
getFileName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return the file name of the zOS UNIX file, or null if this object represents a directory
getFilePermissions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
getFileStore(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getFileStoreAttributeView(Class<V>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
getFileStores() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
getFileSystem() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
getFileSystem(IIpHost) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.IIpNetworkManagerSpi
getFileSystem(IIpHost, ICredentials) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.IIpNetworkManagerSpi
getFileSystem(URI) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getFileType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return the zOS UNIX file type (IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType)
getFinished() - Method in class
getFinished() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getFinished() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getFirefoxOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Creates a new interface to the Firefox properties that can be set.
getFirefoxOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Creates a new interface to the Firefox properties that can be set.
getFirstSocketForExposedPort(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
A convenience method to obtain the first socket of an exposed port.
getFloatValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getForegroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
getForegroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getForegroundColour() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getFramework() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
getFramework() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
getFramework() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
Retrieve the IFramework object.
getFramework() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner
getFrameworkRuns() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getFrameworkRuns() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
getFrom() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaQueuedFrom
getFromString(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
Looks up the enum from the string which describes the enum.
getFtpPort() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Get the FTP port, defaults to 21
getFtpPort() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getFullId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IKubernetesNamespace
getGalasaHome(Environment) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
Obtain the location of the galasa home directory
getGherkin() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getGherkin() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getGherkinMethod() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
getGherkinTest() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
getGroup() - Method in class
getGroup() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getGroup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getGroup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
getGroupid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosGroup
Retreive the groupid
getGroupingPrefix() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
getGson() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
getGson() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGsonBuilder
getGsonBuilder() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
getHandler() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
getHeader(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Get the value of a specific header as a String.
getheaders() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Get all headers from the response
getHeartbeat() - Method in class
getHeartbeat() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getHeartbeat() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getHexValue() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponseOutputValue
Returns the hex value of the output field
getHighlight() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
getHighlight() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getHighlight() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getHighlight(byte) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
getHighlightAtPosition(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
getHome() - Method in interface
getHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the zOS UNIX home directory on this zOS Image for this run.
getHost() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpPort
getHostname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Get the default Hostname of the Host
getHostname() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getHostPort() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
getHttpClient(int, Log) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.StandAloneHttpClient
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
getId() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
Fetch the ID
getId() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Fetch the id
getId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
getId() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
getId() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
getId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the id associated with this zOS batch job spool file
getImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Get the zOS image associated with the zOSMF server
getImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Get the zOS image associated with the zOS Program
getImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Get the zOS image associated with the RSE API server
getImage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns a zOS Image for the specified image ID
getImageForTag(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.spi.ILinuxManagerSpi
getImageForTag(String) - Method in interface
getImageForTag(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns a zOS Image for the specified tag
getImageID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
Get the name of the Linux Image
getImageID() - Method in interface
Get the name of the Windows Image
getImageID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the name of the zOS Image, may be different from the SMFID
getImages() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
Fetch the Images
getImageSize() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Return the image size, if null, then it is the default size
getInputClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getInstallationForTag(String) - Method in interface
getInstanceFromTag(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.spi.IDb2ManagerSpi
Provides the db2 instance back.
getInternetExplorerOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Creates a new interface to the InternetExplorer properties that can be set.
getInternetExplorerOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Creates a new interface to the InternetExplorer properties that can be set.
getIntValue() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponseOutputValue
Returns an the int value of the output field
getIntValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getIntWithDefault(IConfigurationPropertyStoreService, int, String, String, String...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps.CpsProperties
Retrieve an int from the CPS or return a default if it the property is missing or there is an issue
getIpHost() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
Retrieve the IP Network Host details
getIpHost() - Method in interface
Retrieve the IP Network Host details
getIpHost() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
getIpv4Hostname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Get the IPV4 Hostname of the Host
getIpv4Hostname() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getIpv6Hostname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Get the IPV6 Hostname of the Host
getIpv6Hostname() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getJavaCommand() - Method in interface
getJavaCommand() - Method in class
getJavaCommand() - Method in class
getJavaExecutionMethod() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
getJavaHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Convenience method that returns the JAVA_HOME as defined in the JVM Profile
getJavaHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
getJavaHome() - Method in interface
Provides the "Java Home" directory location within the unpacked java archive.
getJavaHome() - Method in class
getJavaHome() - Method in class
getJavaHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the value of Java home for the image
getJavaHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the JAVA_HOME value for this Liberty server
getJavaLogs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Get a List of Java log files, i.e Snap.*.trc, javacore.*.txt etc.
getJavaTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
getJavaTestMethod() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
getJaxb(String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP GET to the provided URL, receiving a JAXB Object in the response.
getJmxFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Returning the jmxFile in UTF-8 encoding in String format The working directory is found through the session instance
getJobcard(String, IZosImage) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getJobid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutput
Returns the zOS batch jobid
getJobid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the job id associated with this zOS batch job spool file
getJobId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The jobid for this Job.
getJobname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The IZosBatchJobname associated with this job
getJobname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutput
Returns the zOS batch jobname
getJobname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the job name associated with this zOS batch job spool file
getJobs(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatch
Return a list of zOS Batch jobs with the given jobname and/or the owner.
getJson(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP GET to the provided URL, receiving a
invalid @link
in the response.
getJsonArrayContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the text content from the zOSMF request JSON array object
getJsonArrayContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the text content from the RSE API request JSON array object
getJsonContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the text content from the zOSMF request as a JSON object
getJsonContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the text content from the RSE API request as a JSON object
getJvmLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns the JVM server JVMLOG
getJvmprofile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the JVM profile for this JVM server
getJvmProfileDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the location for the JVM profile Directory
getJvmProfileDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
getJvmTrace() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns the JVM server JVMTRACE
getKey() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssAdd
getKey() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDelete
getKey() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssSwap
getKey() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssUpdate
getKeystore(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStoreService
Returns a defined group of certificates inside a keystore.
getKeyStore() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IKeyStore
Returns the Java keystore
getKeyStore(String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStoreService
Generate a Keystore populated with the list of certificates from the certificate store using thier property ID
getKeystoreFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the keystore file for this Liberty server
getKeyValue() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
getKeyword() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
getKeyword() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
getLabel() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Retrieves the certificate label used in RACF
getLabel() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosIdMap
Retieve the label of this Id Map
getLabel() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Retieve the label of this keyring
getLanguage() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
getLanguage() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
getLanguage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Get the zOS Program language
getLastModified() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
getLayout() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
getLetter() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
getLetter() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
getLibertyInstallDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the value of the location of the Liberty install directory
getLibertyServer() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns the zOS Liberty server object associated with this JVM server
getLinuxPriority() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.spi.ILinuxProvisioner
getListcatOutput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Returns the IDCAMS LISTCAT output for the VSAM file
getListenerFile(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Return the output file of your jmx execution in String format The working directory is found through the session instance
getLoadlib() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Get the zOS Program load library
getLocal() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method will be removed in later versions of the code. Use Run.isLocal instead.
getLog() - Method in interface
Retrieve the stdout/stderr log of the container
getLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRunResult
getLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IPodLog
getLog(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Get a log file by name
getLogFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Returning the logFile in UTF-8 encoding in String format The working directory is found through the session instance
getLoginCredentialsTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsTerminal
getLoginCredentialsTag() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
getLoginId() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.User
getLogonProviders() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getLogRecordIds() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getLogs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the contents of the Liberty servers logs directory
getLogScanner() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.spi.ITextScannerManagerSpi
getLogsDirectory() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the Liberty server logs directory
getLongValue() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponseOutputValue
Returns a long value of the output field
getLongValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getManagementClass() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the management class of the data set
getMasType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Describes the type of CICS region
getMasType() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getMavenRepository() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getMemberName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Returns the member name if supplied and is a partitioned data set
getMemberPrefix() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
getMemlimit() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in interface
getMessage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetails
getMessage() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetailsBase
getMessage() - Method in interface
Retrieves the first message from the queue, waiting until a message is ready
getMessage(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the first message from the queue, waiting for the timeout
getMessageNoWait() - Method in interface
Retrieves the first message from the queue returning immediately if no message is available
getMessagesLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Get the Liberty messages.log
getMethod() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpDelete
getMethodName() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getMethodName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getMethodName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getMethods() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getMethods() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
getMethods() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getMimeType() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
getMinCicsLevel() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
getMountPath() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
getMsgClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getMsgLevel() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Returns the CICS BUNDLE name as defined in the CICS Resource Definition
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns the JVM server name as defined in the CICS Resource Definition
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Returns the name of the specified log file or DDNAME
getName() - Method in interface
A name given to the port, not used except for getContainerExposedPort()
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper
getName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobname
Get the name of the zOS batch Jobname
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the name of the data set
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Get the name of the VSAM file
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.IZosLibertyAngel
Get the zOS Liberty angel "named angel name"
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Returns the name of the specified log file
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Get the zOS Program name
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Retrieves the name of the set.
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosPreDefinedProfile
Retrieve the profile name
getName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Retrieve the profile name
getName(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
getNameCount() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
getNamespaceByTag(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.spi.IKubernetesManagerSpi
Retrieve the Kubernetes Namespace that has a specific tag.
getNamespaces() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method retrieves a List of namespaces which have properties set in the properties file.
getNamespaces() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Return all namespaces which have properties set
getNewValue() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssSwap
getNext() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Get the next log file
getNextFfdc() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Get the next FFDC log file
getNextTerminalId() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getNextTerminalId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioned
getNoOfColumns() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getNoOfRows() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getNumberOfInstances() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
getObr() - Method in class
getObr() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getOBR() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getOBR() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getOldValue() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDelete
getOldValue() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssSwap
getOperaOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Creates a new interface to the Opera properties that can be set.
getOptions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
getOverrides() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getOwner() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthToken
getOwner() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
getOwner() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
getOwner() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The owner for this Job.
getPages() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.ISeleniumManager
Return the active pages
getPages() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebDriver
Return the active pages
getPageSource() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the source of the current WebPage
getParent() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
getPassphrase() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Retrieve the passphrase
getPassword() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsernamePassword
getPassword() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ICredentialsUsernamePassword
getPassword() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
getPassword() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getPassword() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKerberosPrincipal
getPassword() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Retrieve the password
getPath(String, String...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
getPath(URI) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getPathMatcher(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
getPlatform() - Method in interface
getPlatform() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
getPlatform() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
getPlatform() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
getPlatform() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
getPlatform() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
getPodLogs(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IReplicaSet
getPort() - Method in interface
The port number
getPortNumber() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpPort
Get the port number
getPrefix() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssDeletePrefix
getPrefix(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Retrieve all values with this key prefix
getPrefix(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method retrieves a Map of values from the properties file that have a common prefix to the key.
getPrefixedProperties(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Retrieve prefixed properties from the underlying configuration property store.
getPrefixedProperties(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Retrieves the properties for the namespace using the supplied prefix.
getPrefixHost() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getPrefixHost() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.IIpHostSpi
getPrimaryColumns() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getPrimaryExtents() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return primary allocation extents of the data set
getPrimaryRows() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getPrincipalName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKerberosPrincipal
getProcstep() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the JCL procedure step name associated with this zOS batch job spool file
getProductRelease() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Set Product Release string for logging Return null if not used
getProfile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the JVM profile as a IZosUNIXFile object
getProfile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
getProfileMap() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns a Map of the JVM server options and JVM system property in the JVM profile
getProfileName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the JVM profile name in the JVM server resource definition
getProfileString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns a String of the JVM server options and JVM system property in the JVM profile
getProfileValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of a JVM server option or JVM system property in the JVM profile
getProgrammerName() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getProgramSource() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Get the program source
getPropertiesFromNamespace(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Retrieves all possible different properties set from a given namespace
getProperty() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
getProperty(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Retrieve the property from the underlying configuration property store.
getProperty(String, String, String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Retrieves a string property from the Configuration Property Store within the namespace for this object.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.Environment
Gets a system property
getProperty(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SystemEnvironment
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
getProvisionType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getQueued() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getQueued() - Method in class
getQueued() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getQueued() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getQueued() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getQueuedRuns() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
getQueuedRuns() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
getRandom() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getRandom() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Get a predefined Random object for sharing across all managers and servers
getRandomSocketForExposedPort(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
A convenience method to obtain a random socket for an exposed port that has been mapped to more than one host socket.
getRasRunId() - Method in class
getRasRunId() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getRealm() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKerberosPrincipal
getReason() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
getRecordFormat() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the record format of the data set
getRecordlength() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the record length of the data set
getRecordProperties() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getRecordProperties() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
getRecords() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the content of this zOS batch job spool file
getReferencedDate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Get the data set referenced date
getRegexGroups() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
getRegexGroups() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
getRegion() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getRegionJob() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Return the CICS region IZosBatchJob
getRegisteredManager() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
getRegisteredManager() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
getRegistry() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosIdMap
Retieve the Registry of this Id Map
getRepo() - Method in class
getRepository() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getRepository() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getReproFromCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Get the IDCAMS REPRO command
getReproToCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Get the IDCAMS REPRO command
getRequestor() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getRequestor() - Method in class
getRequestor() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getRequestor() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getRequestor() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getRequestor() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getRequestors() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
Get requestors
getRequestors() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaRequestor
getRequestorType() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getRequestType() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
getRequestUrl() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the URL for this zOSMF request
getRequestUrl() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the URL for this RSE API request
getResourceDefinitionBundledirAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Return the CICS BUNDLE resource BUNDLEDIR attribute value
getResourceDefinitionDescriptionAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Return the CICS BUNDLE resource definition DESCRIPTION attribute value
getResourceDefinitionDescriptionAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition DESCRIPTION attribute value
getResourceDefinitionGroupAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Return the CICS BUNDLE resource definition GROUP attribute value
getResourceDefinitionGroupAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition GROUP attribute value
getResourceDefinitionJvmprofileAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource JVMPROFILE attribute value
getResourceDefinitionLerunoptsAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource LERUNOPTS attribute value
getResourceDefinitionNameAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Return the CICS BUNDLE resource definition NAME attribute value
getResourceDefinitionNameAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition NAME attribute value
getResourceDefinitionStatusAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Return the CICS BUNDLE resource STATUS attribute value
getResourceDefinitionStatusAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition STATUS attribute value
getResourceDefinitionThreadlimitAttribute() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return the CICS JVMSERVER resource THREADLIMIT attribute value
getResourcePoolingService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getResourcePoolingService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Provide access to the Resource Pooling Service
getResponse() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Returns the text value of the CECI issues CICS API command, e.g.
getResponse() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.IExecInterfaceBlock
Returns a String representation of the EIBRESP field if available
getResponse() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.IZosConsoleCommand
Return the immediate response message from a console command
getResponseOutputValues() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Returns a map containing the output of the CECI CICS API command response fields and their values
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getResult() - Method in class
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getResult() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
getResult() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper
getResultArchiveStore() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getResultArchiveStore() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the Result Archive Store from the framework.
getResultArchiveStoreService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getResultArchiveStoreUris() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
getResultArchiveStoreUris() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
Retrieves a list of Result Archive URIs that need to be initialised
getResultNames() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
getResults() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaResult
getRetcode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The batch job completion return code, e.g.
CC 0000, CC 0020, JCL ERROR, ABEND S0C4/code> etc.
Returns "????" if the job has not been submitted
getRole() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
getRoot() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
getRoot() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
getRoot() - Method in interface
getRootDirectories() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
getRow() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Fetch Start row
getRows() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalSize
Fetch the rows
getRseapis(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.spi.IRseapiManagerSpi
Returns a map of RSE API servers available for use with a z/OS Image
getRun(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
getRun(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
getRunById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
getRunDatasetHLQ(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns the data set HLQ(s) for temporary data sets for the specified image
getRunDirectory() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
getRunDirectory() - Method in interface
getRunId() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
getRunId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRunResult
getRunId() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
getRunId() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
getRunLogEnd() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getRunLogEnd() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getRunLogEnd() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getRunLogStart() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getRunLogStart() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getRunLogStart() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getRunName() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getRunName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.core.manager.ICoreManager
Returns the Run Name of the Test Run, unique during the length of this Test Run
getRunName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getRunNames() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaRunName
getRuns() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleStatus
getRuns(IRasSearchCriteria...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
getRunTemporaryUNIXDirectory() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
getRunTemporaryUNIXDirectory() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getRunTemporaryUNIXPath() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the path to the temporary zOS UNIX directory on this zOS Image for this run.
getRunUNIXPathPrefix(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns the zOS UNIX path prefix for temporary file for the specified image
getRunUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Get the primary run userid
getScannableInputStream() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScannable
Fetch the InputStream for the scannable
getScannableName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScannable
A name so the this scannable can be identified in exceptions or warning messages
getScannableString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScannable
Fetch the latest scannable text
getScheduledExecutorService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IMetricsServer
getScheduledExecutorService() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagement
getSchemaFromTag(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.spi.IDb2ManagerSpi
Retrieve Schema impl from tag
getSchemaFromTag(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.spi.IDb2ManagerSpi
Retrieve Schema impl from tag
getSchemaFromTag(String, String, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.spi.IDb2ManagerSpi
Retrieve Schema impl from tag
getSchemaName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IDb2Schema
Returns the name of the Schema.
getScheme() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
getScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
getScreenSize() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getSecondaryExtents() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return secondary allocation extents of the data set
getSecprfx() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
For Shared CICS Classsets this will return the setting for SECPRFX= SIT parameter
getSelectedSSLContextName() - Method in class dev.galasa.common.SSLTLSContextNameSelector
getSelectedSSLContextName(Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.common.SSLTLSContextNameSelector
getSeparator() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
getSequence() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
Fetch the sequence number
getSequence() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Fetch the sequence number
getSerializedRun() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getSerializedRun() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getSerialversionuid() - Static method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getServerConfigDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Server Configuration Directory ${} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getServerName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Server Name
getServerOutputDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Server Output Directory ${server.output.dir} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getServerXml() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the server.xml object for this Liberty server
getSessionID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
getSharedAppDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Shared Application Directory ${} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getSharedConfigDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Shared Configuration Directory ${shared.config.dir} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getSharedEnvironmentPhase() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getSharedEnvironmentRunName() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getSharedEnvironmentRunType() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getSharedEnvironmentRunType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
If this is a shared environment run, return the run type
getSharedResourcesDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Shared Resources Directory ${shared.resources.dir} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getSIT() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
getSIT() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Return all SIT parameters for the security class setup.
getSIT(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Return all SIT parameters for the security class setup appropriate for the provided CICS release.
getSIT(ZosCicsClassResource) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Retrieve the SIT parameter value for the CICS Security class requested.
getSize() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the size of this zOS batch job spool file
getSize() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
getSkeletonProcessor() - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IArtifactManager
Return an ISkeletonProcessor object to perform substitutions on skeleton files
getSkeletonProcessor(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IArtifactManager
Return an ISkeletonProcessor object to perform substitutions on skeleton files Select Type using ISkeletonProcessor.SkeletonType
getSocketAddressForPort(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IService
Retrieve a Socket Address of a service NodePort which you can use to access the port from outside the cluster.
getSpaceUnit() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the allocation space unit of the data set
getSpoolFile(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Convenience method to retrieve the content of a spool file from the batch job given the ddname.
getSpoolFiles() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutput
Returns the zOS batch job spool files
getSrrId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
getSshPort() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Get the SSH port, defaults to 22
getSshPort() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getSSLContext() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Get the SSL context used by this client
getStart() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
getStartTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getStartTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getStartTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getStartTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getStartTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getState() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
getStatus() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getStatus() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getStatus() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getStatus() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
getStatus() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getStatus() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getStatus() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The batch job value
getStatusCode() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
getStatusCode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the HTTP status code from the zOSMF request
getStatusCode() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the HTTP status code from the RSE API request
getStatuses() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaStatus
getStatusesAsStrings() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaStatus
getStatusLine() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
getStatusLine() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the HTTP status code and status text from the zOSMF request
getStatusLine() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the HTTP status code and status text from the RSE API request
getStatusMessage() - Method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
getStatusString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The batch job value as a String, e.g.
Returns "????????" if the job has not been submitted
getStdErr() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns the JVM server STDERR
getStdOut() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns the JVM server STDOUT
getStepname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Return the step name associated with this zOS batch job spool file
getStorageClass() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the storage class of the data set
getStoredArtifactsRoot() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
Obtain the root directory of the stored artifacts file system
getStream() - Method in class
getStream() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getStream() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.core.manager.IResourceString
getStringList(IConfigurationPropertyStoreService, String, String, String...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps.CpsProperties
Retrieve a comma separated string property or an empty list if missing
getStringListWithDefault(IConfigurationPropertyStoreService, String, String, String, String...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps.CpsProperties
Retrieve an comma separated list string or the default values if the property is missing or there is an error
getStringNulled(IConfigurationPropertyStoreService, String, String, String...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps.CpsProperties
Retrieve a String property or return null if missing or an empty string.
getStringValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getStringWithDefault(IConfigurationPropertyStoreService, String, String, String, String...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.cps.CpsProperties
Retrieve a string property.
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferCarrageReturn
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferChar
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferEndOfMedium
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferFormFeed
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferGraphicsEscape
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferNewLine
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
getStringWithoutNulls() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.IBufferHolder
getStructure() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
getStructure() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
getStructure() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper
getSuffix() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
getSuffix() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
getSysname() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the name of the SYSNAME zOS Image.
getSysplexID() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the name of the Sysplex this Image belongs to
getTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Retrieve the CICS TS Region tag
getTag() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getTag() - Method in class
getTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IKubernetesNamespace
Retrieve the tag of this namespace
getTaggedCicsRegions() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getTaggedPorts() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns the provisioned z/OS ports which are tagged with a string value
getTags() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Add list of tags to test for logging Return null if not used
getTelnetPort() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Get the Telnet port, defaults to 23
getTelnetPort() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
getTest() - Method in class
getTest() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getTest() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getTestBundleName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getTestBundleName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
getTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
getTestClassName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getTestClassName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getTestingAreas() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Add list of Testing Areas to test for logging Return null if not used
getTestingEnvironment() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Set Testing Environment string for logging Return null if not used
getTestName() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getTestName() - Method in class
getTestName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getTestNames() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaTestName
getTestRun() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getTestRun() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
getTestRunName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
getTestRunName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
Retrieve the test run name.
getTests() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
getTestShortName() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
getTestShortName() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
getTestStream() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
getTestStructure() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
getTestStructure() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRunResult
getTestStructure() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
getTestTooling() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Overrides Galasa test tooling in logging.
getTestType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ILoggingManager
Overrides Galasa test type in logging Return null if not used
getText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP GET to the provided URL, receiving a String in the response.
getTextContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfResponse
Return the text content from the zOSMF request as text
getTextContent() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiResponse
Return the text content from the RSE API request as text
getTextScanner() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.spi.ITextScannerManagerSpi
getTextValue() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponseOutputValue
Returns the text value of the output field
getThreadCount() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Get the JVMSERVER Threadcount value form CEMT, i.e the number of threads in use
getThreadLimit() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Get the JVMSERVER Threadlimit value from CEMT
getThrowable() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
getTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getTimestamp() - Method in class
getTimestamp() - Method in interface
getTimestampValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getTimeValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getTitle() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the Title of the current WebPage
getTmp() - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.ILinuxImage
getTmp() - Method in interface
getTo() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaQueuedTo
getToken() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsToken
getToken() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsernameToken
getToken() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ICredentialsToken
getToken() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ICredentialsUsernameToken
getTokenId() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthToken
getTokens() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthStore
Returns a list of all the tokens stored in the auth store.
getTokens() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthStoreService
Returns a list of all the tokens stored in the auth store.
getTotalSpace() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
getTrace() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method will be removed in later versions of the code. Use Run.isTraceEnabled instead.
getTraceLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Get the Liberty trace.log
getType() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in interface
The type of port, http, tcp, udp
getType() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getType() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
getType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpPort
getType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource
getType() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Get the filtering type of the image
getType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
The type for this Job, i.e.
getType() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Retrieves the certificate type
getTyprun() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getUnallocatedSpace() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
getUnit() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the unit name of the data set
getUnixPath() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return the path of the zOS UNIX file or directory
getUnmanagedImage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns a zOS Image for the specified image that may not have been provisioned so far
getURLValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
getUsableSpace() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
getUsed() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Get the number of used extents of the data set
getUser() - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
getUser() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
getUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Retrieves the userid the certificate was attached to
getUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosIdMap
Retrieve the userid this Id Map has been attached to
getUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKerberosPrincipal
getUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Retrieve the userid this keyring has been attached to
getUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Retreive the userid
getUsername() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsername
getUsername() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsernamePassword
getUsername() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.CredentialsUsernameToken
getUsername() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Get the username set for this client
getUsername() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ICredentialsUsername
getUsername() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
getUsername(URI) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Get the username set for this client for a specific scope
getUsernamePassword(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.core.manager.ICoreManager
Retrieve Username and Password Credentials only
getUserPrincipalLookupService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
getUssHome() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
getValue() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssAdd
getValue() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.DssUpdate
getValue() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
getValue() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
getValueFromFieldContaining(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
getVariableInstance(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
Gets the map of variable instances.
getVariables() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
getVariablesOriginal() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Retrieve the CICS TS Region version
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty version
getVolumeByTag(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainerConfig
Get the volume by the tag it is known as.
getVolumeName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
getVolumes() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainerConfig
Lists all the provisioned/binded volumes for this configuration.
getVolumes() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return the Volume serial(s) of the data set
getVolumeTag() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
getWaitUntil() - Method in class
getWaitUntil() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
getWaitUntil() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
getWebDriver() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the WebDriver associated with this WebPage
getWindowHandle() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Return an opaque handle to this window that uniquely identifies it within this driver instance
getWindowHandles() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Return a set of window handles which can be used to iterate over all open windows of this WebDriver instance by passing them to switchTo().WebDriver.Options.window()
getWlpAutoconfigure() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
getWlpInstallDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the WLP_INSTALL_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile
getWlpInstallDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Install Directory ${WLP_INSTALL_DIR} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getWlpOutputDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the WLP_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile
getWlpOutputDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty Output Directory ${WLP_OUTPUT_DIR} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getWlpServerHost() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
getWlpServerHttpPort() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
getWlpServerHttpsPort() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
getWlpServerName() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
getWlpServerWabEnabled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
getWlpUserDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Returns the value of the WLP_USER_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile
getWlpUserDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Returns the Liberty User Directory ${WLP_USER_DIR} as a IZosUNIXFile object
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Convenience method that returns the WORK_DIR as defined in the JVM Profile
getX509Certificate(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStoreService
Retrieves the PEM certificate as a string.
getYaml() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource
getZosBatch(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi.IZosBatchSpi
Returns a zOS Batch instance
getZosBatch(ICicsRegion) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Returns the IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile associated with this IJvmserverLog
getZosBatchPropertyBatchRestrictToImage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS Batch zosbatch.batchjob.[imageid] property
getZosBatchPropertyJobWaitTimeout(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS Batch zosbatch.batchjob.[imageid].timeout property
getZosBatchPropertyTruncateJCLRecords(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS Batch zosbatch.batchjob.[imageid].truncate.jcl.records property
getZosBatchPropertyUseSysaff(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS Batch zosbatch.batchjob.[imageid].use.sysaff property
getZosConnectInstallDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.IZosImage
Get the value of the location of the zOS Connect EE install directory
getZosConsole(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.spi.IZosConsoleSpi
Returns a zOS Console instance
getZosConsolePropertyConsoleRestrictToImage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS Console zosconsole.console.[imageid] property
getZosFileHandler() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
getZosFileHandler() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.spi.IZosFileSpi
Returns a zOS File Handler instance
getZosFilePropertyDirectoryListMaxItems(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS File zosfile.unix.[imageid].directory.list.max.items property
getZosFilePropertyFileRestrictToImage(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS File zosfile.batchjob.[imageid] property
getZosFilePropertyUnixFilePermissions(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers to the zOS File zosfile.[imageid].unix.file.permission property
getZosImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
Retrieve the zOS Image the CICS TS region resides on
getZosImage() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
getZosImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the zOS Image for this Liberty server
getZosImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCicsClassSet
Retrieves this zOS image this set belongs to
getZosImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
getZosImage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Retrieve the zOS image this userid belongs to
getZosLiberty() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.spi.IZosLibertySpi
Returns a zOS Liberty instance
getZosmfs(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.spi.IZosmfManagerSpi
Returns a map of zOSMF servers available for use with a z/OS Image
getZosSecurity(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.spi.IZosSecurityManagerSpi
Returns a zOS Security instance
getZosTSOCommand(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zostsocommand.spi.IZosTSOCommandSpi
Returns a zOS TSO Command instance
getZosUNIXCommand(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.spi.IZosUNIXCommandSpi
Returns a zOS UNIX Command instance
getZosUNIXFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Returns the IZosUNIXFile associated with this IJvmserverLog
getZosUNIXFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Returns the IZosUNIXFile associated with this IZosLibertyServerLog
gherkin - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaLanguage
GherkinKeyword - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
GherkinMethod - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
GherkinMethod(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
gherkinReport(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
GherkinStatement - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
GherkinTest - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
GherkinTest(IRun, TestStructure) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
GherkinTestRunner - Class in dev.galasa.framework
Run the supplied test class
GherkinTestRunner() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.GherkinTestRunner
GherkinVariables - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin
GherkinVariables() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
GIVEN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
GROUPING - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassType
GsonInstantTypeAdapater - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
GsonInstantTypeAdapater() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GsonInstantTypeAdapater


