Interface ITextScannable

public interface ITextScannable
This interface provides a access to a text resource that can be repeatedly updated and scanned for text. Examples with be a running batch job, docker container log or a linux server log. It is the intention that other Managers will provide IScannable objects for use within the Text Scan Manager
Michael Baylis
  • Method Details

    • isScannableInputStream

      boolean isScannableInputStream()
      Is the scannable object fetched by inputstream, used when the text file can be so large that it may exceed the JVM heap.
      true if is an inputstream
    • isScannableString

      boolean isScannableString()
      Used for normal logs that fit easily in a standard String
      true if it is a simple String object
    • getScannableName

      String getScannableName()
      A name so the this scannable can be identified in exceptions or warning messages
      a string to uniquely identify the scannable
    • updateScannable

      ITextScannable updateScannable() throws TextScanException
      Update/Refresh the scannable text, likely to be a no-op if this is an inputstream scannable.
      this scannable for fluent use
      TextScanException - If the update fails
    • getScannableInputStream

      InputStream getScannableInputStream() throws TextScanException
      Fetch the InputStream for the scannable
      The latest inputstream
      TextScanException - If there is an error fetching the inputstream or it is not an inputstream
    • getScannableString

      String getScannableString() throws TextScanException
      Fetch the latest scannable text
      The latest scannable text
      TextScanException - if there is an error retrieving the text