Interface ICicsResource

public interface ICicsResource
Represents a CICS Resource. Provides methods to manage the resource, e.g. set attributes, install and delete via CEDA, enable, disable and discard via CEMT
  • Method Details

    • newCicsBundle

      ICicsBundle newCicsBundle(ICicsTerminal cicsTerminal, Class<?> testClass, String name, String group, String bundlePath, Map<String,String> parameters) throws CicsBundleResourceException
      Create a CICS BUNDLE resource object supplying the CICS bundle content. The source bundle should have the same file structure as it exists on the zOS UNIX file system and will be transferred to the host in binary mode.
      cicsTerminal - a ICicsTerminal object for CEDA and CEMT transactions
      testClass - a class in the same bundle containing the application archive file, use this.getClass()
      name - the CICS BUNDLE RDO name
      group - the CICS BUNDLE RDO group name
      bundlePath - the path to the directory in the test class bundle containing the CICS bundle
      parameters - substitution parameters to replace variables in the META-INF/cics.xml. Can be null
      the CICS Bundle object
    • newCicsBundle

      ICicsBundle newCicsBundle(ICicsTerminal cicsTerminal, Class<?> testClass, String name, String group, String bundleDir) throws CicsBundleResourceException
      Create a CICS BUNDLE resource object without supplying the CICS bundle content, i.e. the bundle already exists on the zOS UNIX file system
      cicsTerminal - a ICicsTerminal object for CEDA and CEMT transactions
      testClass - a class in the same bundle containing the application archive file, use this.getClass()
      name - the CICS BUNDLE RDO name
      group - the CICS BUNDLE RDO group name
      bundleDir - the CICS BUNDLE RDO BUNDLEDIR value, i.e. the location of the existing CICS bundle
      the CICS Bundle object
    • newJvmserver

      IJvmserver newJvmserver(ICicsTerminal cicsTerminal, String name, String group, String jvmprofileName, IJvmserver.JvmserverType jvmserverType) throws CicsJvmserverResourceException
      Create a CICS JVMSERVER resource object using the CICS/Galasa default properties
      cicsTerminal - a ICicsTerminal object for CEDA and CEMT transactions
      name - the JVM server name
      group - the JVM server RDO group name
      jvmprofileName - the name of the JVM profile
      jvmserverType - the JVM server type
      the Galasa JVM server object
    • newJvmserver

      IJvmserver newJvmserver(ICicsTerminal cicsTerminal, String name, String group, IJvmprofile jvmprofile) throws CicsJvmserverResourceException
      Create a CICS JVMSERVER resource object using the supplied JVM profile
      cicsTerminal - a ICicsTerminal object for CEDA and CEMT transactions
      name - the JVM server name
      group - the JVM server RDO group name
      jvmprofile - the JVM server profile
      the Galasa JVM server object
    • newLibertyJvmserver

      IJvmserver newLibertyJvmserver(ICicsTerminal cicsTerminal, String name, String group, IJvmprofile jvmprofile, IZosLibertyServer libertyServer) throws CicsJvmserverResourceException
      Create a CICS Liberty JVMSERVER resource object using the supplied JVM profile and Liberty server
      cicsTerminal - a ICicsTerminal object for CEDA and CEMT transactions
      name - the JVM server name
      group - the JVM server RDO group name
      jvmprofile - the JVM server profile
      the Galasa JVM server object
    • newJvmprofile

      IJvmprofile newJvmprofile(String jvmprofileName)
      Create an empty JVM profile object for use by a IJvmserver
      jvmprofileName - the name of the JVM profile
      the JVM profile
    • newJvmprofile

      IJvmprofile newJvmprofile(String jvmprofileName, Map<String,String> content)
      Create an JVM profile object for use by a IJvmserver using the supplied Map of options.

      See IJvmprofile.setProfileValue(String, String) for format of options

      jvmprofileName - the name of the JVM profile
      content - the profile content as a Map
      the JVM profile
    • newJvmprofile

      IJvmprofile newJvmprofile(String jvmprofileName, String content)
      Create an JVM profile object for use by a IJvmserver using the supplied Map of options.

      See IJvmprofile.setProfileValue(String, String) for format of options

      jvmprofileName - the name of the JVM profile
      content - the profile content as a String
      the JVM profile