hasFfdcs() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Does this Liberty server have any FFDC logs
hashCode() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
hashCode() - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
hasRegionStarted() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioned
head(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Execute an HttpClientRequest returning a JAXB object available through the returned HttpClientResponse.
HFS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
Highlight - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
HIGHTRUST - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateTrust
Equivalent to RACDCERT ADD ...
HOLD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun
home() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
home() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
home() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
HttpClient - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.http
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
HttpClientException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.http
HttpClientException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientException
HttpClientException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientException
HttpClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientException
HttpClientException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientException
HttpClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientException
HttpClientResponse<T> - Class in dev.galasa.http
Parametrisable representation of a response to an HTTP request.
HttpDelete - Class in dev.galasa.http
HttpDelete() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.http.HttpDelete
HttpDelete(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.http.HttpDelete
HttpDelete(URI) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.http.HttpDelete


IApiServerInitialisation - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This interface provides methods to register additional stores used only by Galasa's API server and should server initialisation.
IArtifactManager - Interface in dev.galasa.artifact
This is a very simple manager which provides access to objects to assist in retrieving artifacts/resources from the 'resources' directory in your test bundle, and manipulating those resources
IAuthStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
IAuthStoreRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
IAuthStoreService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
IAuthToken - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
An interface for auth token beans to implement.
IBufferHolder - Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
IBundleResources - Interface in dev.galasa.artifact
ICeci - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
CICS/TS Command-level Interpreter (CECI) Interface.
ICeciManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.ceci.spi
Provides the SPI access to the CICS/TS CECI Manager
ICeciProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
Provides CICS Region related CECI objects
ICeciResponse - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
Represents the response from a CECI command
ICeciResponseOutputValue - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
Represents the value of an output field returned as the response from a CECI request.
ICeda - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
ICedaManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.ceda.spi
Provides the SPI access to the CICS/TS CEDA Manager
ICedaProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
Provides CICS Region related CEDA objects
ICemt - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
ICemtManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.cemt.spi
ICemtProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
Provides CICS Region related CEMTobjects
ICertificateStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various the certificate store if a non FPF certificate store is defined.
ICertificateStoreService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ICertificateStoreServiceRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
The Certificate store service will only be initialised if there is a defined certificate store that is a non local file.
IChromeOptions - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
ICicsBundle - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
Represents a CICS Bundle resource.
ICicsRegion - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
ICicsRegionLogonProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
ICicsRegionProvisioned - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
ICicsRegionProvisioner - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
ICicsResource - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
Represents a CICS Resource.
ICicsResourceManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.resource.spi
ICicsResourceProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
Provides CICS Region related ICicsResource objects
ICicsTerminal - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
ICicstsManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.spi
ICloudContainer - Interface in
Cloud Container
ICloudContainerPort - Interface in
ICloudContainerProvider - Interface in
Interface from the Cloud Manager to Cloud Container Providers
ICloudManagerSpi - Interface in
SPI for the Cloud Manager
ICommandShell - Interface in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
IConfidentialTextService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
The confidential text services provides a manager with the ability to registered passwords, usernames, keys and other confidnetial texts so that they can be obscured inside logs and outputs.
IConfidentialTextServiceRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
The confidential text services provides a manager with the ability to registered passwords, usernames, keys and other confidnetial texts so that they can be obscured inside logs and outputs.
IConfigMap - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represents a ConfigMap resource
IConfigurationPropertyStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various Configuration Property Stores that may exist within the OSGi instance.
IConfigurationPropertyStoreRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IConfigurationPropertyStoreService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used to gain access to properties in the Configuration Property Store
ICoreManager - Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
The Core Manager provides Tests with access to some of the most common features within the Galasa Framework To gain access to the Core Manager, include the following in the test class:-
ICredentials - Interface in dev.galasa
ICredentialsService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
ICredentialsStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
ICredentialsStoreRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds
ICredentialsToken - Interface in dev.galasa
ICredentialsUsername - Interface in dev.galasa
ICredentialsUsernamePassword - Interface in dev.galasa
ICredentialsUsernameToken - Interface in dev.galasa
id - Variable in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccess
IDatastreamListener - Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270
IDatastreamListener.DatastreamDirection - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
IDb2Instance - Interface in dev.galasa.db2
IDb2Instance provides a connection to a tagged Db2 Database.
IDb2ManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.db2.spi
Db2 Manager SPI Provides either a connection to a DB or a simple connection to a schema within the DB.
IDb2Schema - Interface in dev.galasa.db2
IDb2Schema provides a connection to a specific db2 schema.
IDeployment - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represent a Deployment resource
IDockerContainer - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
Docker Container Resource Object Provides a resource object representing a Docker Container on a Docker Engine.
IDockerContainerConfig - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
An interface for the annotation object that represents the configurations for a container.
IDockerEngine - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
IDockerExec - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
Docker Exec Resource Object that represents a command being executed on the container.
IDockerImage - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
IDockerManager - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
IDockerManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.docker.spi
IDockerVolume - Interface in dev.galasa.docker
A Galasa object to track, bind and provision Docker volumes with.
IDssAction - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IDssAction is the basis for all updates to the Dynamic Status Store properties
IDssResourceAction - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IDssStatusAction is the basis for all updates to the Dynamic Status Store properties framework status area
IDynamicResource - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This interface will allow managers and services to update the a dynamic resource view maintained by the framework.
IDynamicRun - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Manager and services use this interface to update the status of a Run within the Automation Views.
IDynamicStatusStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various Dynamic Status Stores that may exist within the OSGi instance.
IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used to gain access to properties in the Dynamic Status Store
IDynamicStatusStoreRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IDynamicStatusStoreService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used to gain access to properties in the Dynamic Status Store
IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
IEdgeOptions - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
IEvent - Interface in
IEventProducer - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IEventsService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IEventsServiceRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IExecInterfaceBlock - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts
Represents the fields in the CICS/TS EXEC Interface Block (EIB).
IFileProcessor - Interface in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
IFileSystem - Interface in dev.galasa.framework
IFirefoxOptions - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
IFramework - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IFramework provides access to the services the Framework specifically controls, although will be provided by other OSGi bundles.
IFrameworkInitialisation - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IFrameworkInitialisation provides access to the framework routines that should only be called during test run and server initialisation.
IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IFrameworkRuns - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IGherkinExecutable - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IGherkinManager - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ignore(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
ignoreExceptions() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
ignoreZoomSettings() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
IHttpClient - Interface in dev.galasa.http
IHttpManager - Interface in dev.galasa.http
Provides test code access to HTTP Manager to execute HTTP requests
IHttpManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.http.spi
IInternetExplorerOptions - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
IIpHost - Interface in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
Represents a IP Host or Stack.
IIpHostSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi
IIpNetworkManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi
IIpPort - Interface in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
Represents a IP Port.
IJavaInstallation - Interface in
IJavaManagerSpi - Interface in
IJavaUbuntuInstallation - Interface in
Represents a Java installation on a Ubuntu image .
IJavaUbuntuManagerSpi - Interface in
IJavaWindowsInstallation - Interface in
Represents a Java installation on a Windows image .
IJavaWindowsManagerSpi - Interface in
IJMeterSession - Interface in dev.galasa.jmeter
Interface for creation, management, deletion of JMeter sessions
IJvmprofile - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
Represents a CICS JVM server JVM profile
IJvmserver - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
Represents a CICS JVM server resource.
IJvmserver.JvmserverType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
IJvmserver.PurgeType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
IJvmserverLog - Interface in dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource
IKeyStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
A class to represent a Java Keystore and allow for easy appending and generation
IKubernetesManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes.spi
Provides the SPI for the Kubernetes Manager for Manager to Manager communication.
IKubernetesNamespace - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
This is the main interface to a provisioned Kubernetes namespace on an infrastructure cluster.
ILibertyServer - Interface in dev.galasa.liberty
ILibertyServerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.liberty.spi
ILibertyServerXml - Interface in dev.galasa.liberty
ILinuxImage - Interface in dev.galasa.linux
Represents a Linux Image .
ILinuxManager - Interface in dev.galasa.linux
ILinuxManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.linux.spi
ILinuxProvisionedImage - Interface in dev.galasa.linux.spi
ILinuxProvisioner - Interface in dev.galasa.linux.spi
ILoggingManager - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This is the interface used by the Logging Managers to get test information from the active managers.
ILogScanner - Interface in dev.galasa.textscan
Provides utility text scanning routines for tests and Managers to use, intended for use with logs or batch jobs etc.
image() - Element in annotation interface
The image attribute provides the Image that is used to create the Cloud Container.
image() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerContainer
The image attribute provides the Docker Image that is used to create the Docker Container.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.cicsts.CicsRegion
The tag of the zOS Image that this region will be provisioned on
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface
The tag of the Linux Image this installation is to be associated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface
The tag of the Linux Image this installation is to be associated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.linux.LinuxImage
The tag of the Linux Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.linux.LinuxIpHost
The tag of the Linux Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface
The tag of the Windows Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface
The tag of the Windows Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosImage
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosIpHost
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosIpPort
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Terminal
The tag of the zOS Image for terminal this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatch
The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobname
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsole
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngel
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosmf.Zosmf
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.Rseapi
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosCicsClassSet
The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosPreDefinedProfile
The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurity
The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosUserid
The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image.
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommand
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
imageTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommand
The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
IManager - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
This is the main interface used by the Framework to drive the Manager lifecycle.
IMessageQueue - Interface in
IMessageQueueManager - Interface in
IMetricsProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IMetricsServer - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
INBOUND - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IDatastreamListener.DatastreamDirection
IncorrectOccurrencesException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.textscan
IncorrectOccurrencesException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.IncorrectOccurrencesException
IncorrectOccurrencesException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.IncorrectOccurrencesException
IncorrectOccurrencesException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.IncorrectOccurrencesException
IncorrectOccurrencesException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.IncorrectOccurrencesException
IncorrectOccurrencesException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.IncorrectOccurrencesException
incrementMetric(IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.DssUtils
incrementProperty(IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.DssUtils
INDEXED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation
infixes() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.core.manager.TestProperty
initialise(IApiServerInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthStoreRegistration
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.ICredentialsStoreRegistration
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStoreServiceRegistration
Registers the service with the framework, ensuring only one service is operational at one time.
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfidentialTextServiceRegistration
Registers the service with the framework, ensuring only one service is operational at one time.
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreRegistration
This method is called to selectively initialise the CPS.
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreRegistration
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IEventsServiceRegistration
initialise(IFrameworkInitialisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreRegistration
initialise(IFramework, List<IManager>, List<IManager>, GalasaTest) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
initialise(IFramework, List<IManager>, List<IManager>, GalasaTest) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Initialise the Manager, if required.
initialise(IFramework, IMetricsServer) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IMetricsProvider
initialise(IFramework, IResourceManagement) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagementProvider
initialize() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
initiate() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Initiate the security context without a token.
initiate(KerberosToken) - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Initiate the security context with a token, or without if inToken is null.
INPUT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
inquireResource(ICicsTerminal, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICemt
Inquire a CEMT resource using the resource type and name.
installGroup(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeda
installLogCapture() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
installResource(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeda
installResourceDefinition() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Install the CICS BUNDLE resource definition
installResourceDefinition() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Install the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition
instantiateTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
Instantiate test class and set field values
InsufficientResourcesAvailableException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
InsufficientResourcesAvailableException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.InsufficientResourcesAvailableException
InsufficientResourcesAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.InsufficientResourcesAvailableException
InsufficientResourcesAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.InsufficientResourcesAvailableException
InsufficientResourcesAvailableException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.InsufficientResourcesAvailableException
InsufficientResourcesAvailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.InsufficientResourcesAvailableException
introduceFlakinessByIgnoringSecurityDomains() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
Do Not Use
invoke(TestRunManagers, Object, boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper
invoke(TestRunManagers, Object, GenericMethodWrapper) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
Run the supplied method
invoke(TestRunManagers, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinMethod
IOperaOptions - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
IPersistentVolumeClaim - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represents a PersistentVolumeClaim
iphone - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
IpNetworkManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
IpNetworkManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IpNetworkManagerException
IpNetworkManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IpNetworkManagerException
IpNetworkManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IpNetworkManagerException
IpNetworkManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IpNetworkManagerException
IpNetworkManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IpNetworkManagerException
IPodLog - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Holder for a Pod Log
IRasSearchCriteria - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
IReplicaSet - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represents a resource that utilises ReplicatSets, ie Deployment and StatefulSet
IResource - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Abstracts a Kubernetes Resource, so that the test is not dependent of whatever Kubernetes client the Kubernetes Manager decides to use.
IResource.TYPE - Enum Class in dev.galasa.kubernetes
IResourceManagement - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IResourceManagementProvider - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IResourcePoolingService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IResourceString - Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
IResultArchiveStore - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used to gain access to the Result Archive Store (RAS)
IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IResultArchiveStoreRegistration - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IResultArchiveStoreService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various Result Archive Stores that may exist within the OSGi instance.
IResultMap - Interface in dev.galasa.db2
A simple interface to provide easy access to multiple types of returns.
IRseapi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
Represents a RSE API server
IRseapi.RseapiRequestType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
Enumeration of RSE API request types
IRseapiManager - Interface in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
Provides the test code access to the RSE API Manager
IRseapiManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosrseapi.spi
Provides the SPI access to the RSE API Manager
IRseapiResponse - Interface in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
Represents the response from a RSE API server request
IRseapiRestApiProcessor - Interface in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
IRun - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
IRunResult - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
is(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
is(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
is(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
is(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
is(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
isAbsolute() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
isActive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.IZosLibertyAngel
Is the zOS Liberty angel active
isArray() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponseOutputValue
Is the value is held in both text and hex formats
isBundleActive(BundleContext, String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.BundleManagement
Is the supplied active in the OSGi framework
isCancelled() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isCics() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.IZosProgram
Is the zOS Program a CICS program
isClearScreen() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
isClearScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
isClearScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
isCodeCoverageRequested() - Method in class
isComplete() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleStatus
isConnectAtStartup() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
isConnected() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
isConnected() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
isContextEstablished() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Return true when the security context has been established
IScreenUpdateListener - Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270
IScreenUpdateListener.Direction - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
isDefects() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isDirectory() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
isDirectory() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return true if this object represents a zOS UNIX directory
isDirectory(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
isDirectory(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
isDisplay() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
isDisplay() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isDummyField() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
ISdvUser - Interface in dev.galasa.sdv
This class provides the interface for SDVUserImpl.
isEarlierThan(ProductVersion) - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
ISecret - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represents a Secret resource
ISeleniumManager - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
ISeleniumManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium.spi
isEmpty() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutput
Returns true if this IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile contains no IZosBatchJobOutput
isEnabled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Returns whether the CICS BUNDLE resource is currently enabled
isEnabled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Returns whether the CICS JVMSERVER resource is currently enabled
isEnvFail() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
IService - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represents a Service resource
isFailed() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isFieldDisplay() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Is field Displayable
isFieldIntenseDisplay() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Is field intense
isFieldModifed() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Has field been modified
isFieldModifed() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
isFieldModifed() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isFieldNumeric() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Is field unformatted.
isFieldProtected() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Is field protected
isFieldSelectorPen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Is field selectable
isFinished() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerExec
Has the command finished
isFtpPortTls() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Is the FTP port secured by TLS, default false
isFtpPortTls() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
isFullStop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isGherkin() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
isGherkin() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
isHidden(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
isIgnored() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isInbound() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
Is inbound to the client.
isInitialised() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
isInitialised() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
isIntenseDisplay() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
isIntenseDisplay() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isJava() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaMethod
isJava() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaTest
isJavascriptEnabled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
isJavascriptEnabled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
isJavaScriptEnabled(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
isJavaScriptEnabled(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
isJavaScriptEnabled(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
ISkeletonProcessor - Interface in dev.galasa.artifact
ISkeletonProcessor.SkeletonType - Class in dev.galasa.artifact
isLaterThan(ProductVersion) - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
isLegacy() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
isLocal() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStoreDirectoryService
isLocal() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
isNormal() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeciResponse
Returns true if the CECI response is "NORMAL",
isNumeric() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
isNumeric() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isOpen() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
isOpen() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
isOther() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
isParameterEquals(String, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.CicstsHashMap
isPassed() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isPDS() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Returns true if the data set exists and is a partitioned data set
isProfileBuilt() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Checks if the JVM profile has been built
isProtected() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
isProtected() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isProvisionStart() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
isReadOnly() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
isReadOnly() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
isRecording() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
isRegularFile() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
isRegularFile(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
isRegularFile(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
isRequestConf() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Returns true if confidentiality has been requested
isRequestCredDeleg() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Returns true if credential delegation has been requested
isRequestMutualAuth() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Returns true if mutual authentication has been requested
isResources() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
isRunning() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Checks with the docker engine to find the running state of this container.
isSameFile(Path, Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
isScannableInputStream() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScannable
Is the scannable object fetched by inputstream, used when the text file can be so large that it may exceed the JVM heap.
isScannableString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScannable
Used for normal logs that fit easily in a standard String
isSelectorPen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
isSelectorPen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isSharedEnvironment() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
isSharedEnvironment() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
isShutdown() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
isStarted() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
isStatusValid(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
Does the input string represent one of the enumerated values ? An insensitive string comparison is performed against the enum.toString()
isStopped() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
issueCommand(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Issue a CECI command.
issueCommand(ICicsTerminal, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Issue a CECI command.
issueCommand(ICicsTerminal, String, HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Issue a CECI command.
issueCommand(ICicsTerminal, String, HashMap<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Issue a CECI command.
issueCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.IZosConsole
Issue a command to the zOS Console using the default named console
issueCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zostsocommand.IZosTSOCommand
Issue a zOS TSO command
issueCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.IZosUNIXCommand
Issue a zOS UNIX command
issueCommand(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zostsocommand.IZosTSOCommand
Issue a zOS TSO command
issueCommand(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.IZosUNIXCommand
Issue a zOS UNIX command with a timeout
issueCommand(String, long, ICredentials) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.IZosUNIXCommand
Issue a zOS UNIX command with specified credentials and timeout
issueCommand(String, ICredentials) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.IZosUNIXCommand
Issue a zOS UNIX command with specified credentials
issueCommand(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.IZosConsole
Issue a command to the zOS Console using a named console
issueCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
issueCommand(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH.
issueCommand(String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH.
issueCommand(String, boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH.
issueCommand(String, boolean, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH
issueCommand(String, boolean, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH
issueCommand(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH.
issueCommand(String, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH.
issueCommandToShell(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH shell.
issueCommandToShell(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH shell.
issueCommandToShell(String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH shell.
issueCommandToShell(String, boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH shell.
issueCommandToShell(String, boolean, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH shell - not valid for Rexec implementation - equivalent to ICommandShell.issueCommand(String, long) for Telnet implementation
issueCommandToShell(String, boolean, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH shell
issueCommandToShell(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Issue a command using SSH shell.
issueCommandToShell(String, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Issue a command using SSH shell.
isSwitchedSSL() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
isSwitchedSSL() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
isSymbolicLink() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
IStatefulSet - Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Represents a StatefulSet resource
IStatementOwner - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
isTelnetPortTls() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.IIpHost
Is the Telnet port secured by TLS, default false
isTelnetPortTls() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AbstractGenericIpHost
isTextInField(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
isTextInField(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
isTextInField(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
isTextInField(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
isTextInField(String, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
isTrace() - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
isTrace() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
isTrace() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IRun
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class
isUnformatted() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
Is field unformatted.
isUnformatted() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
isUppercaseTranslation() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsTerminal
Use the CEOT transaction to determine the Uppercase Translation status of this CICS TS terminal
isUppercaseTranslation() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
isValid() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
isZosBatchJobSpoolFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Is this JVM server log a IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
isZosUNIXFile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Is this JVM server log a IZosUNIXFile
iterator() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
ITerminal - Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270
ITestCatalogBuilder - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ITextScannable - Interface in dev.galasa.textscan
This interface provides a access to a text resource that can be repeatedly updated and scanned for text.
ITextScanner - Interface in dev.galasa.textscan
Provides utility text scanning routines for tests and Managers to use, intended for use with logs or batch jobs etc.
ITextScannerManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.textscan.spi
ITimeService - Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
An interface to allow the mocking of time-related method calls.
IWebDriver - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
IWebPage - Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
TPI for the WebPageImpl object provisioned by the Selenium Manager
IWindowsImage - Interface in
Represents a Windows Image .
IWindowsManager - Interface in
IWindowsManagerSpi - Interface in
IWindowsProvisionedImage - Interface in
IWindowsProvisioner - Interface in
IZos3270Manager - Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270
IZos3270ManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
IZosBatch - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Provides the test code access to zOS Batch jobs via the zOS Manager
IZosBatchJob - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Represents a zOS Batch Job.
IZosBatchJob.JobStatus - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosbatch
IZosBatchJobname - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Represents a privovision zOS Batch Jobname
IZosBatchJobOutput - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Represents a zOS Batch Job output
IZosBatchJobOutputSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi
SPI to zOS Batch Job output
IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Represents the a spool file from a zOS Batch job
IZosBatchSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch.spi
SPI interface to IZosBatch
IZosCertificate - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a Certificate that has been imported into RACF
IZosCicsClassSet - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a set of RACF Classes that is used to CICS security.
IZosCicsProfile - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
IZosConsole - Interface in dev.galasa.zosconsole
Provides the test code access to the zOS Console via the zOS Manager
IZosConsoleCommand - Interface in dev.galasa.zosconsole
Represents a zOS Console Command.

When the command is issued via IZosConsole.issueCommand(String) or IZosConsole.issueCommand(String, String), the immediate response message, if available, together with a command response key, is received from the zOS Console.
IZosConsoleSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosconsole.spi
SPI interface to IZosConsole
IZosDataset - Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile
Representation of a non-VSAM data set
IZosDataset.DatasetDataType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Enumeration of data type for store and retrieve of data set content: IZosDataset.DatasetDataType.TEXT IZosDataset.DatasetDataType.BINARY IZosDataset.DatasetDataType.RECORD
IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
IZosDataset.DSType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
IZosDataset.RecordFormat - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
IZosDataset.SpaceUnit - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Enumeration of space units for data set allocation: IZosDataset.SpaceUnit.TRACKS IZosDataset.SpaceUnit.CYLINDERS
IZosFileHandler - Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile
Tester facing interface for zOS file management.
IZosFileSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile.spi
SPI interface to
invalid @link
IZosGroup - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a group
IZosIdMap - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a Id Map that has been created.
IZosImage - Interface in dev.galasa.zos
Represents a zOS Image (or lpar).
IZosKerberosPrincipal - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Representation of a Kerberos Principal
IZosKeyring - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a keyring that has been created.
IZosLiberty - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
Create a new zOS Liberty server
IZosLibertyAngel - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel
Represents a zOS Liberty angel process
IZosLibertyAngelSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.spi
SPI interface to IZosLibertyAngel
IZosLibertyServer - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
Represents a zOS Liberty server
IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosliberty
IZosLibertyServerLog - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
IZosLibertyServerLogs - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
An IZosLibertyServerLogs contain an array of Liberty server logs
IZosLibertyServerXml - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
Represents the server.xml configuration file in a zOS Liberty Server.
IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
An IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList contains a list of XML elements
IZosLibertySpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty.spi
SPI interface to IZosLiberty
IZosManager - Interface in dev.galasa.zos
Provides the test code access to the zOS Manager
IZosManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zos.spi
IZosmf - Interface in dev.galasa.zosmf
Represents a zOSMF server
IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosmf
Enumeration of zOSMF Custom HTTP headers
IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosmf
Enumeration of zOSMF request types
IZosmfManager - Interface in dev.galasa.zosmf
Provides the test code access to the zOSMF Manager
IZosmfManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosmf.spi
Provides the SPI access to the zOSMF Manager
IZosmfResponse - Interface in dev.galasa.zosmf
Represents the response from a zOSMF server request
IZosmfRestApiProcessor - Interface in dev.galasa.zosmf
IZosPreDefinedProfile - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a predefined profile, which userids can be permitted to.
IZosProfile - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a profile created by this zossec security manager
IZosProgram - Interface in dev.galasa.zosprogram
Represents a zOS Program
IZosProgramManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosprogram.spi
Provides the SPI access to the zOS Program Manager
IZosSecurity - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
The ZosSecurityManager provides access to the manage userids/profiles/classes on RACF.
IZosSecurityManagerSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity.spi
SPI interface to IZosSecurity
IZosTSOCommand - Interface in dev.galasa.zostsocommand
Provides the test code access to zOS TSO Commands via the zOS Manager
IZosTSOCommandSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zostsocommand.spi
SPI interface to IZosTSOCommand
IZosUNIXCommand - Interface in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
Provides the test code access to zOS UNIX Commands via the zOS Manager
IZosUNIXCommandSpi - Interface in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.spi
SPI interface to IZosUNIXCommand
IZosUNIXFile - Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile
Representation of a UNIX file or directory.
IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Enumeration of data type for store and retrieve of data set content: IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType.TEXT IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType.BINARY
IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
IZosUserid - Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a pooled userid
IZosVSAMDataset - Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile
Highly configurable representation of a VSAM dataset
IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Backup-While-Open options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
VSAM Dataset Organisation options
IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Erase options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
FR Log options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Log options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Recatalog options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Reuse options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Spanned options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Speed or Recovery options for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Space units for VSAM define
IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
Write check options for VSAM define


java - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaLanguage
JAVA_VENDOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class dev.galasa.common.SSLTLSContextNameSelector
JAVA_VERSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class dev.galasa.common.SSLTLSContextNameSelector
JavaInstallationImpl - Class in
JavaInstallationImpl(IJavaManagerSpi, JavaType, OperatingSystem, CpuArchitecture, JavaVersion, String, String) - Constructor for class
javaJvm() - Element in annotation interface
javaJvm() - Element in annotation interface
JavaManagerException - Exception Class in
JavaManagerException() - Constructor for exception class
JavaManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class
JavaManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
JavaManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class
JavaManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
JavaManagerField - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
javaTag() - Element in annotation interface
The tag to be assigned to this Java installation
javaTag() - Element in annotation interface
The tag to be assigned to this Java installation
javaType() - Element in annotation interface
javaType() - Element in annotation interface
JavaType - Enum Class in
JavaUbuntuInstallation - Annotation Interface in
Represents a Java installation on a Ubuntu image
JavaUbuntuInstallationImpl - Class in
JavaUbuntuInstallationImpl(JavaUbuntuManagerImpl, JavaType, JavaVersion, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
JavaUbuntuManagerException - Exception Class in
JavaUbuntuManagerException() - Constructor for exception class
JavaUbuntuManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class
JavaUbuntuManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
JavaUbuntuManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class
JavaUbuntuManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
JavaUbuntuManagerField - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
javaVersion() - Element in annotation interface
javaVersion() - Element in annotation interface
JavaVersion - Enum Class in
JavaWindowsInstallation - Annotation Interface in
Represents a Java installation on a Windows image
JavaWindowsInstallationImpl - Class in
JavaWindowsInstallationImpl(JavaWindowsManagerImpl, JavaType, JavaVersion, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
JavaWindowsManagerException - Exception Class in
JavaWindowsManagerException() - Constructor for exception class
JavaWindowsManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class
JavaWindowsManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
JavaWindowsManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class
JavaWindowsManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
JavaWindowsManagerField - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
jaxbResponse(CloseableHttpResponse, boolean, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with an Object content type from an HttpResponse.
jaxbResponse(CloseableHttpResponse, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with an Object content type from an HttpResponse.
JCLHOLD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun
jdk - Enum constant in enum class
JMeterManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.jmeter
JMeterManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterManagerException
JMeterManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterManagerException
JMeterManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterManagerException
JMeterManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterManagerException
JMeterManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterManagerException
JMeterManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.jmeter
JMeterSession - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.jmeter
jmxPath() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterSession
Provides the session with a specific jmxFile during provisioning
Journals - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
jre - Enum constant in enum class
JSON - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
JsonError - Class in dev.galasa
JsonError(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.JsonError
jsonResponse(CloseableHttpResponse) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a
invalid @link
content type from an HttpResponse.
jsonResponse(CloseableHttpResponse, boolean) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a
invalid @link
content type from an HttpResponse.


