All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract manager which attempts to provide all the boilerplate code necessary to write a Manager in Galasa.
Represents annotated fields that the AbstractManager finds on behalf of Managers
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Specifies the supported browser types for Local and remote versions
Create a Start of Field position, represents to SF order
Obtain a IBundleResources object for this test class
Represents a CICS TS region that has been provisioned for the test
A zOS 3270 Terminal for use with a CICS TS Region that has access to the default CICS screens
CICS TS wrapper class to HashMap to provide additional functionality for use with CECI, CEMT and CEDA
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Cloud Container The Cloud Container provides the ability to integration test applications across one or more cloud platforms.
Cloud Container - Environment Properties If any environment properties are required to be passed to the container at startup, they can be specified via here.
Cloud Container - Port A Port to be exposed from the Cloud Container.
Annotation to capture the other cloud related annotations from the test class
Continue On Test Failure will instruct Galasa that the event of a test method failure, the test will containue to run.
Fill this field with the Core Manager instance.
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Utility methods for retrieving properties from the Configuration Property Store.
Db2 Instance
Annotation to capture the other db2 realted annotations from the test class
Db2 Schema
Docker Container
Docker Container Configuation
Docker Volume
This DSS action request that a NEW property is added to the DSS.
This DSS action request that a property is deleted.
This DSS action request that all properties with this prefix are deleted.
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
This action is for the framework status area of Manager.
This DSS action request that property is swapped with another value.
This DSS action request that property is updated in the DSS whether it exists or not.
An interface through which we can get environment variable values.
Pojo to contain the onscreen contents.
Exceptions types which support it have more detail than just a string message.
An exception which also holds a FrameworkErrorCode to provide more fine-grained detail about the problem being raised/thrown, which is programmatically accessible.
Used by Galasa as an out of the box key value store.
This class provides the Resource pooling service to the framework.
Run the supplied test class
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Parametrisable representation of a response to an HTTP request.
This is a very simple manager which provides access to objects to assist in retrieving artifacts/resources from the 'resources' directory in your test bundle, and manipulating those resources
CICS/TS Command-level Interpreter (CECI) Interface.
Provides the SPI access to the CICS/TS CECI Manager
Provides CICS Region related CECI objects
Represents the response from a CECI command
Represents the value of an output field returned as the response from a CECI request.
Provides the SPI access to the CICS/TS CEDA Manager
Provides CICS Region related CEDA objects
Provides CICS Region related CEMTobjects
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various the certificate store if a non FPF certificate store is defined.
The Certificate store service will only be initialised if there is a defined certificate store that is a non local file.
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
Represents a CICS Bundle resource.
Represents a CICS Resource.
Provides CICS Region related ICicsResource objects
Cloud Container
Interface from the Cloud Manager to Cloud Container Providers
SPI for the Cloud Manager
The confidential text services provides a manager with the ability to registered passwords, usernames, keys and other confidnetial texts so that they can be obscured inside logs and outputs.
The confidential text services provides a manager with the ability to registered passwords, usernames, keys and other confidnetial texts so that they can be obscured inside logs and outputs.
Represents a ConfigMap resource
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various Configuration Property Stores that may exist within the OSGi instance.
Used to gain access to properties in the Configuration Property Store
The Core Manager provides Tests with access to some of the most common features within the Galasa Framework To gain access to the Core Manager, include the following in the test class:-
IDb2Instance provides a connection to a tagged Db2 Database.
Db2 Manager SPI Provides either a connection to a DB or a simple connection to a schema within the DB.
IDb2Schema provides a connection to a specific db2 schema.
Represent a Deployment resource
Docker Container Resource Object Provides a resource object representing a Docker Container on a Docker Engine.
An interface for the annotation object that represents the configurations for a container.
Docker Exec Resource Object that represents a command being executed on the container.
A Galasa object to track, bind and provision Docker volumes with.
IDssAction is the basis for all updates to the Dynamic Status Store properties
IDssStatusAction is the basis for all updates to the Dynamic Status Store properties framework status area
This interface will allow managers and services to update the a dynamic resource view maintained by the framework.
Manager and services use this interface to update the status of a Run within the Automation Views.
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various Dynamic Status Stores that may exist within the OSGi instance.
