Uses of Package
Galasa - Testers Programming Interface (TPI)
Artifact Manager
CICS/TS Manager
Galasa Core Manager
Docker Manager
Galasa Framework - SPI
Galasa Ecosystem Manager
HTTP Client Manager
IP Network Manager
JMeter Manager
Kubernetes Manager
Linux Manager
Message Queueing Manager
Open Stack Manager
Selenium Manager
Galasa Text Scan Manager
z/OS Manager
zOS 3270 Terminal Manager - TPI
z/OS Batch Manager Batch interface
z/OS Manager Console interface
zOS Console Manager - oeconsol Internal Implementation
z/OS Manager File interface
zOS/MF Manager
zOS Program Manager
RSE API Manager
z/OS Manager TSO interface
z/OS Manager UNIX Command interface
ClassDescriptionUsed to set the File Type for a Stored Artifact in the Result Archive Store
ClassDescriptionUsed to set the File Type for a Stored Artifact in the Result Archive Store