KerberosInitiator - Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
This class represents the initiator of the kerberos security context.
KerberosInitiator(IZosKerberosPrincipal, IZosKerberosPrincipal, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Construct with service client and kdc
KerberosToken - Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Object representing a Kerberos Token
KerberosToken(byte[]) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosToken
Construct with the kerberos token in byte[] form
KeyboardLockedException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
KeyboardLockedException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.KeyboardLockedException
KeyboardLockedException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.KeyboardLockedException
KeyboardLockedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.KeyboardLockedException
KeyboardLockedException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.KeyboardLockedException
KeyboardLockedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.KeyboardLockedException
KeyringAlreadyExistsException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
KeyringAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KeyringAlreadyExistsException
KeyringAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KeyringAlreadyExistsException
KeyringAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KeyringAlreadyExistsException
KeyringAlreadyExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KeyringAlreadyExistsException
keyword() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.ExecutionMethod
KILL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
KILOBYTES - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit
KubernetesManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.kubernetes
KubernetesManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.kubernetes.KubernetesManagerException
KubernetesManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.kubernetes.KubernetesManagerException
KubernetesManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.kubernetes.KubernetesManagerException
KubernetesManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.kubernetes.KubernetesManagerException
KubernetesManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.kubernetes.KubernetesManagerException
KubernetesNamespace - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.kubernetes
Kubernetes Namespace
kubernetesNamespaceTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.KubernetesNamespace
The kubernetesNamespaceTag identifies the Kubernetes names to other Managers or Shared Environments.


language() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
The programming language.
LARGE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
lastAccessTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
lastModifiedTime() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
length() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.core.manager.ResourceString
Generate and lock a resource string
length() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
LIBERTY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
LibertyManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.liberty
LibertyManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyManagerException
LibertyManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyManagerException
LibertyManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyManagerException
LibertyManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyManagerException
LibertyManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyManagerException
LibertyServerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.liberty
LibertyServerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyServerException
LibertyServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyServerException
LibertyServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyServerException
LibertyServerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyServerException
LibertyServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.liberty.LibertyServerException
LIBRARY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation
linkProgram(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
linkProgramWithChannel(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
linux - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
LinuxImage - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.linux
Represents a Linux that has been provisioned for the test
LinuxIpHost - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.linux
Represents a IP Host for a Linux Image that has been provisioned for the test
LinuxManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.linux
LinuxManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.linux.LinuxManagerException
LinuxManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.linux.LinuxManagerException
LinuxManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.linux.LinuxManagerException
LinuxManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.linux.LinuxManagerException
LinuxManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.linux.LinuxManagerException
LinuxManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.linux
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
list() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
List the certificate
list() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
List the keyring
listDatasets(String, IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosFileHandler
Return a List of data set name starting with the supplied prefix
listFeatures() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Convenience method to list the current features listed in the featureManager element in the Liberty server server.xml
listSpoolFiles() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Provides a list of the batch job spool files as an IZosBatchJobOutput object without retrieving spool file content
LITERAL_NAME - Static variable in class dev.galasa.Constants
LMAS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType
load() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is used for loading the properties from the java properties file in a memory loaded properties
loadAllGherkinManagerBundles(RepositoryAdmin, BundleContext) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.BundleManagement
loadBundle(RepositoryAdmin, BundleContext, String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.BundleManagement
Load a bundle from the OSGi Bundle Repository
LoadFile(String, InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
Pre-populate a volume with some data.
LoadFileAsString(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
Pre-populate a volume with some string data.
loadFromFileSystem() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Update the content of the
invalid @link
{@link IZosLibertyServerXml) with the content of the server.xml file from the zOS UNIX file system
loadlib() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
The load module data set name
loadServerXmlFromFileSystem() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Load the content of the Liberty server.xml from the file system into the internal IZosLibertyServerXml object
locateCicsRegion(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
locateFieldAt(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
location() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
Path to the location of the program source in the Galasa test bundle.
lockKeyboard() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
LOG_ASTERS - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
LOG_ASTERS - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
LOG_ENDING - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
LOG_ENDING - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
LOG_METHOD_AFTER - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
LOG_METHOD_AFTER_CLASS - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
LOG_METHOD_BEFORE - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
LOG_METHOD_BEFORE_CLASS - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
LOG_METHOD_TEST - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper
LOG_START_LINE - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
LOG_START_LINE - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
LOG_STARTING - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
LOG_STARTING - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
Logger - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Fill this field with the Logger instance for this Test Class.
loginCredentialsTag - Variable in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
loginCredentialsTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.cicsts.CicsTerminal
The CICS TS Manager will automatically log into the CICS TS region via CESL using the terminal with the specified secure credentials when it connects
logIntoTerminal(ICicsTerminal) - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
logonToCicsRegion(ICicsTerminal) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionLogonProvider
LogScanner - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.textscan
Fill this field with a Log Scanner object.


m(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
manage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns the Options interface for the WebPage
ManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa
ManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ManagerException
ManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ManagerException
ManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ManagerException
ManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ManagerException
ManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ManagerException
ManagerServiceListener - Class in dev.galasa.framework
ManagerServiceListener() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.ManagerServiceListener
MasType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.cicsts
maximize() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Maximizes the WebPage
MEGABYTES - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit
MEMBER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassType
memberCreate(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Create an empty member in the partitioned data set
memberDelete(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Delete a member from the partitioned data set
memberExists(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return true if the named member exists in the partitioned data set
memberList() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
List the members of the partitioned data set
memberRetrieveAsBinary(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Retrieve content from the partitioned data set member in Binary mode
memberRetrieveAsText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Retrieve content from the partitioned data set member in Text mode
memberSaveToResultsArchive(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Store the content of the partitioned data set member to the Results Archive Store
memberStoreBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Write content to the partitioned data set member in Binary mode
memberStoreText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Write content to the partitioned data set member in Text mode
METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class dev.galasa.http.HttpDelete
metricsPollSuccessful() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IMetricsServer
MetricsServerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
MetricsServerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.MetricsServerException
MetricsServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.MetricsServerException
MetricsServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.MetricsServerException
MetricsServerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.MetricsServerException
MetricsServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.MetricsServerException
MissingTextException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.textscan
MissingTextException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.MissingTextException
MissingTextException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.MissingTextException
MissingTextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.MissingTextException
MissingTextException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.MissingTextException
MissingTextException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.MissingTextException
MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event
MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event
modifyElementAttributes(Element, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Add or replace attributes in supplied XML element.
mountPath() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerVolume
move(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
MqManagerException - Exception Class in
MqManagerException() - Constructor for exception class
MqManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class
MqManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
MqManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class
MqManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
MqManagerField - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType


name() - Element in annotation interface
The name of the environment property
name() - Element in annotation interface
A name given to the port, not used except for getContainerExposedPort()
name() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributesView
name() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
name() - Element in annotation interface
name() - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
name() - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreFileAttributeView
name() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestVariation
name() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngel
name() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram
The program name
nameElements - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
navigate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Returns an abstraction allowing the Diver to access the Browser's history to navigate to a URL
networkClosed() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
networkClosed() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
NetworkException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
NetworkException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.NetworkException
NetworkException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.NetworkException
NetworkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.NetworkException
NetworkException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.NetworkException
NetworkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.NetworkException
NEUTRAL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
NEW - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event
NEW - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event
newByteChannel(Path, Set<? extends OpenOption>, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
newCicsBundle(ICicsTerminal, Class<?>, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create a CICS BUNDLE resource object without supplying the CICS bundle content, i.e.
newCicsBundle(ICicsTerminal, Class<?>, String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create a CICS BUNDLE resource object supplying the CICS bundle content.
newDataset(String, IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosFileHandler
Instantiate a new IZosDataset, which can represent either an existing dataset, or one to be created.
newDirectoryStream(Path, DirectoryStream.Filter<? super Path>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
newElementList() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
newFileSystem(URI, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
newHttpClient() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.spi.IHttpManagerSpi
newHttpClient(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.spi.IHttpManagerSpi
newInputStream(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
newInputStream(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
newJsonReader(StringReader) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
newJvmprofile(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create an empty JVM profile object for use by a IJvmserver
newJvmprofile(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create an JVM profile object for use by a IJvmserver using the supplied Map of options.
newJvmprofile(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create an JVM profile object for use by a IJvmserver using the supplied Map of options.
newJvmserver(ICicsTerminal, String, String, IJvmprofile) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create a CICS JVMSERVER resource object using the supplied JVM profile
newJvmserver(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String, IJvmserver.JvmserverType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create a CICS JVMSERVER resource object using the CICS/Galasa default properties
newLibertyJvmserver(ICicsTerminal, String, String, IJvmprofile, IZosLibertyServer) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsResource
Create a CICS Liberty JVMSERVER resource object using the supplied JVM profile and Liberty server
newLine() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
newLine() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
newLine() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
newPathObject(boolean, List<String>, int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
newPathObject(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
newPathObject(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
newRseapi(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.spi.IRseapiManagerSpi
Returns a RSE API server
newRseapiRestApiProcessor(IZosImage, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.spi.IRseapiManagerSpi
Returns a IRseapiRestApiProcessor for a single image
newUNIXFile(String, IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosFileHandler
Instantiate a new IZosUNIXFile, which can represent either an existing UNIX file, or directory, or one to be created.
newVSAMDataset(String, IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosFileHandler
Instantiate a new IZosVSAMDataset object with the given name.
newWatchService() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
newZosBatchJobname(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers a IZosBatchJobname with a prefix defined by the zOS Batch zosbatch.jobname.[imageid].prefix property
newZosBatchJobname(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Provides other managers a IZosBatchJobname with a the supplied name
newZosBatchJobOutput(IZosBatchJob, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Create a new batch job output object
newZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile(IZosBatchJob, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Create a new zOS Batch job spool file object
newZosLibertyAngel(IZosImage, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.spi.IZosLibertyAngelSpi
Returns a zOS Liberty Angel instance
newZosLibertyServer(IZosImage) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLiberty
Create a zOS Liberty server object using the Liberty/Galasa default properties
newZosLibertyServer(IZosImage, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLiberty
Create a zOS Liberty server object using the Liberty/Galasa default properties
newZosmf(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.spi.IZosmfManagerSpi
Returns a zOSMF server
newZosmfRestApiProcessor(IZosImage, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.spi.IZosmfManagerSpi
Returns a IZosmfRestApiProcessor for a single image
newZosProgram(IZosImage, String, String, ZosProgram.Language, boolean, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosprogram.spi.IZosProgramManagerSpi
Returns a new zOS Program
NO - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption
NOERASE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption
NONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
NONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption
NONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption
NONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateType
Equivalent to ID(xxxx)
NONINDEXED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation
NONSPANNED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption
NORECATALOG - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption
NOREUSE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
normalise() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
normalize() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
NOTFOUND - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
NOTRUST - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateTrust
Equivalent to RACDCERT ADD ...
NOTSPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
now() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.ITimeService
now() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.SystemTimeService
NOWRITECHECK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption
nulled(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
null a String is if it is empty TODO Needs to be moved to a more appropriate place as non managers use this, a stringutils maybe
nulled(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
nullify(int, int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
NUMBERED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation
numberOfFiles() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
The number of Liberty log files


obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
This method obtaines resources from given definitions, but allowing rejected resources to be disgarded from any returned list.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourcePoolingService
Generate and return a list of resource that are available for use by the manager
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
This method obtaines resources from given definitions, but allowing rejected resources to be disgarded from any returned list.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourcePoolingService
Generate and return a list of resource that are available for use by the manager
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
This method obtaines resources from given definitions, but allowing rejected resources to be disgarded from any returned list.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourcePoolingService
Generate and return a list of resource that are available for use by the manager
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int, int, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
This method obtaines resources from given definitions, but allowing rejected resources to be disgarded from any returned list.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int, int, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourcePoolingService
Generate and return a list of resources that available for use by the manager.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
This method obtaines resources from given definitions, but allowing rejected resources to be disgarded from any returned list.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, int, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourcePoolingService
Generate and return a list of resource that are available for use by the manager
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkResourcePoolingService
This method obtaines resources from given definitions, but allowing rejected resources to be disgarded from any returned list.
obtainResources(List<String>, List<String>, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourcePoolingService
Generate and return a list of resource that are available for use by the manager
onDirectoryChange(File) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
onDirectoryCreate(File) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
onDirectoryDelete(File) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
onFileChange(File) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method invoked when the montior thread detects a change to the file being observed
onFileCreate(File) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
onFileDelete(File) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
onStart(FileAlterationObserver) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
onStop(FileAlterationObserver) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is not used
OpenstackLinuxManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.openstack.manager
OpenstackLinuxManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackLinuxManagerException
OpenstackLinuxManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackLinuxManagerException
OpenstackLinuxManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackLinuxManagerException
OpenstackLinuxManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackLinuxManagerException
OpenstackLinuxManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackLinuxManagerException
OpenstackManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.openstack.manager
OpenstackManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackManagerException
OpenstackManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackManagerException
OpenstackManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackManagerException
OpenstackManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackManagerException
OpenstackManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackManagerException
OpenstackWindowsManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.openstack.manager
OpenstackWindowsManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackWindowsManagerException
OpenstackWindowsManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackWindowsManagerException
OpenstackWindowsManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackWindowsManagerException
OpenstackWindowsManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackWindowsManagerException
OpenstackWindowsManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.openstack.manager.OpenstackWindowsManagerException
OPERA - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
operatingSystem() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.linux.LinuxImage
The operating system of the Linux image
OperatingSystem - Enum Class in dev.galasa.linux
OperatingSystem - Enum Class in dev.galasa
OSGI - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
osx - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
OUTBOUND - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IDatastreamListener.DatastreamDirection
OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
OutputRepositoryException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.artifact
OutputRepositoryException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.OutputRepositoryException
OutputRepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.OutputRepositoryException
OutputRepositoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.OutputRepositoryException
OutputRepositoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.OutputRepositoryException


pa1() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pa1() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PA1 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pa2() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pa2() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PA2 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pa3() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pa3() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PA3 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
parse(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
parseTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
Process the test class looking for test methods and fields that need to be injected
PARTITIONED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization
passed() - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Result
patternVersion - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
PCT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
PDS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
PDSE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
performActions(IDssAction...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
performActions(IDssAction...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Will perform multiple actions on the DSS in an atomic fashion.
performFailureAnalysis() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
performFailureAnalysis() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Can be used to perform Failure Analysis at this point and record the results in the RAS.
performSystemProperty(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICemt
PersistentVolumeClaim - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
PERSONAL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateType
Equivalent Certificate type of PERSONAL
pf1() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf1() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF1 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf10() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf10() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF10 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf11() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf11() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF11 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf12() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf12() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF12 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf13() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf13() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF13 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf14() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf14() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF14 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf15() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf15() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF15 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf16() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf16() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF16 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf17() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf17() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF17 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf18() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf18() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF18 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf19() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf19() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF19 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf2() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf2() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF2 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf20() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf20() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF20 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf21() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf21() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF21 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf22() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf22() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF22 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf23() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf23() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF23 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf24() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf24() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF24 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf3() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf3() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF3 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf4() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf4() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF4 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf5() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf5() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF5 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf6() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf6() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF6 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf7() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf7() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF7 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf8() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf8() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF8 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
pf9() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
pf9() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
PF9 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
PHASEOUT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
PINK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
PL1 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
PL1 program with .pl1 file extension
PLUSPLUS - Static variable in class dev.galasa.artifact.ISkeletonProcessor.SkeletonType
PNG - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
port() - Element in annotation interface
The port number
position() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
position(long) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
positionCursorToFieldContaining(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
positionCursorToFieldContaining(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
positionCursorToFieldContaining(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
posixFilePermissionsToOctal(Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Static method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Convert Set<PosixFilePermission> to Numeric Notation (e.g.
posixFilePermissionsToSymbolicNotation(Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Static method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Convert Setinvalid input: '<'PosixFilePermission> to Symbolic Notation (e.g.
post(String, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP POST request to the RSE API server with no request body
post(String, Map<String, String>, ContentType, Object, ContentType[], Class<?>[], boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
POST - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
POST method with no request body
POST_JSON - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
POST method with JSON request body
POST_JSON - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
POST method with JSON request body
postBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP POST to the provided URL, sending the provided byte and receiving a byte in the response.
postForm(String, Map<String, String>, HashMap<String, String>, ContentType[], Class<?>[], boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
postJaxb(String, Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP POST to the provided URL, sending the provided jaxbObject and receiving a JAXB Object in the response.
postJson(String, JsonObject) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP POST to the provided URL, sending the provided
invalid @link
and receiving a
invalid @link
in the response.
postJson(String, JsonObject, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Issue an HTTP POST request to the zOSMF server with a request body of content type of application/json
postJson(String, JsonObject, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP POST request to the RSE API server with a request body of content type of application/json
postSOAP(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP POST to the provided URL, sending the provided XML as a String and receiving a String in the response.
postText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP POST to the provided URL, sending the provided String and receiving a String in the response.
postXML(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP POST to the provided URL, sending the provided XML as a String and receiving a String in the response.
ppc64le - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
prefix() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.core.manager.TestProperty
primaryColumns() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Terminal
primaryRows() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Terminal
printExtendedScreen(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
printFields() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
printProfile() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Print the content of the JVM profile
printScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
printScreenTextWithCursor() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
probeContentType(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
probeContentType(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
processDataLine(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
processHeaderLine(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
processInboundMessage(Inbound3270Message) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
processOrders(List<AbstractOrder>, WriteControlCharacter) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
processSkeleton(InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.ISkeletonProcessor
produceEvent(String, IEvent) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IEventsService
PRODUCT_NAME - Static variable in class dev.galasa.Constants
ProductVersion - Class in dev.galasa
ProductVersion(int, int, int) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
ProductVersion(ProductVersion) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
profile() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosPreDefinedProfile
The name of the pre defined profile.
ProfileAlreadyExistsException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
ProfileAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileAlreadyExistsException
ProfileAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileAlreadyExistsException
ProfileAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileAlreadyExistsException
ProfileAlreadyExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileAlreadyExistsException
ProfileConfigurationException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
ProfileConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileConfigurationException
ProfileConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileConfigurationException
ProfileConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileConfigurationException
ProfileConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileConfigurationException
ProfileNotFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
ProfileNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileNotFoundException
ProfileNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileNotFoundException
ProfileNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileNotFoundException
ProfileNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ProfileNotFoundException
Programs - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
properties() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestVariation
property() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestVariationProperty
propertyModified(String, IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher
propertyModified(String, IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher
propPath() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.jmeter.JMeterSession
provider() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
provision(String, String, List<Annotation>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioner
provisionBuild() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
provisionBuild() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Build everything that is needed for this Test Run.
provisionBuild() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
provisionContainer(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.spi.IDockerManagerSpi
This method is able to provide the dockerContainer instance with a defined Dockerhub Container Tag
provisionDiscard() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
provisionDiscard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Discard the provisioned environment.
provisionDiscard() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
provisionGenerate() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
provisionGenerate() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Provision resource names, resource pools, settings etc, ready for building.
provisionGenerate() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
provisionImageForTag(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Returns a zOS Image for the specified tag, if necessary provisions it
provisionLinux(String, OperatingSystem, List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.spi.ILinuxProvisioner
provisionPort(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.IIpHostSpi
provisionStart() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
provisionStart() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Start the provisioned environment.
provisionStart() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
provisionStop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
provisionStop() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Stop the provisioned environment.
provisionStop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
provisionWebDriver(Browser) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.spi.ISeleniumManagerSpi
provisionWindows(String, List<String>) - Method in interface
PROVSTART - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
PSB - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
purge() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Cancel the batch job and purge output from the queue
PURGE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
put(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Store a new key value pair in the server
put(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Store multiple key/value pairs in the server.
PUT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
PUT method with no request body
PUT_BINARY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
PUT method with byte[] request body
PUT_BINARY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
PUT method with binary request body
PUT_JSON - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
PUT method with JSON request body
PUT_JSON - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
PUT method with JSON request body
PUT_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
PUT method with TEXT request body
PUT_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
PUT method with text request body
putBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP PUT to the provided URL, sending the provided byte and receiving a byte in the response.
putBinary(String, byte[], List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the zOSMF server with a request body of content type of text/plain
putBinary(String, byte[], List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with a request body of content type of text/plain
putContainer(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Puts data in a CONTAINER with an associated CHANNEL.
putFile(String, InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Send a compressed (tar) file from a local location to a specified destination on a host.
putJaxb(String, Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP PUT to the provided URL, sending the provided jaxbObject and receiving a JAXB Object in the response.
putJson(String, JsonObject) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP PUT to the provided URL, sending the provided
invalid @link
and receiving a
invalid @link
in the response.
putJson(String, JsonObject, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the zOSMF server with a request body of content type of application/json
putJson(String, JsonObject, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with a request body of content type of application/json
putSOAP(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP PUT to the provided URL, sending the provided XML as a String and receiving a String in the response.
putSwap(String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Put a key/value pair in the server if the key is set to the oldValue.
putSwap(String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
Put a key/value pair in the server if the key is set to the old value, along with a set of other key value pairs
putText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP PUT to the provided URL, sending the provided String and receiving a String in the response.
putText(String, String, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the zOSMF server with a request body of content type of text/plain
putText(String, String, List<Integer>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with text request body text/plain
putXML(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Issue an HTTP PUT to the provided URL, sending the provided XML as a String and receiving a String in the response.


