This method gets called before start of a session providing necessary properties
to the JMeter session
This method gets called before start of a session providing necessary properties
to the JMeter session
The properties hashmap adds upon the propStream input with personalised properties
Returns the consoleOutput in String format
Returns the exit code of the the shutdown of the JMeterProcess
Returning the jmxFile in UTF-8 encoding in String format
The working directory is found through the session instance
Return the output file of your jmx execution in String format
The working directory is found through the session instance
Returning the logFile in UTF-8 encoding in String format
The working directory is found through the session instance
Allows the tester to provide a jmxFile to the running session
This method is provided to run dynamic JMX-files that are dynamic with the current session it is running in
JMX-files have to be prepared for this by replacing ALL the $P__VARIABLE notations with $VARIABLE notations
Then by adding neccesary parameters inside a HashMap with it, it is possible to change the target of a test dynamically inside the test
Allows the tester to provide a jmxFile to the running session
This method is provided to run static JMX-files that are NOT dynamic with the current session it is running in
Start up a jmeter thread to run through the lifetime of the tests with a default timeout of 60 seconds
All results are stored in the RAS
Start up a jmeter thread to run through the lifetime of the tests with a specified timeout
All results are stored in the RAS
Giving jmeter instance a shutdown signal to finish and clean up all running tests