Uses of Interface
Packages that use IRseapiResponse
Uses of IRseapiResponse in dev.galasa.zosrseapi
Methods in dev.galasa.zosrseapi that return IRseapiResponseModifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull IRseapiResponse
Issue an HTTP DELETE request to the RSE API server with no request body@NotNull IRseapiResponse
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with no request body@NotNull IRseapiResponse
Issue an HTTP POST request to the RSE API server with no request body@NotNull IRseapiResponse
(String path, requestBody, List<Integer> validStatusCodes) Issue an HTTP POST request to the RSE API server with a request body of content type ofapplication/json
@NotNull IRseapiResponse
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with a request body of content type oftext/plain
@NotNull IRseapiResponse
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with a request body of content type ofapplication/json
@NotNull IRseapiResponse
Issue an HTTP PUT request to the RSE API server with text request bodytext/plain
@NotNull IRseapiResponse
(IRseapi.RseapiRequestType requestType, String path, Map<String, String> headers, Object body, List<Integer> validStatusCodes, boolean convert) Send RSE API request