Queue - Annotation Interface in
QueueManager - Annotation Interface in
queueMgrTag() - Element in annotation interface
quit() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Quit the Driver, closes all associated Windows


r(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
RACFAccess - Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
RACFAccess() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccess
RACFAccessType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
The RACF Access levels
RACFCertificateTrust - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
RACFCertificateType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
RacfSyntaxErrorException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
RacfSyntaxErrorException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RacfSyntaxErrorException
RacfSyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RacfSyntaxErrorException
RacfSyntaxErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RacfSyntaxErrorException
RacfSyntaxErrorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RacfSyntaxErrorException
RasArtifact - Class in dev.galasa.api.ras
RasArtifact(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasArtifact
RasRunResult - Class in dev.galasa.api.ras
RasRunResult(String, List<RasArtifact>, RasTestStructure) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
RasSearchCriteriaBundle - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaBundle(String...) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaBundle
RasSearchCriteriaQueuedFrom - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaQueuedFrom(Instant) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaQueuedFrom
RasSearchCriteriaQueuedTo - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaQueuedTo(Instant) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaQueuedTo
RasSearchCriteriaRequestor - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaRequestor(String...) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaRequestor
RasSearchCriteriaResult - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaResult(String...) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaResult
RasSearchCriteriaRunName - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaRunName(String...) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaRunName
RasSearchCriteriaStatus - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaStatus(List<TestRunLifecycleStatus>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaStatus
RasSearchCriteriaTestName - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasSearchCriteriaTestName(String...) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasSearchCriteriaTestName
RasTestClass - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
RasTestClass(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
RasTestMethod - Class in dev.galasa.api.ras
RasTestMethod(String, String, String, String, String, Instant, Instant, int, int, List<RasTestMethod>, List<RasTestMethod>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
RasTestStructure - Class in dev.galasa.api.ras
RasTestStructure(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Instant, Instant, Instant, List<RasTestMethod>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
RDF_XML - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
read(JsonReader) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GsonInstantTypeAdapater
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
READ - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
readAttributes() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributesView
readAttributes(Path, Class<A>, LinkOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
readAttributes(Path, String, LinkOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
readOnly() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerVolume
This field is used to protect this volume.
readOnly() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerVolume
RECATALOG - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption
RECEIVED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IScreenUpdateListener.Direction
RECORD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
No data conversion is performed.
RECORDS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit
RECOVERY - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption
RED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
REDO - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption
refresh() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource
refresh the raw YAML that is provided by getYaml()
refresh() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Refresh the list of log files
regex() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.ExecutionMethod
register(WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
register(WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>[], WatchEvent.Modifier...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
registerAnnotatedField(Field, Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
Register an Manager annotated field, for automatic filling during fillAnnotatedFields()
registerAuthStore(IAuthStore) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IApiServerInitialisation
Register an Auth Store Service, which allows the framework to retrieve user and token information.
registerCeciProvider(ICeciProvider) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
Register the a ICeci instance provider with the CICS TS Manager
registerCedaProvider(ICedaProvider) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
Register the a ICeda instance provider with the CICS TS Manager
registerCemtProvider(ICemtProvider) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
Register the a ICemt instance provider with the CICS TS Manager
registerCertificateStoreService(ICertificateStoreService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerCertificateStoreService(ICertificateStoreService) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
Register a Certificate Store Service.
registerCicsResourceProvider(ICicsResourceProvider) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
Register the a ICicsResource instance provider with the CICS TS Manager
registerCloudContainerProvider(ICloudContainerProvider) - Method in interface
Register a provider for Cloud Containers
registerConfidentialText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.core.manager.ICoreManager
registerConfidentialTextService(IConfidentialTextService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerConfidentialTextService(IConfidentialTextService) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
registerConfigurationPropertyStore(IConfigurationPropertyStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerConfigurationPropertyStore(IConfigurationPropertyStore) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
Register the active Configuration Property StoreService.
registerCredentialsStore(ICredentialsStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerCredentialsStore(ICredentialsStore) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
registerDatastreamListener(IDatastreamListener) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
registerDatastreamListener(IDatastreamListener) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
registerDatastreamListener(IDatastreamListener) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
registerDynamicStatusStore(IDynamicStatusStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerDynamicStatusStore(IDynamicStatusStore) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
registerEventsService(IEventsService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerEventsService(IEventsService) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
registerExecutionMethod(Method, Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
registerExecutionMethod(Method, Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
registerJavaInstallationForTag(String, IJavaInstallation) - Method in interface
registerManager(IGherkinManager) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
registerManager(IGherkinManager) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
registerProvisioner(ICicsRegionProvisioner) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicstsManagerSpi
registerProvisioner(ILinuxProvisioner) - Method in interface dev.galasa.linux.spi.ILinuxManagerSpi
registerProvisioner(IWindowsProvisioner) - Method in interface
registerResultArchiveStoreService(IResultArchiveStoreService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
registerResultArchiveStoreService(IResultArchiveStoreService) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkInitialisation
Register a Result Archive Store Service.
registerScreenUpdateListener(IScreenUpdateListener) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
registerStatements(GherkinTest, IStatementOwner[]) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractGherkinManager
registerText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfidentialTextService
Regsiters a confidential text on the service.
registerTypeAdapter(Type, Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGsonBuilder
relativize(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
removeApplication(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Remove an application from the Liberty server.
removeApplicationFromDropins(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Remove an application from the Liberty server dropins directory.
removeCertificate(IZosCertificate) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Remove a certificate from this keyring
removeCertificate(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosKeyring
Remove a non Galasa certificate from this keyring
removeConfidentialText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfidentialTextService
Removed any number of registered texts from a given log or output.
removeElementAttribute(Element, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Remove an attribute from supplied XML element
removeElements(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Remove all XML elements with specified name from the Liberty server.xml Document object
removeElementsById(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Remove all XML elements with specified name and id from the Liberty server.xml Document object
removeFeature(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Convenience method remove a feature from the Liberty server server.xml
removeFromGroup(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Remove this userid from a group
removeKeyring(IZosKeyring) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosCertificate
Remove this certificate from a RACF keyring
removeProfileValue(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Removes the JVM server option or JVM system property from the JVM profile
removeSit(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
This method removes a SIT parameter from CICS runtime JCL provided the provisioning tool allows.
removeTextContextElement(Element, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Remove a text context XML element in the Liberty server.xml Document object
report(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
report(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
report(String, StringBuilder) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
reportExtendedScreen(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Report to the log the current state of the terminal with optional extended datastream settings
reportExtendedScreen(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
reportPropertyVariants(String, String, String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Retrieves all possible different property variations that would be searched, in the search order.
reportPropertyVariantsString(String, String, String...) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Retrieves all possible different property variations that would be searched, in the search order.
reportResultStrings(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Ask the shell to log the result strings for all shell commands
reportResultStrings(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
reportScreen() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Temporary Print to console
reportScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
reportScreenWithCursor() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
reportScreenWithCursor() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
requestResponse() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosconsole.IZosConsoleCommand
Return the delayed response message from the current console command.
required() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.core.manager.TestProperty
requireWindowFocus() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
reset() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Resets this scanner so it can be reused
reset(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
reset(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
resetAndClear() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsTerminal
resetAndClear() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
resetCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Resets the checkpoint back to zero
resetRunUserid() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Reset the run user to default
resolve(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
resolve(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
resolveSibling(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
resolveSibling(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
resourceDefined() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Check if the CICS BUNDLE resource definition exist via CEDA DISPLAY
resourceDefined() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Check if the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition exist via CEDA DISPLAY
resourceExists(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeda
resourceInstalled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Check if the CICS BUNDLE resource has been installed via CEMT INQUIRE
resourceInstalled() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Check if the CICS JVMSERVER resource has been installed via CEMT INQUIRE
resourceManagementRunSuccessful() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagement
ResourceManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ResourceManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceManagerException
ResourceManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceManagerException
ResourceManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceManagerException
ResourceManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceManagerException
ResourceManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceManagerException
ResourcePoolingServiceException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ResourcePoolingServiceException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourcePoolingServiceException
ResourcePoolingServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourcePoolingServiceException
ResourcePoolingServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourcePoolingServiceException
ResourcePoolingServiceException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourcePoolingServiceException
ResourcePoolingServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourcePoolingServiceException
Resources - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
RESOURCES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
ResourceString - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Fill this field with a unique (within the ecosystem) string of a set length.
ResourceUnavailableException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ResourceUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceUnavailableException
ResourceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceUnavailableException
ResourceUnavailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceUnavailableException
ResourceUnavailableException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceUnavailableException
ResourceUnavailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResourceUnavailableException
restartShell() - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
restartShell() - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
RestrictedResourceException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
RestrictedResourceException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RestrictedResourceException
RestrictedResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RestrictedResourceException
RestrictedResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RestrictedResourceException
RestrictedResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.RestrictedResourceException
Result - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
For use with the dummy RAS file system
ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributesView - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
For use with the dummy RAS file system
ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributesView() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributesView
ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Dummy Byte Channel for a null Result Archive Store
ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
ResultArchiveStoreContentType - Class in dev.galasa
Used to set the File Type for a Stored Artifact in the Result Archive Store
ResultArchiveStoreContentType(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
Set the Content Type, eg application/xml
ResultArchiveStoreException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ResultArchiveStoreException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResultArchiveStoreException
ResultArchiveStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResultArchiveStoreException
ResultArchiveStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResultArchiveStoreException
ResultArchiveStoreException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResultArchiveStoreException
ResultArchiveStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ResultArchiveStoreException
ResultArchiveStoreFileAttributeView - Class in dev.galasa
ResultArchiveStoreFileAttributeView(ResultArchiveStoreContentType) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreFileAttributeView
ResultArchiveStoreFileStore - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Dummy File Store if needed
ResultArchiveStoreFileStore() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Create a Result Archive Store specific File System
ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem(ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
Create a RAS File System
ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Dummy RAS provider to be extended by other RAS services
ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider(FileStore) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider(FileStore, FileSystem) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
ResultArchiveStorePath - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras
Create a Result Archive Store specific version of the Path
ResultArchiveStorePath(FileSystem, String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
Create a path from a string
ResultArchiveStorePath(FileSystem, boolean, List<String>, int, int) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
Clone part of a pre-exist Path
ResultNames - Class in dev.galasa.framework
ResultNames() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.ResultNames
resultSetConcurrency() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.db2.Db2Schema
resultSetType() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.db2.Db2Schema
resume() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Resume the userid
retrieve() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Returns the contents of a specified log
retrieve() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Retrieve current content of spool file from zOS
retrieve() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Returns the contents of a specified log
retrieveArchive() - Method in interface
retrieveArchive() - Method in class
retrieveAsBinary() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Retrieve content of the data set in Binary mode
retrieveAsBinary() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Retrieve content of the zOS UNIX file from the zOS image in Binary mode
retrieveAsBinary() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Retrieve content of the VSAM data set in binary mode
retrieveAsText() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Retrieve content of the data set in Text mode
retrieveAsText() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Retrieve the content of the zOS UNIX file from the zOS image in Text mode
retrieveAsText() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Retrieve content of the VSAM data set in text mode
retrieveAttibutes() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Retrieve the attributes of an existing data set to make the values available in the getter methods
retrieveAttributes() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Retrieve the attributes of an existing data set to make the values available in the getter methods
retrieveColourAtCursor() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Return the colour of the character at the cursor position
retrieveColourAtCursor() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
retrieveColourAtPosition(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Return the colour of the character at the cursor position
retrieveColourAtPosition(int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
retrieveDirectoryContents(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
For a directory, retrieve a map of file paths within it, and InputStreams for those files.
retrieveFieldAtCursor() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Retrieve the contents of the field under the current cursor position.
retrieveFieldAtCursor() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Return a String of the contents of the current Field.
retrieveFieldTextAfterFieldWithString(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Retrieve the contents of the field which is immediately after a field containing the string provided.
retrieveFieldTextAfterFieldWithString(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Returns a String of text in a Field with a given name.
retrieveFile(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Retrieve a single file as an InputStream
retrieveFile(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Retreievs a InputStream of a file on the container.
retrieveFileAsString(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Retrieve the contents of a file as a String
retrieveFileAsString(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve the contents of a file within the container
retrieveFileAsString(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Retrieves a file from the container and passes the contents back as a string.
retrieveFlatScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
retrieveHighlightAtCursor() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Return the highlighting of the character at the cursor position
retrieveHighlightAtCursor() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
retrieveHighlightAtPosition(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Return the highlighting of the character at the cursor position
retrieveHighlightAtPosition(int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
retrieveJacocoAgent() - Method in interface
retrieveJacocoAgent() - Method in class
retrieveJar(String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Retrieve a jar file as an input stream
retrieveKerberosToken(IZosKerberosPrincipal, IZosKerberosPrincipal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Retrieve a kerberos token from a Kerberos Domain Controller on the host or ip address passed in as kdc, for the clientPrincipal and serverPrincipal passed
retrieveMessagesLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the current contents of the Liberty server messages.log as a String
retrieveMessagesLogSinceCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the current contents of the Liberty server messages.log as a String since the last checkpoint
retrieveOutput() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Retrieve the batch job output as an IZosBatchJobOutput object
retrieveOutputAsString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Retrieve the batch job output as an String object
retrieveScreen() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
retrieveScreen() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Returns the screen print out as a String.
retrieveSinceCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Returns the contents of log since the last checkpoint
retrieveSinceCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Returns the contents of log since the last checkpoint
retrieveSkeletonDirectoryContents(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
For a directory, retrieve a map of file paths within it, and InputStreams for those files, if the file is a skeleton then any required substitutions will be performed before the stream is returned.
retrieveSkeletonFile(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Retrieve a single file as an InputStream If the file is a skeleton then any required substitutions will be performed before the stream is returned.
retrieveSkeletonFile(String, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Retrieve a single file as an InputStream, if the file is a skeleton then any required substitutions will be performed before the stream is returned.
retrieveSkeletonFileAsString(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Retrieve a single file as a String If the file is a skeleton then any required substitutions will be performed before the string is returned.
retrieveStdErr() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Retrieve the full STDERR for the Docker Container
retrieveStdOut() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Retrieve the full STDOUT for the Docker Container
retrieveText(int, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Retrieve text from the screen.
retrieveText(int, int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
retrieveTextAtCursor(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Retrieve text from the screen.
retrieveTextAtCursor(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
retrieveTraceLog() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the current contents of the Liberty server trace.log as a String
retrieveTraceLogSinceCheckpoint() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the current contents of the Liberty server trace.log as a String since the last checkpoint
retrieveVariable4BytePacked(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a packed decimal CECI variable (CECI variable type P).
retrieveVariable8BytePacked(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a double word CECI variable (CECI variable type D).
retrieveVariableBinary(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a CECI binary variable.
retrieveVariableDoubleWord(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a double word CECI variable (CECI variable type FD).
retrieveVariableFullWord(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a full word CECI variable (CECI variable type F).
retrieveVariableHalfWord(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a half word CECI variable (CECI variable type H).
retrieveVariableText(ICicsTerminal, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Retrieve a CECI text variable.
REUSE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption
REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
revoke() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Revoke the userid
roleTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.sdv.SdvUser
The SDV manager will select a user from the zOS image pool user matching this roleTag.
Rseapi - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
RseapiException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
RseapiException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiException
RseapiException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiException
RseapiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiException
RseapiException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiException
RseapiException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiException
RseapiManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
RseapiManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiManagerException
RseapiManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiManagerException
RseapiManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiManagerException
RseapiManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiManagerException
RseapiManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.RseapiManagerException
run() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunHeartbeat
run() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Run the Liberty server as a zOS batch job
Run - Class in
Run(String, Instant, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Instant, Instant, Instant, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
RUN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
runArguments() - Element in annotation interface
Provides any run arguments for the container, if required.
RUNDONE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
runFinishedOrDeleted(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagementProvider
RunImpl - Class in dev.galasa.framework
RunImpl(String, IDynamicStatusStoreService) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.RunImpl
RunName - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Fill this field with the name of the Test Run.
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
RunResult - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
RunResult(String, TestStructure, List<Artifact>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
runTest(Properties, Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.GherkinTestRunner
Run the supplied test class
runTest(Properties, Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner
Run the supplied test class
runTestMethods(TestRunManagers, IDynamicStatusStoreService, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
Run the test methods in declared order together with @BeforeClass, @Before, @After and @AfterClass
runTestMethods(TestRunManagers) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
runUser() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosUserid
If true this user will be used as the run user for this test class


