Annotation Interface KubernetesEcosystem

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(FIELD) public @interface KubernetesEcosystem
Kubernetes Ecosystem
The @KubernetesEcosystem annotation requests the Galasa Ecosystem Manager to provision a Galasa Ecosystem within a Kubernetes Namespace.
public IKubernetesEcosystem ecosystem;

public IKubernetesEcosystem ecosystem;
The IKubernetesEcosystem interface gives the test access to the URLs of the services and API endpoints within the Ecosystem. When the test runs all the services that are required by the test are known to be up and working.

The test must provide a @KubernetesNamespace IKubernetesNamespace annotation, as this is where the Ecosystem is provisioned in. In the future, Docker and Linux will be options.
The Galasa Ecosystem has its own stable versions of the Kubernetes yaml files that are needed to create the entire Ecosystem. If you want to override those and use your own yaml files, then use the yamlDirectory attribute. If a resource is missing in the test's set, then the stable version is used.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The ecosystemNamespaceTag is used to identify the Ecosystem to other Managers or Shared Environments.
    The kubernetesNamespaceTag identifies which tagged Kubernetes Namespace is to be used to deploy the Galasa Ecosystem into.
    The yamlDirectory points to a resource directory within the test bundle that contains a set of override yaml files to use when creating the ecosystem.
  • Element Details

    • ecosystemNamespaceTag

      String ecosystemNamespaceTag
      The ecosystemNamespaceTag is used to identify the Ecosystem to other Managers or Shared Environments. If a test is using multiple Ecosystems, each separate Ecosystem must have a unique tag. If two Ecosystems use the same tag, they refer to the same Ecosystem.
    • kubernetesNamespaceTag

      String kubernetesNamespaceTag
      The kubernetesNamespaceTag identifies which tagged Kubernetes Namespace is to be used to deploy the Galasa Ecosystem into.
    • yamlDirectory

      String yamlDirectory
      The yamlDirectory points to a resource directory within the test bundle that contains a set of override yaml files to use when creating the ecosystem. Each file must end with .yaml to be found. If a directory or resource is not provided, the stable yaml files within the Galasa Ecosystem Manager will be used.