Used to gain access to properties in the Dynamic Status Store
Used to gain access to properties in the Dynamic Status Store
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
Represents the fields in the CICS/TS EXEC Interface Block (EIB).
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
IFramework provides access to the services the Framework specifically controls, although will be provided by other OSGi bundles.
IFrameworkInitialisation provides access to the framework routines that should only be called during test run and server initialisation.
Provides test code access to HTTP Manager to execute HTTP requests
A Options pass through interface for the Selenium Options object
Represents a IP Host or Stack.
Represents a IP Port.
Represents a Java installation on a Ubuntu image .
Represents a Java installation on a Windows image .
Interface for creation, management, deletion of JMeter sessions
Represents a CICS JVM server JVM profile
Represents a CICS JVM server resource.
A class to represent a Java Keystore and allow for easy appending and generation
Provides the SPI for the Kubernetes Manager for Manager to Manager communication.
This is the main interface to a provisioned Kubernetes namespace on an infrastructure cluster.
Represents a Linux Image .
This is the interface used by the Logging Managers to get test information from the active managers.
Provides utility text scanning routines for tests and Managers to use, intended for use with logs or batch jobs etc.
This is the main interface used by the Framework to drive the Manager lifecycle.
Represents a PersistentVolumeClaim
Holder for a Pod Log
Represents a resource that utilises ReplicatSets, ie Deployment and StatefulSet
Abstracts a Kubernetes Resource, so that the test is not dependent of whatever Kubernetes client the Kubernetes Manager decides to use.
Used to gain access to the Result Archive Store (RAS)
Used by the Galasa Framework to initialise the various Result Archive Stores that may exist within the OSGi instance.
A simple interface to provide easy access to multiple types of returns.
Represents a RSE API server
Enumeration of RSE API request types
Provides the test code access to the RSE API Manager
Provides the SPI access to the RSE API Manager
Represents the response from a RSE API server request
Represents a Secret resource
Represents a Service resource
Represents a StatefulSet resource
This interface provides a access to a text resource that can be repeatedly updated and scanned for text.
Provides utility text scanning routines for tests and Managers to use, intended for use with logs or batch jobs etc.
TPI for the WebPageImpl object provisioned by the Selenium Manager
Represents a Windows Image .
Provides the test code access to zOS Batch jobs via the zOS Manager
Represents a zOS Batch Job.
Represents a privovision zOS Batch Jobname
Represents a zOS Batch Job output
SPI to zOS Batch Job output
Represents the a spool file from a zOS Batch job
SPI interface to IZosBatch
Represents a Certificate that has been imported into RACF
Represents a set of RACF Classes that is used to CICS security.
Provides the test code access to the zOS Console via the zOS Manager
Represents a zOS Console Command.

When the command is issued via IZosConsole.issueCommand(String) or IZosConsole.issueCommand(String, String), the immediate response message, if available, together with a command response key, is received from the zOS Console.
SPI interface to IZosConsole
Representation of a non-VSAM data set
Enumeration of data type for store and retrieve of data set content: IZosDataset.DatasetDataType.TEXT IZosDataset.DatasetDataType.BINARY IZosDataset.DatasetDataType.RECORD
Enumeration of space units for data set allocation: IZosDataset.SpaceUnit.TRACKS IZosDataset.SpaceUnit.CYLINDERS
Tester facing interface for zOS file management.
SPI interface to
invalid @link
Represents a group
Represents a Id Map that has been created.
Represents a zOS Image (or lpar).
Representation of a Kerberos Principal
Represents a keyring that has been created.
Create a new zOS Liberty server
Represents a zOS Liberty angel process
SPI interface to IZosLibertyAngel
Represents a zOS Liberty server
An IZosLibertyServerLogs contain an array of Liberty server logs
Represents the server.xml configuration file in a zOS Liberty Server.
An IZosLibertyServerXmlElementList contains a list of XML elements
SPI interface to IZosLiberty
Provides the test code access to the zOS Manager
Represents a zOSMF server
Enumeration of zOSMF Custom HTTP headers
Enumeration of zOSMF request types
Provides the test code access to the zOSMF Manager
Provides the SPI access to the zOSMF Manager
Represents the response from a zOSMF server request
Represents a predefined profile, which userids can be permitted to.
Represents a profile created by this zossec security manager
Represents a zOS Program
Provides the SPI access to the zOS Program Manager
The ZosSecurityManager provides access to the manage userids/profiles/classes on RACF.