s390 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
s390x - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
saveCodeCoverageExecs(List<Path>) - Method in class
saveNamespaceConfiguration() - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IKubernetesNamespace
Save all the supported resources to stored artifacts in the default folder, along with pod logs
saveNamespaceConfiguration(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.kubernetes.IKubernetesNamespace
Save all the supported resources to stored artifacts in the default folder, along with pod logs
saveOutputToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Save the job output to the Results Archive Store
saveSpoolFileToResultsArchive(IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Save the supplied spool file to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Store the content of the JVM server logs to the default location in the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Store the content of the Liberty server logs and configuration to the default location in the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Store the content JVM profile on the zOS UNIX system to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Store the content of the JVM server logs to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Save the log to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Save this zOS batch job spool file to the Results Archive Store.
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Store the content of the data set to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Recursively store the content of the zOS UNIX file or directory to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Store the content of the VSAM data set to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Store the content of the Liberty server logs and configuration to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Save the log to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLogs
Store the content of the Liberty server logs to the Results Archive Store
saveToResultsArchive(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Store the content of the Liberty server.xml to the Results Archive Store
scan(ITextScannable, String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Convenience method for scan(scannable, Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + failString + "\E"), count)
scan(ITextScannable, Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Search a IScannable for regex patterns.
scan(InputStream, String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Convenience method for scan(inputStream, Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + failString + "\E"), count)
scan(InputStream, Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Search an InputStream for regex patterns.
scan(String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Convenience method for scan(Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + failString + "\E"), count)
scan(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Convenience method for scan(text, Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + failString + "\E"), count)
scan(String, Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Search a String for regex patterns.
scan(Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Search the log for regex patterns.
SCAN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun
scanForMatch(ITextScannable, String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Convenience method for scanForMatch(scannable, Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), occurrence)
scanForMatch(ITextScannable, Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Search a IScannable for regex patterns.
scanForMatch(InputStream, String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Convenience method for scanForMatch(inputStream, Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), occurrence)
scanForMatch(InputStream, Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Search an InputStream for regex patterns.
scanForMatch(String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Convenience method for scanForMatch(Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), occurrence)
scanForMatch(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Convenience method for scanForMatch(text, Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), occurrence)
scanForMatch(String, Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScanner
Search a String for regex patterns.
scanForMatch(Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Search the log for regex patterns.
scanForMatchSinceCheckpoint(String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Convenience method for scanForMatchSinceCheckpoint(Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), occurrence)
scanForMatchSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Search the log for regex patterns, from the last checkpoint.
scanSinceCheckpoint(String, String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Convenience method for scanSinceCheckpoint(Pattern.Compile("\Q" + searchString + "\E"), Pattern.Compile("\Q" + failString + "\E"), count)
scanSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, Pattern, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Search the log for regex patterns, from the last checkpoint.
ScheduleRequest - Class in dev.galasa.api.runs
ScheduleRequest() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
ScheduleStatus - Class in dev.galasa.api.runs
ScheduleStatus() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleStatus
Screen - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
Screen representation of the 3270 terminal
Screen() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Screen(int, int, int, int, Network) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Screen(int, int, Network) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Screen(TerminalSize, TerminalSize, Network, Charset) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
screenUpdated(IScreenUpdateListener.Direction, AttentionIdentification) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.IScreenUpdateListener
screenUpdated(IScreenUpdateListener.Direction, AttentionIdentification) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
SdvManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.sdv
This class provides a generic Exception which can be thrown throughout the SDV Manager.
SdvManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.sdv.SdvManagerException
SdvManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.sdv.SdvManagerException
SdvManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.sdv.SdvManagerException
SdvManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.sdv
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
SdvUser - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.sdv
A zOS User that will have SDV recording switched on, on a specified CICS TS Region.
searchFieldContaining(String[], String[]) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
searchFieldContaining(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
searchForPattern(Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search Pattern
searchForPattern(Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search Pattern
searchForPattern(Pattern, Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail Pattern
searchForPattern(Pattern, Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail Pattern
searchForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search Pattern since the last checkpoint
searchForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search Pattern since the last checkpoint
searchForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail Pattern since the last checkpoint
searchForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, Pattern) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail Pattern since the last checkpoint
searchForText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search text
searchForText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search text
searchForText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail String
searchForText(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail String
searchForTextSinceCheckpoint(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search text String since the last checkpoint
searchForTextSinceCheckpoint(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search text String since the last checkpoint
searchForTextSinceCheckpoint(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail String since the last checkpoint
searchForTextSinceCheckpoint(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Searches contents of log for specified search or fail String since the last checkpoint
searchText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Perform a search on a String to check whether or not it is on the terminal screen.
searchText(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
searchText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Perform a search on a String to check whether or not it is on the terminal screen.
searchText(String, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
searchText(String, int, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Perform a search on a String to check whether or not it is on the terminal screen.
searchText(String, int, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
searchText(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Perform a search on a String to check whether or not it is on the terminal screen.
searchText(String, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Secret - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
securityUtilityEncode(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Use the Liberty securityUtility command to encode a password
securityUtilityGenerateKeystore(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Use the Liberty securityUtility to create a new keyStore
SeleniumManager - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
SeleniumManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.selenium
SeleniumManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.selenium.SeleniumManagerException
SeleniumManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.selenium.SeleniumManagerException
SeleniumManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.selenium.SeleniumManagerException
SeleniumManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.selenium.SeleniumManagerException
SeleniumManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.selenium.SeleniumManagerException
SeleniumManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
sendEvent(IEvent) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IEventProducer
SENDING - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IScreenUpdateListener.Direction
sendKeysToElement(By, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a By Object
sendKeysToElement(By, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a By Object
sendKeysToElementByClassName(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Class Name
sendKeysToElementByClassName(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Class Name
sendKeysToElementByCssSelector(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Css Selector
sendKeysToElementByCssSelector(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Css Selector
sendKeysToElementById(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by an ID
sendKeysToElementById(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by an ID
sendKeysToElementByLinkText(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Link Text
sendKeysToElementByLinkText(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Link Text
sendKeysToElementByName(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Name
sendKeysToElementByName(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Name
sendKeysToElementByPartialLinkText(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Partial Link Text
sendKeysToElementByPartialLinkText(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Partial Link Text
sendKeysToElementByTagName(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Tag Name
sendKeysToElementByTagName(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by a Tag Name
sendKeysToElementByXpath(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by an XPath Expression
sendKeysToElementByXpath(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send CharSequence of Keys to an Element specified by an XPath Expression
sendMessage(Message...) - Method in interface
puts the provided messages onto the queue
sendRequest(IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType, String, Map<String, String>, Object, List<Integer>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmfRestApiProcessor
Send zOSMF request
sendRequest(IRseapi.RseapiRequestType, String, Map<String, String>, Object, List<Integer>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapiRestApiProcessor
Send RSE API request
SEQUENTIAL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization
serverInfo() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Return the JSON response from the zOSMF Server Information request
serverInfo() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Return the JSON response from the RSE API server Server Information request
Service - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
serviceChanged(ServiceEvent) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.ManagerServiceListener
set(String, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is used to set a single k-v pair into the properties file.
set(Map<String, String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is used for setting multiple k-v pairs into the file.
setAcceptInsecureCerts(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setAcceptInsecureCerts(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setAccess(IZosUserid, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosPreDefinedProfile
Grant access to this profile to a userid
setAccess(IZosUserid, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Grant access to this profile to a userid
setAccess(IZosUserid, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosPreDefinedProfile
Grant access to this profile to a userid or group
setAccess(IZosUserid, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Grant access to this profile to a userid
setAccess(String, RACFAccessType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Grant access to this profile to a userid or group
setAccess(String, RACFAccessType, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosProfile
Grant access to this profile to a userid or group
setAccessPermissions(Set<PosixFilePermission>, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Change the Access Permissions of the zOS UNIX file
setAccount(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setAccountInfo(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set accounting info for the VSAM file
setAfters(List<RasTestMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setAfters(List<TestMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setArtifactPath(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasArtifact
setArtifactPath(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.Artifact
setArtifactRecordIds(List<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setArtifacts(List<RasArtifact>) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
setArtifacts(List<Artifact>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
setAtomic(String, String, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This memthod can perform a atomic set.
setAtomic(String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This methods also performs and atomic set, but with the additional feature of setting a map of other k-v pairs if the old value is found to be the current value
setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystemProvider
setAuthorisation(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the username and password for all scopes
setAuthorisation(String, String, URI) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the username and password for a specific scope
setAuthStore(IAuthStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
setAutoReconnect(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
setBefores(List<RasTestMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setBefores(List<TestMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setBinary(File) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setBinary(File) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setBinary(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setBinary(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setBinary(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setBinary(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setBlockSize(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the block size for the data set
setBuffer(int, int, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
setBuffer(IBufferHolder[]) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
setBufferspace(long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the bufferspace for the VSAM file
setBundle(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setBundle(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setBundleName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
setBwoOption(IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the Backup-While-Open option for the VSAM file
setCapability(String, Boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setCapability(String, Boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
setCapability(String, Boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setCapability(String, Boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setCapability(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setCapability(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
setCapability(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setCapability(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setCapability(String, Platform) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setCapability(String, Platform) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
setCapability(String, Platform) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setCapability(String, Platform) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setCatalog(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set a catalog for the VSAM cluster
setChangedParametersJmxFile(InputStream, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Allows the tester to provide a jmxFile to the running session This method is provided to run dynamic JMX-files that are dynamic with the current session it is running in JMX-files have to be prepared for this by replacing ALL the $P__VARIABLE notations with $VARIABLE notations Then by adding neccesary parameters inside a HashMap with it, it is possible to change the target of a test dynamically inside the test Example: HashMapinvalid input: '<'String,Object> map = new HashMapinvalid input: '<'String,Object>(); map.put("HOST", ""); session.setChangedParametersJmxFile(jmxStream, map);
setChangePromptCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Define the right command used to change the shell prompt
setChangePromptCommand(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
Define the right command used to change the shell prompt
setCheckpoint(long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Manually set a checkpoint to the supplied value
setClassName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setClassNames(List<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setComplete(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleStatus
setCond(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setConfidentialTextService(IConfidentialTextService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
setConfigurationPropertyStore(IConfigurationPropertyStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
Set the new Configuration Property Store Service
setContentType(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasArtifact
setContentType(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.Artifact
SetContentType - Class in dev.galasa
SetContentType(ResultArchiveStoreContentType) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.SetContentType
setControlInterval(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the control interval for the VSAM file
setCredentialsStore(ICredentialsStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
setCursorPosition(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
setCursorPosition(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
Set the position of the Cursor
setCursorPosition(int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
setCursorPosition(int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
setDataBufferspace(long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the buffer space for the DATA file
setDataclass(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the DataClass for the VSAM file
setDataClass(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the data class of the data set
setDataControlInterval(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the control interval for the DATA file
setDataEraseOption(IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption for the DATA file
setDataExceptionExit(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set an exception exit for the DATA file
setDataFreeSpaceOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the control interval and control area free space percentages for the DATA file *
setDataKeyOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the key length and offset for the DATA file
setDataModel(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the entry name and catalog name for the model for the DATA file.
setDataName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the name for the DATA file
setDataOwner(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the owner for the DATA file
setDataRecordSize(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the average and maximum record sizes for the DATA file
setDataReuseOption(IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption for the DATA file
setDatasetOrg(IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation for the VSAM file
setDatasetOrganization(IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the organization (IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization) of the data set
setDatasetType(IZosDataset.DSType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the IZosDataset.DSType for the data set
setDataShareOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the cross-region and cross-system share options for the DATA file
setDataSpace(IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit for the DATA file, and the number of primary and secondary extents required.
setDataSpanOption(IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption for the DATA file
setDataSpeedRecoveryOption(IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption for the DATA file
setDataType(IZosDataset.DatasetDataType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the data type (IZosDataset.DatasetDataType) for store and retrieve of the data set content
setDataType(IZosDataset.DatasetDataType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the data type (IZosDataset.DatasetDataType) for store and retrieve of the data set content
setDataType(IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Set the data type (IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType) for store and retrieve of the zOS UNIX file content
setDataVolumes(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the volume(s) to be used for allocation of the DATA file
setDataWriteCheckOption(IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption for the DATA file
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGsonBuilder
setDefaultGeneratedJmxFile(InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Allows the tester to provide a jmxFile to the running session This method is provided to run static JMX-files that are NOT dynamic with the current session it is running in
setDefaultHttpEndpoint(String, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Convenience method to create or replace the defaultHttpEndpoint element in the Liberty server server.xml
setDefinitionDescriptionAttribute(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Set the CICS BUNDLE resource definition DESCRIPTION attribute value
setDefinitionDescriptionAttribute(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition DESCRIPTION attribute value
setDefinitionStatusAttribute(CicsResourceStatus) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Set the CICS BUNDLE resource definition STATUS attribute value
setDefinitionStatusAttribute(CicsResourceStatus) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set the CICS JVMSERVER resource definition STATUS attribute value
setDeviceTypes(List<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
setDirectoryBlocks(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the number of directory blocks
setDoStartTls(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
setDoStartTls(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
setDynamicStatusStore(IDynamicStatusStore) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setEnvs(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainerConfig
Allows for enivironment variables to be set on the container at startup
setEraseOption(IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the erase option for the VSAM file
setEventsService(IEventsService) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
setException(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setException(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setExceptionExit(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set an exception exit for the VSAM file
setExperimentalOption(String, Platform) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setExperimentalOption(String, Platform) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setExposedPorts(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainerConfig
Allows a set of ports to be exposed inside the container before startup.
setFieldModified() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
setFrameworkProperties(Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
setFrameworkProperties(Properties) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFramework
setFreeSpaceOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the control interval and control area free space percentages for the VSAM file
setFrlogOption(IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption for the VSAM file
setFromDocument(Document) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Replace the Liberty server.xml object from Document content
setFromString(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Replace the Liberty server.xml object from String content
setFromZosUNIXFile(IZosUNIXFile) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Replace the Liberty server.xml object from IZosUNIXFile content
setGherkinMethods(List<TestGherkinMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setGsonBuilder(GalasaGsonBuilder) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
setHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf
Set an HTTP Header for the pending zOSMF request
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi
Set an HTTP Header for the pending RSE API request
setHeadless(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setHeadless(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the hostname verifier
setId(String) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in interface
setIndexControlInterval(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the control interval for the INDEX file
setIndexExceptionExit(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set an exception exit for the INDEX file
setIndexModel(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the entry name and catalog name for the model for the INDEX file.
setIndexName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the name of the INDEX file
setIndexOwner(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the owner of the INDEX file
setIndexReuseOption(IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption for the INDEX file
setIndexShareOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the cross-region and cross-system share options for the INDEX file
setIndexSpace(IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit for the INDEX file, and the number of primary and secondary extents required.
setIndexVolumes(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the volume(s) on which to allocate the INDEX file
setIndexWriteCheckOption(IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption for the INDEX file
setInputClass(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setJavaHome(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Set the value of JAVA_HOME for this Liberty server
setJvmProfileDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the location for the JVM profile on the zOS UNIX file system.
WARNING: This should must equal to the CICS region JVMPROFILEDIR SIT parameter
setKeyOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the key length and offset for the VSAM file
setLegacy(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setLibertyServer(IZosLibertyServer) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Sets the zOS Liberty server object associated with this JVM server
setLogLevel(Level) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setLogOption(IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption for the VSAM file
setLogRecordIds(List<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setLogStreamID(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the logstream id for the VSAM file
setManagementClass(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the management class of the data set
