Annotation Interface ZosUNIXCommand

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(FIELD) public @interface ZosUNIXCommand
z/OS UNIX Command
The @ZosUNIXCommand annotation requests the z/OS Manager to provide a z/OS UNIX instance associated with a z/OS image. The test can request multiple z/OS UNIX Command instances, with the default being associated with the primary z/OS image.
public IZosImage zosImageA;
public IZosUNIXCommand zosUNIXCommandA;
The IZosUNIXCommand interface provides the methods IZosUNIXCommand.issueCommand(String) and IZosUNIXCommand.issueCommand(String, long) to issue a command to z/OS UNIX and returns a String response.

See IZosUNIXCommand to find out more.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with
  • Element Details

    • imageTag

      String imageTag
      The tag of the zOS Image this variable is to be populated with