SPI interface to IZosSecurity
Provides the test code access to zOS TSO Commands via the zOS Manager
SPI interface to IZosTSOCommand
Provides the test code access to zOS UNIX Commands via the zOS Manager
SPI interface to IZosUNIXCommand
Representation of a UNIX file or directory.
Enumeration of data type for store and retrieve of data set content: IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType.TEXT IZosUNIXFile.UNIXFileDataType.BINARY
Represents a pooled userid
Highly configurable representation of a VSAM dataset
Backup-While-Open options for VSAM define
VSAM Dataset Organisation options
Erase options for VSAM define
FR Log options for VSAM define
Log options for VSAM define
Recatalog options for VSAM define
Reuse options for VSAM define
Spanned options for VSAM define
Speed or Recovery options for VSAM define
Space units for VSAM define
Write check options for VSAM define
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Represents a Java installation on a Ubuntu image
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Represents a Java installation on a Windows image
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
This class represents the initiator of the kerberos security context.
Object representing a Kerberos Token
Kubernetes Namespace
Represents a Linux that has been provisioned for the test
Represents a IP Host for a Linux Image that has been provisioned for the test
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Fill this field with the Logger instance for this Test Class.
Fill this field with a Log Scanner object.
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
The RACF Access levels
Fill this field with a unique (within the ecosystem) string of a set length.
For use with the dummy RAS file system
For use with the dummy RAS file system
Dummy Byte Channel for a null Result Archive Store
Used to set the File Type for a Stored Artifact in the Result Archive Store
Dummy File Store if needed
Create a Result Archive Store specific File System
Dummy RAS provider to be extended by other RAS services
Create a Result Archive Store specific version of the Path
Fill this field with the name of the Test Run.
Screen representation of the 3270 terminal
Indicates that this Class setups up and validates a Shared Environment.
SSH client for Galasa
zOS Command exception indicating an error in SSH
This is a class to allow the HTTP manager implementations be used without the need for the manager to be active
Fill this field Root path of the Stored Artifacts for this Test Run.
Provides a summary text to add to the test catalog
An implementation of the Environment interface which allows code to get environment variables from the real system.
Used to tag a test.
Pojo to contain a set of terminal images.
Pojo to represent a Field on the terminal screen.
Pojo to represent a screen image as received or sent from the client.
Handles the writing of a terminal into a json string or json object.
Represents the terminal screen size
@Test annotation
Used to indicate what areas the test exercises.
Paired with ITestCatalogBuilder, classes annotated with this will be called during the test catalog build process to append information to the test class entry, and the overall test catalog json file.
Representation of the test class
Fill this field a test property from the Configuration Property Store
Represents a possible state of a test run.
Run the supplied test class
This class represents the Test Class structure, ie it's test methods, order of execution and their status
Indicates this test has variations that will be entered into the Test Catalog
Provide a CPS property to set for a test variation
Indicates the test has multiple Test Variations
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Fill this field with a Text Scanner object.
Represents a Windows that has been provisioned for the test
Represents a IP Host for a Windows Image that has been provisioned for the test
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Represents a zOS 3270 terminal that has been provisioned for the test
z/OS Batch
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Provides overrides for the Jobcard for jobs submitted via the Batch Manager.
z/OS Batch Jobname
This enum represents the different types of RACF classes that CICS uses for security
Requests a CICS Security Class set to be allocated.
Enum to differentiate between the Member RACF CICS Class and the grouping version
z/OS Console
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
z/OS File
Represents a zOS Image that has been provisioned for the test
Used to annotate annotations that are a dependency of a zosImage, requires a imageTag for the zOS Manager to automatically provision the zOS Image
Represents a IP Host for a zOS Image that has been provisioned for the test
Represents a provisioned IP Port for a zOS Image that has been provisioned for the test
z/OS Liberty
z/OS Liberty Angel
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Represents a Pre Defined RACF Profile where eJAT controlled Userids can be added and removed This can only be used with the v2 security manager
z/OS Program
Enumeration of supported languages
Annotation to provide a zOS Security Manager instance.
z/OS TSO Command
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
z/OS UNIX Command
Used to annotate annotations that are to be used for Test Class fields.
Requests a zOS Userid.