setManagementClass(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the management class for the VSAM file
setMavenRepository(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setMemlimit(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in interface
setMethodName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setMethodName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setMethodName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setMethods(List<RasTestMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setMethods(List<TestMethod>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setModel(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the entry name and catalog name for the model for the VSAM file.
setMsgClass(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setMsgLevel(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setNoopHostnameVerifier() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the hostname verifier to a no-op verifier
setNotRecording() - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
setObr(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setOutputReporting(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
setOverrides(Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setOwner(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the owner of the VSAM file
setPageLoadStrategy(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setPassword(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setPassword(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Set the password and/or the passphrase.
setPassword(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Set the password and/or the passphrase, with or without expiry
setProfile(FirefoxProfile) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setProfileName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the JVM profile name in the JVM server resource definition
setProfileValue(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Sets JVM server option or JVM system property in the JVM profile of the format key=value.
If the key exists, it will be replaced.
setProgrammerName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Set the property from the underlying configuration property store.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStoreService
Sets a string property from the Configuration Property Store within the namespace for this object.
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IEdgeOptions
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IOperaOptions
setQueued(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setQueued(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
setRecatalogOption(IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption for the VSAM file
setRecordFormat(IZosDataset.RecordFormat) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the IZosDataset.RecordFormat for the data set
setRecordlength(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the record length for the data set
setRecords(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile
Set the records for this spool file, size is automatically updated with the size of the records
setRecordSize(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the average and maximum record sizes for the VSAM file
setRegexGroups(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IGherkinExecutable
setRegexGroups(List<String>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinStatement
setRegion(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setRemoveAnsiEscapeCodes(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.ipnetwork.ICommandShell
Instruct the command shell to remove ANSI escape codes from the output of commands to the shell
setRemoveAnsiEscapeCodes(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
setRequestConf(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Set true to request confidentiality
setRequestCredDeleg(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Set true to request credential delegation
setRequestMutualAuth(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
Set true to request mutual authentication
setRequestor(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setRequestor(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setRequestor(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setRequestorType(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setResource(ICicsTerminal, String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICemt
Set the state of a CEMT resource using the resource type and name.
setResourceDefinitionLerunoptsAttribute(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set the CICS JVMSERVER resource LERUNOPTS attribute value
setResourceDefinitionThreadlimitAttribute(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set the CICS JVMSERVER resource THREADLIMIT attribute value
setResourceReporting(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
setResult(Result) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinTest
setResult(Result) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
setResult(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setResult(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setResult(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setResult(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setResult(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setReuseOption(IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption for the VSAM file
setRunId(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
setRunId(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
setRunLogEnd(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setRunLogEnd(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setRunLogEnd(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setRunLogStart(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setRunLogStart(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setRunLogStart(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setRunName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setRunName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setRuns(List<Run>) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleStatus
setRunUserid(IZosUserid) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosSecurity
Set the run userid
setScannable(ITextScannable) - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Set the scannable that will be used with this scanner and will update
setServerName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Provides the Liberty Server Name
setServerXml(IZosLibertyServerXml) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Set the server.xml object for this Liberty server
setSharedEnvironmentPhase(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setSharedEnvironmentRunName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setShareOptions(int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set cross-region and cross-system share options for the VSAM file
setShouldArchive(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set flag to control if the JVM server should be automatically stored to the test output.
setShouldArchive(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Set flag to control if the job output should be automatically stored to the test output.
setShouldArchive(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set flag to control if the content of the data set should be automatically stored to the test output at test end.
setShouldArchive(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Set flag to control if the content of the zOS UNIX path should be stored to the test output.
setShouldArchive(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set flag to control if the content of the VSAM data set should be stored to the test output.
setShouldCleanup(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set flag to control if the JVM server should be automatically purged from zOS.
setShouldCleanup(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Set flag to control if the job output should be automatically purged from zOS.
setShouldCleanup(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set flag to control if the data set should be automatically deleted from zOS at test end.
setShouldCleanup(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Set flag to control if the zOS UNIX path should be automatically deleted from zOS at test end.
setShouldCleanup(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set flag to control if the VSAM data set should be automatically deleted from zOS at test end.
setSpace(IZosDataset.SpaceUnit, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the IZosDataset.SpaceUnit for data set, and specify how many primary and secondary extents to allocate.
setSpace(IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit, int, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit for the VSAM file, and the number of primary and secondary extents required.
setSpanOption(IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption for the VSAM file
setSpeedRecoveryOption(IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption for the VSAM file
setSrrId(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.sdv.ISdvUser
setSSLContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the SSL Context
setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setStatus(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setStatus(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setStatus(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
setStatus(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setStatus(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setStorageClass(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the storage class of the data set
setStorageClass(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the storage class for the VSAM file
setSymbolic() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosUserid
Set a symbolic for this user which can be used in environment models
setTestClass(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
setTestName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setTestName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setTestRunName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
Set the run name if it is a test run
setTestShortName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestStructure
setTestShortName(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
setTestStream(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setTestStructure(RasTestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasRunResult
setTestStructure(TestStructure) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.RunResult
setThreadLimit(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Set the JVMSERVER Threadlimit value in CEMT
setTime(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setTimes(FileTime, FileTime, FileTime) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributesView
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class
setTimestamp(String) - Method in interface
setTrace(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.runs.ScheduleRequest
setTrustingSSLContext() - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the SSL Context to a Trust All context
setType(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.api.ras.RasTestMethod
setType(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
setTyprun(ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setUnhandledPromptBehaviour(UnexpectedAlertBehaviour) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IChromeOptions
setUnhandledPromptBehaviour(UnexpectedAlertBehaviour) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IFirefoxOptions
setUnhandledPromptBehaviour(UnexpectedAlertBehaviour) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
setUnit(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the unit name of the data set
setup(Properties, Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.SetupEcosystem
Setup the Ecosystem for remote usage
setup(Properties, Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.ValidateEcosystem
Validate the Ecosystem will work for remote access
setupClientAuth(KeyStore, KeyStore, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set up Client Authentication SSL Context and install
SetupEcosystem - Class in dev.galasa.framework
SetupEcosystem() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.SetupEcosystem
setUppercaseTranslation(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsTerminal
Use the CEOT transaction to set the Uppercase Translation status of this CICS TS terminal
setUppercaseTranslation(boolean) - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.CicsTerminalImpl
setURI(URI) - Method in interface dev.galasa.http.IHttpClient
Set the URI endpoint for this client
setUseDATA(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Indicate whether a DATA file should be added to the VSAM cluster, and whether it should be unique
setUseINDEX(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Indicate whether an INDEX file should be allocated in the cluster, and wheth it should be unique
setUser(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
setVolumes(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Set the Volume serial(s) of the data set
setVolumes(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the volume(s) to be used in allocating this VSAM file
setWhen(String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.IZosUserid
Sets the WHEN option for a RACF userid.
Days can be
ANYDAY Specifies that the user can access the system on any day.
WEEKDAYS Specifies that the user can access the system only on weekdays (Monday through Friday).
day ...
setWlpAutoconfigure(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
setWlpInstallDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the WLP_INSTALL_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile Galasa sets the default value ofUSSHOME/wlp
setWlpInstallDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Provides the location of the Liberty Install Directory ${WLP_INSTALL_DIR}
setWlpOutputDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the WLP_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile
setWlpOutputDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Provides the location of the Liberty Output Directory ${WLP_OUTPUT_DIR}
setWlpServerHost(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
setWlpServerHttpPort(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
setWlpServerHttpsPort(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
setWlpServerName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile.
setWlpServerWabEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the JVM system property in the JVM profile
setWlpUserDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the WLP_USER_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile
setWlpUserDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Provides the location of the Liberty User Directory ${WLP_USER_DIR}
setWriteCheckOption(IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Set the IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption for the VSAM file
setZosConnectInstallDir() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the ZCEE_INSTALL_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile using the value supplied in the Galasa Configuration Property Service
setZosConnectInstallDir(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmprofile
Set the value of the ZCEE_INSTALL_DIR environment variable in the JVM profile
shared() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosCicsClassSet
Use a shared class set
SharedEnvironment - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Indicates that this Class setups up and validates a Shared Environment.
SharedEnvironmentRunType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
shouldArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return flag that controls if the JVM server should be automatically stored to the test output
shouldArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Return flag that controls if the job output should be automatically stored to the test output
shouldArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return flag that controls if the content of the data set should be automatically stored to the test output at test end
shouldArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return flag that controls if the content of the zOS UNIX path should be stored to the test output
shouldArchive() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return flag that controls if the content of the VSAM data set should be stored to the test output
shouldCleanup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Return flag that controls if the JVM server should be automatically purged from zOS
shouldCleanup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Return flag that controls if the job output should be automatically purged from zOS
shouldCleanup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Return flag that controls if the data set should be automatically deleted from zOS at test end
shouldCleanup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Return flag that controls if the zOS UNIX path should be automatically deleted from zOS at test end
shouldCleanup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Return flag that controls if the VSAM job output should be automatically deleted from zOS at test end
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
shutdown() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthStore
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.creds.ICredentialsStore
shutdown() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ICertificateStore
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfidentialTextService
Shutdown the confidential text service
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IConfigurationPropertyStore
Called by the framework when shutting down.
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStore
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IEventsService
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Gives the Managers the opportunity to close everything down like http clients etc.
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IMetricsProvider
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagementProvider
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
shutdown() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunHeartbeat
shutdown() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
shutdown() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
shutdown(Log) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.Framework
shutdownFramework() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
SITE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateType
Equivalent Certificate type of SITE
size() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreBasicAttributes
size() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
size() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutput
Returns the number of IZosBatchJobOutputSpoolFile elements in this IZosBatchJobOutput.
size(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
size(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
SkeletonProcessorException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.artifact
SkeletonProcessorException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.SkeletonProcessorException
SkeletonProcessorException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.SkeletonProcessorException
SkeletonProcessorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.SkeletonProcessorException
SkeletonProcessorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.SkeletonProcessorException
SkeletonType() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.artifact.ISkeletonProcessor.SkeletonType
SOAP_XML - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
SPANNED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption
SPEED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption
split(String) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
SSHAuthFailException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
SSHAuthFailException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHAuthFailException
SSHAuthFailException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHAuthFailException
SSHAuthFailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHAuthFailException
SSHAuthFailException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHAuthFailException
SSHClient - Class in dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi
SSH client for Galasa
SSHClient(String, int, ICredentials, long) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.SSHClient
SSHException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.ipnetwork
zOS Command exception indicating an error in SSH
SSHException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHException
SSHException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHException
SSHException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHException
SSHException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.SSHException
SSLTLSContextNameSelector - Class in dev.galasa.common
SSLTLSContextNameSelector() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.common.SSLTLSContextNameSelector
StandAloneHttpClient - Class in dev.galasa.http
This is a class to allow the HTTP manager implementations be used without the need for the manager to be active
StandAloneHttpClient() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.http.StandAloneHttpClient
start() - Element in annotation interface
The start attribute indicates whether the Cloud Container should be started automatically.
start() - Method in interface
Start of the container, depending on the provider, this may result in the container being defined and started
start() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerContainer
The start attribute indicates whether the Docker Container should be started automatically.
start() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Start the Docker Container.
start() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IMetricsProvider
start() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagementProvider
start() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
start() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.IZosLibertyAngel
Start the zOS Liberty angel
start() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Start the Liberty server using the server start command
startCECISession(ICicsTerminal) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICeci
Start a new active CECI session.
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
startJmeter() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Start up a jmeter thread to run through the lifetime of the tests with a default timeout of 60 seconds All results are stored in the RAS
startJmeter(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Start up a jmeter thread to run through the lifetime of the tests with a specified timeout All results are stored in the RAS
startOfTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
startOfTestClass() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called when we have instantiated the Test Class and ready to start running it.
startOfTestClass() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
startOfTestMethod(GalasaMethod) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
startOfTestMethod(GalasaMethod) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called when we are about to start the Test Method.
startOfTestMethod(GalasaMethod) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
startOrder() - Element in annotation interface
If the Cloud Container is to be automatically started, the startOrder dictates when they are started.
startsWith(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
startsWith(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
startup() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.ICicsRegion
startWithConfig(IDockerContainerConfig) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Start the Docker Container with a provided galasa DockerContainerConfig.
StatefulSet - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
status() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Get the Liberty sever status using the server status command
statusTest() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
stop() - Method in interface
Stop the container, depending on the provider, this may result in the container being deleted.
stop() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Stop the Docker Container.
stop() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
stop() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.IZosLibertyAngel
Stop the zOS Liberty angel
stop() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Stop the Liberty server
stopTest() - Method in interface dev.galasa.jmeter.IJMeterSession
Giving jmeter instance a shutdown signal to finish and clean up all running tests
store() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerXml
Create or replace the server.xml file on the zOS UNIX file system
store(IZosDataset) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Write to content to the data set.
storeArtifact(Path, String, ResultArchiveStoreContentType) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos.spi.IZosManagerSpi
Store an artifact in the results archive on behalf of another manager
storeBinary(byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Write content to the data set in Binary mode
storeBinary(byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Write content to the zOS UNIX file on the zOS image in Binary mode
storeBinary(byte[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Write to content to the data set in binary mode.
StoredArtifactRoot - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Fill this field Root path of the Stored Artifacts for this Test Run.
storeFile(String, InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerContainer
Stores a file onto the container.
storeText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset
Write content to the data set in Text mode
storeText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset
Write to content to the data set in text mode.
storeText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile
Write the content to the zOS UNIX file on the zOS image in Text mode
storeToken(String, String, User) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthStore
Stores a new token in the auth store's tokens database.
storeToken(String, String, User) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.IAuthStoreService
Stores a new token in the auth store's tokens database.
streamAsList(InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Convert an input stream into a list of strings
streamAsString(InputStream) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
Convert an input stream into a string
stripAnsiEscapeSequences(byte[]) - Static method in class dev.galasa.ipnetwork.spi.AnsiEscapeSequences
stripFalseBooleans(JsonObject) - Static method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
STRUCTURED_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
STS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
submitJob(String, IZosBatchJobname) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatch
Submit a job.
submitJob(String, IZosBatchJobname, ZosBatchJobcard) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatch
Submit a job.
submitRun(String, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkInitialisation
Submit the run and return the run name.
submitRun(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, Properties, IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase, String, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FrameworkRuns
submitRun(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, Properties, IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase, String, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns
submitRuntimeJcl() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.ICicsRegionProvisioned
subpath(int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
suffix() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.core.manager.TestProperty
Summary - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Provides a summary text to add to the test catalog
supportedFileAttributeViews() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileSystem
supportsFileAttributeView(Class<? extends FileAttributeView>) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
supportsFileAttributeView(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
switchTo() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to a different frame
switchToFrame(By) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by By Object
switchToFrameByClassName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by Class Name
switchToFrameByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by Css Selector
switchToFrameById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by ID
switchToFrameByLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by Link Text
switchToFrameByName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by Name
switchToFrameByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by Partial Link Text
switchToFrameByTagName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by Tag Name
switchToFrameByXpath(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Send future commands to the frame specified by XPath Expression
SYMBLINK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
SystemEnvironment - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi
An implementation of the Environment interface which allows code to get environment variables from the real system.
SystemEnvironment() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SystemEnvironment
SystemTimeService - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils
SystemTimeService() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.SystemTimeService


