Package dev.galasa.zossecurity
package dev.galasa.zossecurity
Galasa zOS Security Manager
ClassDescriptionRepresents a Certificate that has been imported into RACFRepresents a set of RACF Classes that is used to CICS security.Represents a groupRepresents a Id Map that has been created.Representation of a Kerberos PrincipalRepresents a keyring that has been created.Represents a predefined profile, which userids can be permitted to.Represents a profile created by this zossec security managerThe ZosSecurityManager provides access to the manage userids/profiles/classes on RACF.Represents a pooled useridThis class represents the initiator of the kerberos security context.Object representing a Kerberos TokenRequests a CICS Security Class set to be allocated.Represents a Pre Defined RACF Profile where eJAT controlled Userids can be added and removed This can only be used with the v2 security managerAnnotation to provide a zOS Security Manager instance.Requests a zOS Userid.