tab() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
tab() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
tab() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
tag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.core.manager.ResourceString
The tag of the Resource String this variable is to be populated with.
tag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.db2.Db2Instance
tag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.db2.Db2Schema
tag() - Element in annotation interface
tag() - Element in annotation interface
tag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosIpPort
The tag which represents this instance of ZosIpPort
Tags - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Used to tag a test.
takeFullPageScreenshot() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
takeScreenShot() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Takes a screenshot of the current screen and stores it in the RAS
TemporaryStorageQueues - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
Terminal - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens
Pojo to contain a set of terminal images.
Terminal - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
Terminal(String, String, int, TerminalSize) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.Terminal
Terminal(String, String, int, boolean, int, int, int, int, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Terminal(String, String, int, boolean, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Terminal(String, String, int, boolean, TerminalSize, TerminalSize, ITextScannerManagerSpi, Charset) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Terminal(String, String, int, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
TerminalField - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens
Pojo to represent a Field on the terminal screen.
TerminalField(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Character, Character, Character) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalField
TerminalImage - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens
Pojo to represent a screen image as received or sent from the client.
TerminalImage(int, String, boolean, String, String, TerminalSize, int, int) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalImage
TerminalInterruptedException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
TerminalInterruptedException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TerminalInterruptedException
TerminalInterruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TerminalInterruptedException
TerminalInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TerminalInterruptedException
TerminalInterruptedException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TerminalInterruptedException
TerminalInterruptedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TerminalInterruptedException
TerminalJsonTransform - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json
Handles the writing of a terminal into a json string or json object.
TerminalJsonTransform(boolean) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json.TerminalJsonTransform
TerminalSize - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens
Represents the terminal screen size
TerminalSize(int, int) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.TerminalSize
Test - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
Test - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
@Test annotation
TestAreas - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Used to indicate what areas the test exercises.
TestBundleResourceException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.artifact
TestBundleResourceException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.TestBundleResourceException
TestBundleResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.TestBundleResourceException
TestBundleResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.TestBundleResourceException
TestBundleResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.artifact.TestBundleResourceException
TESTCATALOG - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
TestCatalogBuilder - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
Paired with ITestCatalogBuilder, classes annotated with this will be called during the test catalog build process to append information to the test class entry, and the overall test catalog json file.
testclass - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.RasTestClass
testClassResult(Result, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
testClassResult(String, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
testClassResult(String, Throwable) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called once the Test Class result is resolved, can be used to emit the result to another server, for example
TestClassWrapper - Class in dev.galasa.framework
Representation of the test class
TestClassWrapper(TestRunner, String, Class<?>, TestStructure) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper
TestGherkinMethod - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure
TestGherkinMethod() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestGherkinMethod
testingSetLastAid(AttentionIdentification) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
TestMethod - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure
TestMethod(Class<?>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestMethod
testMethodResult(String, Throwable) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
testMethodResult(String, Throwable) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called once the Test Method result is resolved, can be used to emit the result to another server, for example
TestMethodWrapper - Class in dev.galasa.framework
TestMethodWrapper(Method, Class<?>, ArrayList<GenericMethodWrapper>, ArrayList<GenericMethodWrapper>) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper
TestProperty - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.core.manager
Fill this field a test property from the Configuration Property Store
TestRunException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.framework
TestRunException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunException
TestRunException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunException
TestRunException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunException
TestRunException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunException
TestRunHeartbeat - Class in dev.galasa.framework
TestRunHeartbeat(IFramework) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunHeartbeat
TestRunLifecycleStatus - Enum Class in dev.galasa.framework
Represents a possible state of a test run.
TestRunLogCapture - Class in dev.galasa.framework
TestRunLogCapture(Framework) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLogCapture
TestRunManagers - Class in dev.galasa.framework
TestRunManagers(IFramework, GalasaTest) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunManagers
TestRunner - Class in dev.galasa.framework
Run the supplied test class
TestRunner() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner
TestStructure - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure
This class represents the Test Class structure, ie it's test methods, order of execution and their status
TestStructure() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.teststructure.TestStructure
TestVariation - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Indicates this test has variations that will be entered into the Test Catalog
TestVariationProperty - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Provide a CPS property to set for a test variation
TestVariations - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa
Indicates the test has multiple Test Variations
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
Content is between ISO8859-1 on the client and EBCDIC on the host
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType
Content is between ISO8859-1 on the client and EBCDIC on the host
TEXT - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
TEXT_HTML - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
TEXT_PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
TEXT_XML - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
TextNotFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
TextNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TextNotFoundException
TextNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TextNotFoundException
TextNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TextNotFoundException
TextNotFoundException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TextNotFoundException
TextNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TextNotFoundException
textResponse(CloseableHttpResponse) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a String content type from an HttpResponse.
textResponse(CloseableHttpResponse, boolean) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a String content type from an HttpResponse.
textScan - Variable in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
TextScanException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.textscan
TextScanException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanException
TextScanException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanException
TextScanException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanException
TextScanException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanException
TextScanException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanException
TextScanManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.textscan
TextScanManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanManagerException
TextScanManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanManagerException
TextScanManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanManagerException
TextScanManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanManagerException
TextScanManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.textscan.TextScanManagerException
TextScanManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.textscan
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
TextScanner - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.textscan
Fill this field with a Text Scanner object.
THEN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
TimeoutException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.TimeoutException
toAbsolutePath() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
toFile() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
toJson() - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetails
toJson() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetailsBase
toJson(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
toJsonObject(Terminal) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json.TerminalJsonTransform
toJsonString(Terminal) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json.TerminalJsonTransform
toJsonTree(Object) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GalasaGson
toList() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJobOutput
Returns the zOS batch job spool files as a List of spool files
toRealPath(LinkOption...) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceStatus
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.cicsts.spi.BaseCicsImpl
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferCarrageReturn
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferChar
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferEndOfMedium
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferFormFeed
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferGraphicsEscape
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferNewLine
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.BufferStartOfField
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Field
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.SpaceUnit
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
toString() - Method in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
toString() - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosToken
toTerminal(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.common.screens.json.TerminalJsonTransform
toUri() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
TRACKS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.SpaceUnit
Allocate data set in tracks
TRACKS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit
Transaction - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
TransientDataQueues - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
trim(String[]) - Static method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
truncate(long) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
TRUST - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateTrust
Equivalent to RACDCERT ADD ...
TURQUOISE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
type() - Element in annotation interface
The type of port, http, tcp, udp
type() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreFileStore
type() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosIpPort
The type of IP Port you require, this can be used to obtain ATTLS ports The default is a standard non-special IP port
type(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
type(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
type(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
type(String, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
type(String, int, int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
TYPECICS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption
TYPEIMS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption


ubuntu - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.linux.OperatingSystem
unAbsolute() - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStorePath
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
UNDERSCORE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
UNDO - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption
unix - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkErrorDetailsBase
unregisterDatastreamListener(IDatastreamListener) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
unregisterDatastreamListener(IDatastreamListener) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
unregisterDatastreamListener(IDatastreamListener) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
unregisterScreenUpdateListener(IScreenUpdateListener) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
unwatch(UUID) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is used to stop any watcher service with a given UUID.
unwatch(UUID) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
This method is used to stop any watcher service with a given UUID.
unwrap(byte[]) - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
This method will use the context to unwrap a message wrapped on the other side of the context
unwrap(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zossecurity.KerberosInitiator
This method accepts and returns base64 encoded messages.
UP - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
updateScannable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ILogScanner
Update the scannable.
updateScannable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.textscan.ITextScannable
Update/Refresh the scannable text, likely to be a no-op if this is an inputstream scannable.
updateTestStructure(TestStructure) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
Update the Test Structure object in the RASs with the current status
useCreateProcessApiToLaunchIe() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
usePerProcessProxy() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
User - Class in dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth
User(String) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.spi.auth.User
UseridNotFoundException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
UseridNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.UseridNotFoundException
UseridNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.UseridNotFoundException
UseridNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.UseridNotFoundException
UseridNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.UseridNotFoundException
useShellWindowsApiToAttachToIe() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions


v(int) - Static method in class dev.galasa.ProductVersion
v10 - Enum constant in enum class
v11 - Enum constant in enum class
v12 - Enum constant in enum class
v13 - Enum constant in enum class
v14 - Enum constant in enum class
v15 - Enum constant in enum class
v16 - Enum constant in enum class
v8 - Enum constant in enum class
v9 - Enum constant in enum class
ValidAnnotatedFields - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.framework.spi
ValidateEcosystem - Class in dev.galasa.framework
ValidateEcosystem() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.framework.ValidateEcosystem
value - Variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
value() - Element in annotation interface
The value of the environment property
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.ValidAnnotatedFields
value() - Method in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.Summary
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.Tags
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestAreas
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestVariationProperty
value() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.TestVariations
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaLanguage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SharedEnvironmentRunType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.linux.OperatingSystem
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IDatastreamListener.DatastreamDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IScreenUpdateListener.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.SpaceUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateTrust
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOfAid(byte) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
valueOfLabel(String) - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.SpaceUnit
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.CicsResourceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.JvmserverType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver.PurgeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.Api
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.IFrameworkRuns.SharedEnvironmentPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.GalasaLanguage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.SharedEnvironmentRunType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.framework.TestRunLifecycleStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.http.ContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.kubernetes.IResource.TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.linux.OperatingSystem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.selenium.Browser
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.AttentionIdentification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IDatastreamListener.DatastreamDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.IScreenUpdateListener.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Highlight
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob.JobStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DatasetOrganization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.DSType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.SpaceUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.BWOOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.DatasetOrganisation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.EraseOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.FRLogOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.LogOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.RecatalogOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.ReuseOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpanOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.SpeedRecoveryOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.VSAMSpaceUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgram.Language
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zosrseapi.IRseapi.RseapiRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFAccessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateTrust
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.RACFCertificateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassResource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes.ZosCicsClassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valuesToString() - Method in interface dev.galasa.db2.IResultMap
VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
VARIABLE_BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosDataset.RecordFormat
variablePrefix() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.linux.LinuxImage
Set a variable prefix to be filled in for this Linux TODO: ****** TO BE SPECED OUT FURTHER *****
variablePrefix() - Element in annotation interface
Set a variable prefix to be filled in for this Windows TODO: ****** TO BE SPECED OUT FURTHER *****
variablePrefix() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.zos.ZosImage
Set a variable prefix to be filled in for this zOS Image TODO: ****** TO BE SPECED OUT FURTHER *****
variables - Variable in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinVariables
vDefault - Enum constant in enum class
VELOCITY - Static variable in class dev.galasa.artifact.ISkeletonProcessor.SkeletonType
verifyTextInField(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
verifyTextInField(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
volumeTag() - Element in annotation interface dev.galasa.docker.DockerVolume
When wanting to reference a mount that is going to be provisioned, this tag will be used.
VtpManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.vtp.manager
VtpManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.vtp.manager.VtpManagerException
VtpManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.vtp.manager.VtpManagerException
VtpManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.vtp.manager.VtpManagerException
VtpManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.vtp.manager.VtpManagerException
VtpManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.vtp.manager.VtpManagerException


waitForApplicationStart(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for an application to start using the default timeout by looking for CWWKZ0001I message in messages.log.
waitForApplicationStart(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for an application to start using the supplied timeout by looking for CWWKZ0001I message in messages.log.
waitForApplicationStop(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for an application to stop using the default timeout by looking for CWWKZ0009I message in messages.log.
waitForApplicationStop(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
If the messages.log has not been check-pointed, the whole file will be searched.
waitForDisable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Wait for the CICS BUNDLE resource to be disabled.
waitForDisable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Wait for the CICS JVMSERVER resource to be disabled.
waitForDisable(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Wait for the CICS BUNDLE resource to be disabled with specified timeout.
waitForDisable(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Wait for the CICS JVMSERVER resource to be disabled with specified timeout.
waitForElement(By) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for a specified By object
waitForElement(By, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for a specified By object with timeout
waitForElementByClassName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Class Name
waitForElementByClassName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Class Name with timeout
waitForElementByCssSelector(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Css Selector
waitForElementByCssSelector(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Css Selector with timeout
waitForElementById(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified ID
waitForElementById(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified ID with timeout
waitForElementByLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Link Text
waitForElementByLinkText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Link Text with timeout
waitForElementByName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Name
waitForElementByName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Name with timeout
waitForElementByPartialLinkText(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Partial Link Text
waitForElementByPartialLinkText(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Partial Link Text with timeout
waitForElementByTagName(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Tag Name
waitForElementByTagName(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified Tag Name with timeout
waitForElementByXpath(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified XPath expression
waitForElementByXpath(String, int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for an Object with specified XPath expression with timeout
waitForEnable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Wait for the CICS BUNDLE resource to be enabled.
waitForEnable() - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Wait for the CICS JVMSERVER resource to be enabled.
waitForEnable(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.ICicsBundle
Wait for the CICS BUNDLE resource to be enabled with specified timeout.
waitForEnable(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserver
Wait for the CICS JVMSERVER resource to be enabled with specified timeout.
waitForExec() - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerExec
Equivlant to waitForExec(10000);
waitForExec(long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.docker.IDockerExec
Wait for the command to finish.
waitForJob() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Wait for a job to complete.
waitForJob(long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosbatch.IZosBatchJob
Wait for a job to complete.
waitForKeyboard() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
waitForKeyboard() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
waitForKeyboard(int) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
Wait on the keyboard being free
waitForPageLoad() - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for the page to fully load with the default timeout
waitForPageLoad(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IWebPage
Waits for the page to fully load with the given timeout
waitForPattern(Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search Pattern to appear in specified log.
waitForPattern(Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search Pattern to appear in specified log.
waitForPattern(Pattern, Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search or fail Pattern or fail Pattern to appear in specified log.
waitForPattern(Pattern, Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search or fail Pattern or fail Pattern to appear in specified log.
waitForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search Pattern to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search Pattern to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search or fail Pattern or fail Pattern to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForPatternSinceCheckpoint(Pattern, Pattern, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search or fail Pattern or fail Pattern to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForStart() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to start using the default timeout
waitForStart(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to start using the supplied timeout
waitForStartMessage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to issue the CWWKF0011I message to the messages.log using the default timeout
waitForStartMessage(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to issue the CWWKF0011I message to the messages.log using the supplied timeout
waitForStop() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to stop using the default timeout
waitForStop(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to stop using the supplied timeout
waitForStopMessage() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to issue the CWWKE0036I message to the messages.log using the default timeout
waitForStopMessage(int) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer
Wait for the Liberty server to issue the CWWKE0036I message to the messages.log using the supplied timeout
waitForText(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search String to appear in specified log.
waitForText(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search search String to appear in specified log.
waitForText(String, String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search String or fail text to appear in specified log.
waitForText(String, String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search String or fail text to appear in specified log.
waitForTextInField(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
waitForTextInField(String) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
waitForTextInField(String[], String[]) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
waitForTextInField(String[], String[]) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
waitForTextInField(String[], String[], long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
waitForTextInField(String[], String[], long) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
waitForTextInField(String[], String[], long) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
waitForTextInField(String, long) - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Screen
waitForTextSinceCheckpoint(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search String to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForTextSinceCheckpoint(String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search String to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForTextSinceCheckpoint(String, String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.cicsts.cicsresource.IJvmserverLog
Wait for a search or fail String to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForTextSinceCheckpoint(String, String, long) - Method in interface dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServerLog
Wait for a search or fail String to appear in specified log since the last checkpoint.
waitForUploadDialogUpTo(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
waitForUploadDialogUpTo(Long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
waitForUploadDialogUpTo(Duration) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
walk(Path) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.FileSystem
walk(Path) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.IFileSystem
WAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosliberty.IZosLibertyServer.ApplicationType
watch(IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
This method provides a watching service for a key value pair inside properties.
watch(IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method provides a watching service for a key value pair inside properties.
watchPrefix(IDynamicStatusStoreWatcher, String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IDynamicStatusStoreKeyAccess
This method provides a single watch service to watch multiple k-v pairs with a common prefix in there key.
watchPrefix(IFrameworkPropertyFileWatcher, String) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method provides a single watch service to watch multiple k-v pairs with a common prefix in there key.
WebDriver - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.selenium
wfk() - Method in interface dev.galasa.zos3270.ITerminal
wfk() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Terminal
WHEN - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.framework.spi.language.gherkin.GherkinKeyword
windows - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
WindowsImage - Annotation Interface in
Represents a Windows that has been provisioned for the test
WindowsIpHost - Annotation Interface in
Represents a IP Host for a Windows Image that has been provisioned for the test
WindowsManagerException - Exception Class in
WindowsManagerException() - Constructor for exception class
WindowsManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class
WindowsManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
WindowsManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class
WindowsManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
WindowsManagerField - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
withAttachTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
withAttachTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
withInitialBrowserUrl(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.selenium.IInternetExplorerOptions
write(JsonWriter, Instant) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.utils.GsonInstantTypeAdapater
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.ras.ResultArchiveStoreByteChannel
write(FileChannel, Properties) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkPropertyFile
This method is used for the writing of the current properties in memory to be stored in the java properties file defined by the URI.
WRITEABLE_STACK_TRACE_TRUE - Static variable in exception class dev.galasa.framework.spi.FrameworkException
WRITECHECK - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosfile.IZosVSAMDataset.WriteCheckOption
writeLog(String) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
Write a message to the run log in the RASs
writeLog(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResultArchiveStore
Write multiple messages to the run log in the RASs
writeRasOutput() - Method in class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
WUI - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.cicsts.MasType


X_CSRF_ZOSMF_HEADER - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_ATTRIBUTES - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_DATA_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_INTRDR_LRECL - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_INTRDR_RECFM - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_JOB_MODIFY_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_LSTAT - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_MAX_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_OPTION - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
X_IBM_REQUESTED_METHOD - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zosmf.IZosmf.ZosmfCustomHeaders
x64 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
x86 - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.CpuArchitecture
XML - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
xmlResponse(CloseableHttpResponse) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a Document content type from an HttpResponse.
xmlResponse(CloseableHttpResponse, boolean) - Static method in class dev.galasa.http.HttpClientResponse
Create an HttpClientResponse with a Document content type from an HttpResponse.


YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Colour
youAreRequired(List<IManager>, List<IManager>, GalasaTest) - Method in class dev.galasa.framework.spi.AbstractManager
youAreRequired(List<IManager>, List<IManager>, GalasaTest) - Method in interface dev.galasa.framework.spi.IManager
Called if another Manager requires this one.


ZIP - Static variable in class dev.galasa.ResultArchiveStoreContentType
zipDirectoryContents(String, Map<String, Object>, String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.galasa.artifact.IBundleResources
zos - Enum constant in enum class dev.galasa.OperatingSystem
Zos3270Exception - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
Zos3270Exception() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Exception
Zos3270Exception(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Exception
Zos3270Exception(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Exception
Zos3270Exception(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Exception
Zos3270Exception(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270Exception
Zos3270ManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos3270
Zos3270ManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270ManagerException
Zos3270ManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270ManagerException
Zos3270ManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270ManagerException
Zos3270ManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270ManagerException
Zos3270ManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos3270.Zos3270ManagerException
Zos3270Terminal - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zos3270
Represents a zOS 3270 terminal that has been provisioned for the test
Zos3270TerminalImpl - Class in dev.galasa.zos3270.spi
Zos3270TerminalImpl(String, String, int, boolean, IFramework, boolean, IZosImage, int, int, int, int, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
Zos3270TerminalImpl(String, String, int, boolean, IFramework, boolean, IZosImage, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
Zos3270TerminalImpl(String, String, int, boolean, IFramework, boolean, IZosImage, TerminalSize, TerminalSize, ITextScannerManagerSpi) - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zos3270.spi.Zos3270TerminalImpl
ZosBatch - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
z/OS Batch
ZosBatchException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosbatch
ZosBatchException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchException
ZosBatchException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchException
ZosBatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchException
ZosBatchException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchException
ZosBatchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchException
ZosBatchField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
ZosBatchJobcard - Class in dev.galasa.zosbatch
Provides overrides for the Jobcard for jobs submitted via the Batch Manager.
ZosBatchJobcard() - Constructor for class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchJobcard
ZosBatchJobcard.Typrun - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosbatch
ZosBatchJobname - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosbatch
z/OS Batch Jobname
ZosBatchManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosbatch
ZosBatchManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchManagerException
ZosBatchManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchManagerException
ZosBatchManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchManagerException
ZosBatchManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchManagerException
ZosBatchManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosbatch.ZosBatchManagerException
ZosCicsClassResource - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
This enum represents the different types of RACF classes that CICS uses for security
ZosCicsClassSet - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Requests a CICS Security Class set to be allocated.
ZosCicsClassType - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity.datatypes
Enum to differentiate between the Member RACF CICS Class and the grouping version
ZosConsole - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosconsole
z/OS Console
ZosConsoleException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosconsole
ZosConsoleException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException
ZosConsoleException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException
ZosConsoleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException
ZosConsoleException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException
ZosConsoleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException
ZosConsoleField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosconsole
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
ZosConsoleManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosconsole
ZosConsoleManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleManagerException
ZosConsoleManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleManagerException
ZosConsoleManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleManagerException
ZosConsoleManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleManagerException
ZosConsoleManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleManagerException
ZosDatasetException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
ZosDatasetException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosDatasetException
ZosDatasetException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosDatasetException
ZosDatasetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosDatasetException
ZosDatasetException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosDatasetException
ZosDatasetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosDatasetException
ZosFileField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
ZosFileHandler - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosfile
z/OS File
ZosFileManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
ZosFileManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosFileManagerException
ZosFileManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosFileManagerException
ZosFileManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosFileManagerException
ZosFileManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosFileManagerException
ZosFileManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosFileManagerException
ZosImage - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zos
Represents a zOS Image that has been provisioned for the test
ZosImageDependencyField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zos.spi
Used to annotate annotations that are a dependency of a zosImage, requires a imageTag for the zOS Manager to automatically provision the zOS Image
ZosIpHost - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zos
Represents a IP Host for a zOS Image that has been provisioned for the test
ZosIpPort - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zos
Represents a provisioned IP Port for a zOS Image that has been provisioned for the test
ZosLiberty - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty
z/OS Liberty
ZosLibertyAngel - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel
z/OS Liberty Angel
ZosLibertyAngelException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel
ZosLibertyAngelException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelException
ZosLibertyAngelException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelException
ZosLibertyAngelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelException
ZosLibertyAngelException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelException
ZosLibertyAngelException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelException
ZosLibertyAngelManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel
ZosLibertyAngelManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelManagerException
ZosLibertyAngelManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelManagerException
ZosLibertyAngelManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelManagerException
ZosLibertyAngelManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelManagerException
ZosLibertyAngelManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.angel.ZosLibertyAngelManagerException
ZosLibertyManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosliberty
ZosLibertyManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyManagerException
ZosLibertyManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyManagerException
ZosLibertyManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyManagerException
ZosLibertyManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyManagerException
ZosLibertyManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyManagerException
ZosLibertyServerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosliberty
ZosLibertyServerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyServerException
ZosLibertyServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyServerException
ZosLibertyServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyServerException
ZosLibertyServerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyServerException
ZosLibertyServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosliberty.ZosLibertyServerException
ZosManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zos
ZosManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos.ZosManagerException
ZosManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos.ZosManagerException
ZosManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos.ZosManagerException
ZosManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos.ZosManagerException
ZosManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zos.ZosManagerException
ZosManagerField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zos
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Zosmf - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosmf
ZosmfException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosmf
ZosmfException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfException
ZosmfException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfException
ZosmfException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfException
ZosmfException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfException
ZosmfException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfException
ZosmfManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosmf
ZosmfManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfManagerException
ZosmfManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfManagerException
ZosmfManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfManagerException
ZosmfManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfManagerException
ZosmfManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosmf.ZosmfManagerException
ZosPreDefinedProfile - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Represents a Pre Defined RACF Profile where eJAT controlled Userids can be added and removed This can only be used with the v2 security manager
ZosProgram - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosprogram
z/OS Program
ZosProgram.Language - Enum Class in dev.galasa.zosprogram
Enumeration of supported languages
ZosProgramException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosprogram
ZosProgramException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramException
ZosProgramException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramException
ZosProgramException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramException
ZosProgramException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramException
ZosProgramException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramException
ZosProgramManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosprogram
ZosProgramManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramManagerException
ZosProgramManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramManagerException
ZosProgramManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramManagerException
ZosProgramManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramManagerException
ZosProgramManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosprogram.ZosProgramManagerException
ZosSecurity - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Annotation to provide a zOS Security Manager instance.
ZosSecurityManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
ZosSecurityManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityManagerException
ZosSecurityManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityManagerException
ZosSecurityManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityManagerException
ZosSecurityManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityManagerException
ZosSecurityProvisionException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zossecurity
ZosSecurityProvisionException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityProvisionException
ZosSecurityProvisionException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityProvisionException
ZosSecurityProvisionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityProvisionException
ZosSecurityProvisionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zossecurity.ZosSecurityProvisionException
ZosTSOCommand - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zostsocommand
z/OS TSO Command
ZosTSOCommandException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zostsocommand
ZosTSOCommandException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandException
ZosTSOCommandException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandException
ZosTSOCommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandException
ZosTSOCommandException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandException
ZosTSOCommandException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandException
ZosTSOCommandField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zostsocommand
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
ZosTSOCommandManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zostsocommand
ZosTSOCommandManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandManagerException
ZosTSOCommandManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandManagerException
ZosTSOCommandManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandManagerException
ZosTSOCommandManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandManagerException
ZosTSOCommandManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zostsocommand.ZosTSOCommandManagerException
ZosUNIXCommand - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
z/OS UNIX Command
ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException
ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException
ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException
ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException
ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandAuthFailException
ZosUNIXCommandException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
ZosUNIXCommandException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandException
ZosUNIXCommandException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandException
ZosUNIXCommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandException
ZosUNIXCommandException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandException
ZosUNIXCommandException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandException
ZosUNIXCommandField - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
ZosUNIXCommandManagerException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosunixcommand
ZosUNIXCommandManagerException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandManagerException
ZosUNIXCommandManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandManagerException
ZosUNIXCommandManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandManagerException
ZosUNIXCommandManagerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandManagerException
ZosUNIXCommandManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosunixcommand.ZosUNIXCommandManagerException
ZosUNIXFileException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
ZosUNIXFileException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosUNIXFileException
ZosUNIXFileException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosUNIXFileException
ZosUNIXFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosUNIXFileException
ZosUNIXFileException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosUNIXFileException
ZosUNIXFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosUNIXFileException
ZosUserid - Annotation Interface in dev.galasa.zossecurity
Requests a zOS Userid.
ZosVSAMDatasetException - Exception Class in dev.galasa.zosfile
ZosVSAMDatasetException() - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosVSAMDatasetException
ZosVSAMDatasetException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosVSAMDatasetException
ZosVSAMDatasetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosVSAMDatasetException
ZosVSAMDatasetException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosVSAMDatasetException
ZosVSAMDatasetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.galasa.zosfile.ZosVSAMDatasetException
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